I've looking at some random Java libraries and saw this:
CeWolf - Chart Enabling Web Object Framework
Now I might be blind, but I don't see a 'L' anywhere between the O (Object) and F (Framework). In fact the only L in this name is under EnabLing which is presumably the E.
I realize people make up the acronym first and then put some words to match it, but you'd think at least it should contain the letters you're using in the acronym...
CeWolf - Chart Enabling Web Object Framework
Now I might be blind, but I don't see a 'L' anywhere between the O (Object) and F (Framework). In fact the only L in this name is under EnabLing which is presumably the E.
I realize people make up the acronym first and then put some words to match it, but you'd think at least it should contain the letters you're using in the acronym...