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  • TNG season 2 and 3

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #138785  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:34 am
Well, I really enjoyed season 2 a lot. I don't know why fans disliked Dr. Polaski so much (I had to find that ou on the special features); I found her character to be very interesting; I liked Crusher as well, so it is a difficult toss-up if we can only keep one.

Season 2's finale was a let down (a clip show); and part 3's famed "The Best of Both Worlds" finale where the Borg invades federation space and demonstrates assimilation for the first time (in season 2's "Q who" they only showed maturation chambers as a means of continuing the species; but they did establish a lot of what the Borg was in that episode).

Finales aside; after two disks of season 3 I feel that the series has gone down hill a bit. There are a few episodes that felt like filler; which is a first for the series so far. The episodes have also been darker, and I noticed that there's a lot of "dramatic squirrel" type zoom ins on Picard; I like the more light-hearted episodes that explore an interesting topic. I also liked the older Riker who was more care-free and Kirk-like I suppose; this season he seems to be falling into a Chakote type role. Though it is still early in the season, I am sure the more interesting episodes lie ahead.

My favourite episode so far in the series is when Riker spends a day on the Klingon ship =P

 #138790  by RentCavalier
 Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:41 pm
I never watched the show much myself when it was running, and even today I've seen MAYBE five episodes at the most. I did watch almost all the movies though.

But it was my understanding that the show progressively got darker as it went on? I know Voyager and Deep Space Nine were intended to be darker, grittier Star Trek shows to try and capture a fresh audience--didn't this become the case with TNG as well?

What I'm trying to say is, you may be disappointed later.

 #138793  by Mental
 Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:03 pm
RentCavalier wrote:I never watched the show much myself when it was running, and even today I've seen MAYBE five episodes at the most. I did watch almost all the movies though.

But it was my understanding that the show progressively got darker as it went on? I know Voyager and Deep Space Nine were intended to be darker, grittier Star Trek shows to try and capture a fresh audience--didn't this become the case with TNG as well?

What I'm trying to say is, you may be disappointed later.
Actually, no. TNG mostly got more subtle, and deeper, as it went on. It didn't get particularly dark, and that's one of the things I and other longtime fans liked about it. Also, it's one of the few shows I know that mostly got BETTER as it aged.

"The Inner Light" is one of those rare episodes that really hit people (including me), and that was season 6, the next-to-last season.

Seek, you're in the sweet spot. The season 3 finale - season 4 opener was another brilliant point and it rode high for awhile. I wholly recommend continuing.

 #138794  by Mental
 Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:05 pm
Though, if you found "The Best Of Both Worlds" a letdown, maybe not. :P I don't know what to tell you on that one. Most TnG fans approach that two-part episode with something approaching reverence, I sure thought it was awesome.

I do recommend seeing "The Inner Light" even if you stop before season 6.

 #138811  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:52 am
I spoke a little too soon on season 3; the third disk of the set has some episodes on it I really enjoyed. One involved a society 100 years after brutal clan wars; and the aftermath still continuing - including a genetically altered super-assassin, who also happens to be a hot blonde. Second a Romulan navigator defects with information on a potential plot from the Nelvana system in the neutral zone to build a base to invade; the question is, is he telling the truth, or is he a plant from the Romulan Star Empire? The answer is neither and he is not who he said he was. The third episode had James motherfucking Cromwell in it! He played the prime minister of a planet applying for federation membership. It was a weird coincidence because in the last episode I said the Romulan defector spoke a lot like Cromwell... I suppose this explains why he played the role of Zepheram Cocrane in First Contact - he must have been a fan or a friend of the producers.

So overall, I am now finding very enjoyable episodes and filler. Adequate =). Though while I liked Riker's character quite a bit in the first two seasons; I find him not quite as interesting in this one - again, reminds me too much of Voyager's Chakotay now; Chakotay was my least favourite character of that crew. Luckily LaForge has become more interesting in this season. I still miss Polaski, and Yar from season 1 I miss too. Worf and Data are fun characters as usual.

 #138816  by SineSwiper
 Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:14 am
Replay wrote:Though, if you found "The Best Of Both Worlds" a letdown, maybe not. :P I don't know what to tell you on that one. Most TnG fans approach that two-part episode with something approaching reverence, I sure thought it was awesome.

I do recommend seeing "The Inner Light" even if you stop before season 6.
I remember my parents and I watching that episode when it first aired. It was the biggest cliffhanger I'd ever seen. "Fire... To Be Continued" My parents were going "NOOOOO!" since they knew it was going to be a full year before they get to see the next part.

 #138871  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:29 pm
Yeah, certainly spoke too soon. I hit disk 4 and there were some interesting episodes including Yesterday's Enterprise which is regarded as some as among the best; but I was less impressed with that and much more impressed with the following episode "The Offspring". The episode managed to be funny, interesting, and sad all at the same time - without having a single phaser fired. It is centered around Data creating an android similar to himself, female by the name of Lal, which he raised as his daughter. It showed how he guided her through her development; along with her interactions between various other crew members.

There were a lot of funny comical moments in her early stages, very untypical of star trek. As the episode progressed, Starfleeet wished to get involved, knowing that another android capable of what data is capable of exists. She began becoming self-aware with her own needs and wants; consequently, wished to stay with her creator Data who she regarded as her father. Data fought to keep her aboard the ship with him. Meanwhile, she was developing further skills, learning more about huuman interaction, and even demonstrating some superior abilities to Data. She eventually began experiencing fear at the thought of being separated by Data. A malfunction occurred during a moment of intense emotion; this caused a breakdown of her positronic brain. It was here that she demonstrated that she felt the emotion of love. Data fought very hard to save Lal but was unsuccssesful. The episode ended with the crew expressing their sympathiees; Data said she had a profound influence on his life, and said she would always be inside him... Literally, because he downloaded her entire program, and therefore could access every bit of experience she had in her life.

Overall, I found this was my favourite episode in TNG to date.

 #138872  by Mental
 Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:33 pm
I would predict you will love "The Inner Light", then, if you prefer the more contemplative, cerebral, emotionally felt episodes.

 #138918  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:09 am
I recall The Inner Light and Darmok being my two favourite episodes from 10-20 years ago.

I looked over some top lists, and saw that "Yesterdays Enterprise" is often listed in peoples top 3. I guess it as just not my taste. Don't get me wrong, I thought the episode was good; but I liked a lot of other episodes from the first three seasons better. Disk 3, 4 and 5 of season 3 have been SIGNIFICANTLY better than the first two disks.

Best line "Klingon Imperial Empire" by Picard in the episode "Sins of the Father" =P The capital of the Klingons looks A LOT like the capital of the Kislev Empire in Xenogears =P

 #138940  by SineSwiper
 Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:20 pm
Still have to go for "The Nth Degree" and "Cause and Effect" for science content and general coolness, and "Yesterday's Enterprise" was pretty cool, but it could have been much better. The first part of "Brothers" is also pretty cool, since you get to see Data take over the entire ship. Other good ones: Future Imperfect, Final Mission, Remember Me.

Though, I don't disagree about the excellent writing of some of the more political episodes.