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Sadly, this is about par for the course for Fresno and Central Valley Californian towns. The Central Valley towns in California have temperatures reminiscent of the Sahara, yet the vast majority of the population is blind-you-with-sunglasses-on white, and not especially tolerant. Prussian Blue (the two adorable little girls singing songs in homage to the Third Reich, a few years ago) were from Bakersfield, which has a similar situation. Makes me all very sad.
You know, in an era where some racial tension incidents are so blurry and gray-area and hard to pick a clear villain out of (i.e., the Gates-Obama-Cambridge police incident), it's good to know that there are still some good old-fashioned abominable unreconstructed bigots out there. It does away with all that pesky doubt about whether or not this guy is a piece of shit, for instance. That's the First Lady, you assbag.quoth the Dipshit wrote:Frago believes he did nothing wrong. The emails did not originate with him and he said they were merely jokes; jokes using the "N" word and one where Michelle Obama is paid to pose nude in National Geographic.
Sadly, this is about par for the course for Fresno and Central Valley Californian towns. The Central Valley towns in California have temperatures reminiscent of the Sahara, yet the vast majority of the population is blind-you-with-sunglasses-on white, and not especially tolerant. Prussian Blue (the two adorable little girls singing songs in homage to the Third Reich, a few years ago) were from Bakersfield, which has a similar situation. Makes me all very sad.