Let me admit it openly: I am a big admirer of Clinton, and this even makes me more so, for a couple of reasons.
1) Clinton is the only President since Reagan to even make an attempt to pay down the Federal debt (which started mushrooming under Reagan's tax cuts and hasn't stopped since). He got it about five percent down before Bush took over, threw the entire thing into full reverse, and thereby wrecked the engine.
2) I had some of the better years of my life and experienced some of the best attitudes among my countrymen in the Clinton years. I really miss 1996, when I felt like my country actually showed love and took responsibility at home and abroad. It was far from perfect, but there was a sense of basic trust I had here in my country that hasn't been around since, and may not be around later.
There is always the tendency to romanticize one's better times, but there was a decent attitude in the air of my family and friends and acquaintances back then that I did not properly appreciate at the time and miss terribly today. A lot of people have gotten really nasty in this decade. There was good music on the radio then and it was still acceptable to sing about love instead of just booty and payola, maybe I'm just getting to be a bitter old man, but I felt like the radio reversed direction back in 1997 and hasn't changed course back since. I think in many cases the "good old days" are a myth, I definitely think the 1990s were far better than the 1980s, but this decade has felt a lot like we were going backwards and has made me appreciate the simple fact of a President who didn't start a lot of drama. Bill could actually reach across the aisle and work with a Republican Congress, he was just laid-back. For all that I appreciate Obama's ambition he's just not that laid-back an executive, and gosh darn it, maybe I actually *like* a certain world-leader-slacker attitude in governance. The don't-instigate-drama thing has a lot going for it. People get to let their guards down a bit, relax, enjoy the peace and relative quiet.
In this decade of unilateral my-dad-will-pay-for-it-ism, defiant prideful assholery, populist demagoguery by radio hosts of all sides, tawdry bitchy half-scripted reality show fights on TV that do nothing to represent a reprieve from the petulant immaturity of reality, massive government plans to create huge new government machines, ridiculous fears about our financial health, and generalized bipolar political mania, damn right I miss the 1990s. I'm sorry, but I didn't have fun this last decade. The Bush years were rough on me psychologically. A lot of the stuff I saw going on in the world was really hard to deal with and I feel like so much of it was so unnecessary and dangerously immature. I would probably literally whimper at the thought of having to go through it all again, so may God forgive me for enjoying just a bit of effective figureheadism that resulted in a very real expression of tangible human joy and release from fear as those women stepped off the plane. Yes, I'm okay with Clinton magically appearing to take credit for a tremendous amount behind the scenes while watching those girls get to sob with relief and hug their families. Straight up. God Forbid our news have a genuine and felt happy ending these days. Too many families have been dying lately.