What it seems to be is increasingly an excuse for you to ignore the fact that in the past I've spoken out against anti-thimoseral hysteria over vaccines, and other "scares", and need to be pacified by some book I don't need costing money I don't want to spend.
Sorry, man, I'm kind of having a bad irritable night over here, but it bugs that you think I need to read a book on how not to freak out about stuff. Usually, I don't freak out about much. This time, I made a call that maybe it was worth worrying about. Quite probably I will be wrong, and that'll be spectacular because then nobody else has to worry about the swine flu either. I remain worried about the way we breed our food, the antibiotics and growth horomones we pump it full of, the potential disease risk that can induce, and our medical system's current inability to actually handle a real crisis if one came along. That's not likely to change even if swine flu gets blessedly forgotten about.