Kupek wrote:Mental wrote:Who said "complete degradation of society"? Kup, I'm disappointed in you. You're supposed to be too smart to put words in people's mouths.

Zeus wrote:Perhaps as a commentary on the ever-degrading morals in our society
I avoid discussing certain things online because I realized years ago that it is pointless. When talking to a person face-to-face, it's much easier to establish common ground and explain potential sticking points. When people put up wall o' text after wall o' text, we get mired down in minor points and lose the bigger picture.
The sole advantage of this board over the old one is that we can use quotes to avoid minor points / tangents and intrusions to the discussion by others who add nothing to it (stares in the general direction of [fill in the blank with whomever you want]) and focus on what we believe is the main discussion at hand. You don't think my response has anything to do with Mental's point? Quote him and respond to him and avoid what I said. But don't automatically avoid Mental's point 'cause I put my own twist on it.
I personally don't see this type of discussion any different than a face-to-face discussion in terms of content. What's different is that you can more easily avoid it and be "too busy" to engage whereas face-to-face, we naturally feel more obligated to engage out of social courtesy. Also, others can far more easily get involved which will naturally lead to more tangents as people bring in their own points of view on the discussion at hand. But the good thing is with a discussion on a forum vs face-to-face, it's actually far easier to divert attention back to the main point using the tools mentioned previously. This is also helped in no small part by the fact that you don't have to worry about social awkwardness of calling people out on going off on a tangent like we do face-to-face. On top of that, many people are too shy / not aggressive enough in face-to-face meetings to get their points across in a group of people and they can often have very valid, discussion-altering things to say. More people can more easily portray their points / responses, they can take their time making their point to ensure they're saying what they mean, and there's no possibility of being interrupted by a more socially aggressive individual. As you well know, anyone of any experience / background can make a very valid point at anytime if given the opportunity and more people have that opportunity in a setting like this than real life. If anything, forum discussions are actually far superior methods of group discussions than face-to-face meetings.
Hey, when I see a wall-o-text from Don, Sine, and even myself, I have to fight the urge to avoid it or skim it quickly as well. We have all programmed ourselves, consciously or not, to view the 'Net and anything related to it as very quick, ADHD-style engagement so everything we like to be over in 5 seconds or less. But, more often than not, we are required to write more than 140 characters of text to properly portray our point and have a proper conversation. So, if we are to have any depth to any discussion whatsoever, we have to fight that urge and actually read the posts of others.
But at the end of the day, if you find any depth or Rum-style discussion outside of what you're obligated to engage in for whatever reason (work, school, family discussions, etc.) to be pointless, then everything I've said above is a moot point.