The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Avatar (Cameron's NOT The Last Airbender by Shitamalyan)

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #142703  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:41 pm
So what are people's feelings on this one? You excited, ambivalent, disgusted, etc? Is it a movie you're definitely planning on catching in the theatres or waiting for a home release? If you go to the theatre, you gonna cheque out what promises to be a technical landmark film and pay for the 3D or just normal 2D is fine?

 #142710  by SineSwiper
 Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:17 pm
You mean the Smurf movie? Frankly, I have low expectations, so I'll wait for you guys to see it first before I bother.

I just saw Terminator: Salvation and Rise of the Lycans today. I think it's going to be something like those movies.

Oh, and fuck 3D. I will skullfuck 3D in both of its eye sockets. Damn gimmick gives me a headache.

 #142716  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:22 pm
Have you seen a new 3D film? I saw the two Toy Story films in 3D a couple moths ago and it was a far superior and far different experience than in the past. The last one I'd seen was Superman Returns with its 4 scenes and it was nothing like it. The Toy Storys, 10-year old films, seemed far superior in 3D than Superman Returns did.

Also, read up a bit on the technology behind this 3D. This ain't your childhood 3D that's in this film, not by any stretch. They developed cameras specifically for this movie to shoot it in a completely new way (yes, they did film most of it in front of green screen) and apparently, it's supposed to be excellent.

Personally, I'm going purely on Cameron's past with this one (I've loved every one of his films so far). I wasn't enormously enthralled by the previews either but I have faith that past history will make it better than it initially seems. And I'm very intrigued by this new tech 'cause I think if it is done properly, it can definitely change the experience of watching a film (and eventually, playing a game) quite a bit. I'll give it a shot and see.
Last edited by Zeus on Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #142718  by RentCavalier
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:07 am
Yeah, I'm with Zeus on this one, Cameron's record is basically flawless, and I have been kinda following this movie for the better part of six years, and its been in development far longer than that. He gets a go with me.

Lol Smurf Movie.

 #142721  by Kupek
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:39 am
Pocahontas in space.

If it's amazing - I think it looks predictable and uninteresting save the visuals - then I'll find out from everyone telling me. Otherwise, I'm not paying attention. There are lots of movies that have come out in the past year or two that I've missed that I'd rather see more.

 #142724  by Zeus
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:50 am
Yeah, I've been asking around a lot and it seems like most people have a "wait and see" or "it'll have to prove it first" attitude with this flick. I was wondering what people here thought so I know it isn't just an isolated thing to my area.

Well, if it helps, Rotten Tomatoes is currently giving it 90% fresh rating on 41 reviews (37-4). I read all the negative reviews (I'm trying to let people tell me why I shouldn't see it) and they pretty much say "2D characters, shallow plot; but you HAVE to see how visually groundbreaking and stunning it is".

So even the ones giving it thumbs down are preaching the groundbreaking visual/experience of watching it in 3D. So at least it'll be a sight to behold.

EDIT: up to 47-5 positive-negative now; still 90%
Last edited by Zeus on Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #142735  by Imakeholesinu
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:05 pm
I'll give it a shot in theaters when it isn't packed to the gills. I do want to see it but does anyone else think this movie hits a lot of political points going around right now and in our nation's history?

I think the previews kinda beat me over the head with it a bit too much which has kinda turned me off a bit.

Also, what is with the homages to Starship Troopers everywhere in the trailer? And a few from Aliens that I think are pretty blatant. Is Cameron stroking his ego a bit here? This also makes me second guess the film for how shitty ST and how it makes it almost like Cameron wants to re-create Aliens.

Personally, I would give mad props to some ballsy Sci-Fi director to, today, use 1980's style cinematography to build some of the worlds that look a lot more realistic than say...Avatar (See Bladerunner, Star Wars, Dune..etc).

Hell, FarScape had beautiful sets that used a little CGI here and there for background.

 #142739  by RentCavalier
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:57 pm
Cameron didn't make Starship Troopers, so only his Alien stuff would be ego-stroking, and this film looks waaaaaay different from Alien.

 #142740  by Kupek
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:58 pm
Imakeholesinu wrote:Is Cameron stroking his ego a bit here?
After reading one and a half features on him related to Avatar (one from Wired and the half finished one from the New Yorker), I'd say "Yes, always."

 #142742  by Zeus
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:11 pm
Kupek wrote:
Imakeholesinu wrote:Is Cameron stroking his ego a bit here?
After reading one and a half features on him related to Avatar (one from Wired and the half finished one from the New Yorker), I'd say "Yes, always."
Cameron's ego is unmatched. I mean, who the fuck else would declare himself "king of the world" in front of over a billion people? But look at the man's filmography. He's also one of the few who can properly feed an ego of that size.

It was Verhoven who made the absolutely brilliant Starship Troopers (along with Robocop, Basic Instinct, and Total Recall). Too bad the man's practically retired from Hollywood, he made incredible films.

I'm gonna go and check this one out next week in 3D. I'm more intrigued at the new technology than anything and hope Cameron's history will make the movie better than it seems in previews (even looks like a film that's a CGI-fest with a basic story used only as a conduit to go from scene to scene).

 #142743  by Kupek
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:36 pm
Actually, considering everything involved, saying that at the Oscars doesn't seem too bad. Titanic was massively over budget and late. He had forfeited his director pay and profit shares. Him and Fox expected the movie to tank and lose as much as $70 million. Initial press was bad. So when it then went on to be the largest grossing movie worldwide in history and swept the Oscars... I can imagine he felt vindicated.

And he was quoting a line from the movie. Which... he wrote. On second thought, quoting your own script takes a big ego.

But, my point: yeah, it takes a big ego to do that, but considering what he went through, I give it a pass.

 #142744  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:51 pm
As has already been said. His track record is solid; and he and Peter Jackson took the blockbuster from Spielberg and Lucas, and took it to a whole new level.

I'm seeing it in 3D, if it is not something that I like I won't regret it; I'll just know not to watch it again and have my own opinion.

 #142745  by Imakeholesinu
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:13 pm
RentCavalier wrote:Cameron didn't make Starship Troopers, so only his Alien stuff would be ego-stroking, and this film looks waaaaaay different from Alien.
I'm aware, I was saying he made homages to it through the trailers or at least it seemed like he was.

 #142747  by SineSwiper
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:00 pm
Zeus wrote:Have you seen a new 3D film? I saw the two Toy Story films in 3D a couple moths ago and it was a far superior and far different experience than in the past. The last one I'd seen was Superman Returns with its 4 scenes and it was nothing like it. The Toy Storys, 10-year old films, seemed far superior in 3D than Superman Returns did.
Yes, I saw the 4th Harry Potter with its 10-minutes of 3D. Made my eyes hurt after a while. I'd hate to watch an entire movie like that.

 #142772  by Zeus
 Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:32 pm
SineSwiper wrote:
Zeus wrote:Have you seen a new 3D film? I saw the two Toy Story films in 3D a couple moths ago and it was a far superior and far different experience than in the past. The last one I'd seen was Superman Returns with its 4 scenes and it was nothing like it. The Toy Storys, 10-year old films, seemed far superior in 3D than Superman Returns did.
Yes, I saw the 4th Harry Potter with its 10-minutes of 3D. Made my eyes hurt after a while. I'd hate to watch an entire movie like that.
You must have some sort of sensitivity then. I watch 3 hours of Toy Story in 3D and had no issues at all. That would kinda suck 'cause if the 3D in 10 year-old films is any indication of what's to come, it's a welcomed evolution.

 #142793  by SineSwiper
 Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:47 pm
Also, I love how everybody is acting like the technology they use to portray acting to the virtual world is somehow unique. Peter Jackson was trying to get Gollum in the Oscars with the same technology about 7 years ago.

 #142796  by Flip
 Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:24 pm
I'm in the boat that this movie seems completely formulaic but for a 3D gimmick. We have all seen the story line where two opposing factions fight where one man from the oppressive militaristic nation finds themselves sympathizing/falling in love with the lesser technological tribe/person. Nothing is new here but for the way the movie is shot. Is that worth a ticket price? Maybe, just to see what the buzz is about... but i would feel like a sheep buying mine, which im sure i'll probably end up doing. I hate myself sometimes.

 #142802  by Chris
 Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:04 pm
the movie is exactly what yu expect. It's annoyingly fucking preachy as hell and then turns into one of the most epic balls to the wall action fests I've seen in a long time. Once that kicks in it's fucking awesome. before that.....*vomit*

 #142910  by SineSwiper
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:18 am

 #142911  by Eric
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:22 am
Amazing movie, go see it.

 #142912  by SineSwiper
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:24 am
Only if you can prove that it's not Fern Gully with blue fairies.

 #142920  by Eric
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:48 am
SineSwiper wrote:Only if you can prove that it's not Fern Gully with blue fairies.
I don't need to prove anything. Your loss if you don't go watch it. :)

 #142926  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:32 am
SineSwiper wrote:I like Shellie's POV: It's Fern Gully with blue fairies!
You mean it like that wonderful romcom from yesteryear?

 #142937  by SineSwiper
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:59 pm
Zeus wrote:You mean it like that wonderful romcom from yesteryear?
Eh? I don't get the point you're trying to make.

 #142941  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:06 pm
SineSwiper wrote:
Zeus wrote:You mean it like that wonderful romcom from yesteryear?
Eh? I don't get the point you're trying to make.
You can cut anything to look like anything

Also, that was a kick-ass re-cut of The Shining and I love to share it :-)

 #142944  by SineSwiper
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:11 pm
Zeus wrote:You can cut anything to look like anything

Also, that was a kick-ass re-cut of The Shining and I love to share it :-)
Yes, but if you have cut the thing to look like Fern Gully, congratulations James, you succeeded! So tell me again why I should see this movie?

 #142945  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:13 pm
SineSwiper wrote:
Zeus wrote:You can cut anything to look like anything

Also, that was a kick-ass re-cut of The Shining and I love to share it :-)
Yes, but if you have cut the thing to look like Fern Gully, congratulations James, you succeeded! So tell me again why I should see this movie?
Sine, I've given you several excellent reasons, you're choosing to ignore them and are using the Titanic-equals-Cameron-sucks crowd's reasons to try and justify your position. Just don't see it, it's better if you don't.

 #142948  by SineSwiper
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:21 pm
Zeus wrote:Sine, I've given you several excellent reasons, you're choosing to ignore them and are using the Titanic-equals-Cameron-sucks crowd's reasons to try and justify your position. Just don't see it, it's better if you don't.
Actually, you haven't. We've argued about 3D a bit, but I haven't seen any good reason to see the film, other than "the 3D is awesome!!!1!1!!". Really I'm not even holding Titanic against him on this.

And I'm actually open to seeing this movie, but again, all I heard is about is how real the characters are in 3D, and 3D this, and innovative technology that.

 #142951  by Chris
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:28 pm
SineSwiper wrote:
Zeus wrote:Sine, I've given you several excellent reasons, you're choosing to ignore them and are using the Titanic-equals-Cameron-sucks crowd's reasons to try and justify your position. Just don't see it, it's better if you don't.
Actually, you haven't. We've argued about 3D a bit, but I haven't seen any good reason to see the film, other than "the 3D is awesome!!!1!1!!". Really I'm not even holding Titanic against him on this.

And I'm actually open to seeing this movie, but again, all I heard is about is how real the characters are in 3D, and 3D this, and innovative technology that.
The technology used is amazing. And yes. the 3d does make the movie better. But overall it's last quarter is one of the most balls out awesome action movies I've ever seen. The rest of the world is beautifully realized and it really is a fantastic experience. Why the hell shouldn't new technology and whatnot be lauded for what it adds to the film. And those really are the best parts. when the focus shifts away from the humans and onto the navii. Overall I absolutely loved the movie. It's story is a little cliche and hamfisted with allegory at times but fuck me if I didn't have an absolute blast. In a good way. and not a mindless action movie like Crank 2 kind of way.

 #142952  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:32 pm
You've been presented with the following reasons:

- the ground-breaking visuals (this one you acknowledge). Not just good but what may be an evolution in the way we watch movies and even TV in the near future
- Cameron's excellent filmography. Even if you didn't like Titanic, the rest of his films range from really, really damned good (True Lies, Abyss) to some of the best of all time (Terminator 2, Aliens, and to me, Titanic).
- excellent reviews overall (update: 83% on 237 reviews) with even the ones that are "negative" saying you should see it for the visuals alone, further supporting point #1
- two people here have already seen it and are saying "it's pretty good with incredible action and awesome visuals" (Chris) and "it's a fucking incredible film, watch it" (Eric)

That's some pretty solid reasons to watch a movie in a theatre, man

 #142954  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:41 pm
I just saw it this afternoon. Groundbreaking is the correct word for this one. Script and story were on the level of the of the Pirates movies. It doesn't suffer from being predictable in case anyone is wondering; movies that focus on being unpredictable as their key element of quality are generally not very good movies. What is groundbreaking is that this movie did indeed produce some amazing top quality environments, I dare say some of the most beautiful I have ever seen and will ever see. The 3D does create an immersion level that allows emotional contact with what is seen and what is going on, it really did take the visual and raw emotional experience to another level.

PS, 3D smoke and sparks are among the coolest things I have ever seen.

I'll also add that it was scored excellently.

 #142958  by Chris
 Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:37 pm
Julius Seeker wrote:I just saw it this afternoon. Groundbreaking is the correct word for this one. Script and story were on the level of the of the Pirates movies. It doesn't suffer from being predictable in case anyone is wondering; movies that focus on being unpredictable as their key element of quality are generally not very good movies. What is groundbreaking is that this movie did indeed produce some amazing top quality environments, I dare say some of the most beautiful I have ever seen and will ever see. The 3D does create an immersion level that allows emotional contact with what is seen and what is going on, it really did take the visual and raw emotional experience to another level.

PS, 3D smoke and sparks are among the coolest things I have ever seen.

I'll also add that it was scored excellently.
I just like that there aren't any "jump out at you" 3d moments. The 3d adds a ton to the level of immersion without doing any stupid as hell gimicks. It's damn nice to have a 3d movie that doesn't use the stupid gimicks to try to make it look cooler and uses it to make the whole thing just fel more real and natural. it's fucking brilliantly well done

 #142968  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:26 am
That's true, a lot of scenes where the view goes into the distance and just goes back an insane distance with things going on, like the views of the lab... You feel like you can just get up and walk right in.

Also, for those going into a movie with the expectation that they will hate it, I expect you guys will find something trivial which will cause you to justify hating it. For everyone else, missing this will be depriving you of perhaps a milestone moment in film history; don't miss it =)

 #142986  by Chris
 Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:45 pm
Julius Seeker wrote:That's true, a lot of scenes where the view goes into the distance and just goes back an insane distance with things going on, like the views of the lab... You feel like you can just get up and walk right in.

Also, for those going into a movie with the expectation that they will hate it, I expect you guys will find something trivial which will cause you to justify hating it. For everyone else, missing this will be depriving you of perhaps a milestone moment in film history; don't miss it =)
I went in expecting to hate it. I had an absolute blast. It does have it's share of problems. but my god I loved it

 #142988  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:10 pm
Chris wrote:
Julius Seeker wrote:That's true, a lot of scenes where the view goes into the distance and just goes back an insane distance with things going on, like the views of the lab... You feel like you can just get up and walk right in.

Also, for those going into a movie with the expectation that they will hate it, I expect you guys will find something trivial which will cause you to justify hating it. For everyone else, missing this will be depriving you of perhaps a milestone moment in film history; don't miss it =)
I went in expecting to hate it. I had an absolute blast. It does have it's share of problems. but my god I loved it
But did you go in with hope that you would like it?

...Otherwise you just blew up my theory =P

 #142997  by Chris
 Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:44 pm
Julius Seeker wrote:
Chris wrote:
Julius Seeker wrote:That's true, a lot of scenes where the view goes into the distance and just goes back an insane distance with things going on, like the views of the lab... You feel like you can just get up and walk right in.

Also, for those going into a movie with the expectation that they will hate it, I expect you guys will find something trivial which will cause you to justify hating it. For everyone else, missing this will be depriving you of perhaps a milestone moment in film history; don't miss it =)
I went in expecting to hate it. I had an absolute blast. It does have it's share of problems. but my god I loved it
But did you go in with hope that you would like it?

...Otherwise you just blew up my theory =P
nope. I went with a wholly negative opinion. Pretty much the same one Sine is ranting about.

 #143011  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:47 am
Chris wrote:
Julius Seeker wrote:
Chris wrote:I went in expecting to hate it. I had an absolute blast. It does have it's share of problems. but my god I loved it
But did you go in with hope that you would like it?

...Otherwise you just blew up my theory =P
nope. I went with a wholly negative opinion. Pretty much the same one Sine is ranting about.
Yet you were still one of the first people to actually see the movie =P

 #143124  by Zeus
 Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:08 pm
Holy shit, Avatar only dropped 3% week-to-week and pulled in $75mil in its second weekend ... 78646.html

That's fucking insane numbers, even with Xmas. It handedly beat Sherlock Holmes (it did $65mil which is also excellent) and those two helped make it the biggest weekend ever (even more than July 2008 with Dark Knight).

What this is saying is how much positive word of mouth is really helping the flick. Usually, if films only drop 40% from week 1 to week 2 they're considered to be very successful. In this case, it was almost negligible. It'll be interesting to see if this film now has a string of 6-8 weeks of strong and steady sales and becomes more like the original Batman or Titanic in having a long theatre runs as opposed to the standard 3 weeks and done we see nowadays.

They may yet make their money back in North America alone at this rate (already over $200mil in NA alone and around $400mil worldwide). And if you thought Cameron's ego was big before......

 #143128  by SineSwiper
 Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:49 pm
The more popular and more commercial tie-ins I see, the least likely I want to see it. I mean, I actually would like to see it, but I am less and less motivated to do so.

I'm mean, shit, the McDonald's commercials are annoying, as is the fact that every single tie-in uses the same trailer clips over and over and over again.

 #143129  by Eric
 Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:56 pm
SineSwiper wrote:The more popular and more commercial tie-ins I see, the least likely I want to see it. I mean, I actually would like to see it, but I am less and less motivated to do so.

I'm mean, shit, the McDonald's commercials are annoying, as is the fact that every single tie-in uses the same trailer clips over and over and over again.
Raging against the machine does not make you a unique or interesting snowflake.

 #143132  by SineSwiper
 Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:04 pm
Eric wrote:Raging against the machine does not make you a unique or interesting snowflake.
I never said it was unique behavior. Which is why I'm puzzled they do that sort of thing. I'm waiting for the Avatar cereal to come out.

 #143136  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:42 am
My F***ING god that's a lot of money in just 1 week and 3 days:
Boxoffice Mojo wrote:Domestic: $212,268,000 34.5%
+ Foreign: $402,900,000 65.5%

= Worldwide: $615,168,000
If this thing has Titanic legs, I am scared to even speculate at how high it will go.

 #143262  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:06 pm
Avatar at 1.02 billion is now the 4th best selling movie of all time after just over 2 weeks!
"Avatar" sped past the $1 billion mark at the worldwide box office after three weekends in release, making it the fourth-biggest movie of all time, according to data released on Sunday.

James Cameron's 3-D sci-fi epic earned $1.02 billion, powered by sales of $202 million during the New Year holiday weekend, distributor 20th Century Fox said.

The only movies ahead of it are Cameron's "Titanic" ($1.8 billion), "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" ($1.12 billion), and "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" ($1.07 billion).


 #143435  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:59 am
1. Titanic $1,842,879,955
2. Avatar $1,162,361,307
3. Return of the King $1,119,110,941

3 weeks out of the gate.