That doesn't surprise me in the slightest. She's the champion on the backwards morons of this nation, about a third, mainly from southern states and especially appalachia (*disclaimer: not
all southerners and hillbillies are like this). These people would like to see the USA fail just to prove a point: that we can't thrive unless we recognize that we are a "Christian nation" and follow the taboos of some ancient semetic tribes. Never mind that Canada, Japan, S. Korea, all of Western Europe, Australia, etc. are largely secular and are doing just fine... Their prime interest of conservatives is ensuring the "undeserving" (read: "darkies") don't get any of their stuff. They ensure this through direct cuts to social services and the taxes that fund them, spending more on the military to ensure there's less left over for social services, and deficit spending to make it harder to justify more spending on social services later on. Also, they want to invade any country that looks at us funny. Those countries are just full of "darkies" anyway that want to take our stuff, right?!
Fox News is
the news outlet for these people, it's "fan service" for conservatives--especially now that Palin is on there.
Seek: She's the politician who wants rape victims to pay for their hospital services, right?
That's pretty much all conservatives in the US. Not because they hate rape victims but because they think that health care is a privelege and not a right. They'd say it was the rape victims own responsibility to insure herself beforehand.
Eric: I'm saddened by this, I was hoping she would run for President in 2012.
I think that she still will. I'm not sure if she'll take the GOP party nomination or run as an independent. With all of her "going rogue" and "maverick" talk, I suspect she'll run as a third party candidate. I really hope that she's the GOP candidate though--it will be like shooting fish in a barrel for Obama to beat her.