Kupek, while I agree with you on the Internet being dismissive of people in talent, and I'll say that she's definitely made an excellent start, I honestly DON'T see Lady Gaga having any lasting appeal.
Hell, Marilyn Manson is the one example of shock-artist-musicians who could ARGUABLY have made a lasting career, and that's being charitable, since all but the most rabid of his fans would acknowledge that his stuff has been going downhill ever since he took Twiggy's cock out of his mouth.
Lady Gaga suffers from the same thing every big pop star suffers from nowadays, and that's overexposure. Manson had the added appeal of being controversial, which lent him the support of whatever deviant movement existed at the time. Lady Gaga, for some reason, is widely accepted, embraced, and outright cheered by mainstream outlets, and her bizarre eccentricities are applauded as "artistic" and "edgy" even though most of her work is a random mishmash of downright STRANGE images and scenarios set to synth-pop tunes and really good (but generic for the genre) dance moves.
My biggest issue with her lies in that she doesn't have a MESSAGE. She dresses up in the most laughably random assortment of outfits and proceeds to make some vague statement depending on whatever dress she's wearing. After listening to a good fucking number of her goddamn radio-clogged songs (and if I hear "Poker Face" one more goddamn time...!) and watching a fair number of her music videos, I still don't know what the hell she actually stands for. She has a weird "girl-power" thing going, but then mocks that by mooning us and flashing as much tit and ass as MTV will allow. Ok, so she's mocking objectification. That's well and good, but it's not particularly congruent. She shows just as much, if not more, skin than most female artists today, and her lyrics don't add up to anything cohesive. "Paparazzi"--the one song of hers I actually rather like--is, at face value, a plea for attention from a distant and aloof media, yet her videos and fans seem to think it's a mockery/criticism of the nature of tabloids.
And that's the problem I have with her. She isn't trying to make a point, and her "art" isn't for art's sake. She's trying to get attention, and by god she gets it. She's all we hear, all we see, she's blasted on every magazine cover and her songs and videos get OBSCENE amounts of airtime. So, now that she HAS our attention, what does she do with it? Evidently, not much, but there's still time. If she's been saving the big guns, now's the time to draw them, because I guarantee you, two years from now, her "eccentricties" will stop being quaint and start being grating.