The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Heroes officially cancelled

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #146415  by Eric
 Sat May 15, 2010 7:29 pm
Show lasted 2 seasons longer then it should have.

Though I'll miss Zachary Quinto's Sylar.
 #146417  by SineSwiper
 Sat May 15, 2010 9:13 pm
Aye. I think it was on the verge of a comeback, as the new chapter looked interesting, but they fucked up too many times for that chance. My review of the volumes:

Volume One (Genesis) - Awesome; everybody's favorite season
Volume Two (Generations) - Pretty weak. The whole Clare and her boyfriend angle was stupid, as was the ancient Japan bullshit, but it had some potential, which was cut short from the writer's strike. Already started to see some plot holes forming.
Volume Three (Villains) - Quite possibly the most insulting volume on the audience. Really obviously plot holes and contradictions that probably alienated many from the series. Sylar's attempt at being a good guy seemed like a good idea, but poorly executed.
Volume Four (Fugitives) - One of the stronger volumes. We saw Sylar in rare form as this anti-hero of sorts in the beginning, while still technically being a villian, though the finale was definitely his villain role. There was some issues with the volume, but much better than 2 or 3.
Volume Five (Redemption) - Again, some potential, but man, did this thing draaaaaaag on. And when you got there, it was pretty anti-climatic. The villian just didn't work, but at least I sorta liked Sylar as a good guy for the last few episodes.

Ultimately, it suffered from writing on the fly, like most shows do. Shows that don't do this last a longer time. Even Lost seems to have some level of structure from start to end, even if they are filling in the gaps as they go along. BSG had this problem and the ending suffered because of it, but Heroes would have killed to have the kind of writers they had on BSG, though.
 #146424  by Zeus
 Sun May 16, 2010 2:47 am
Season 1 was certainly not my favourite season. It started good but about 12 or 13 eps it, it started to lose it and ended with a wimper. The fact that Season 2 was so horribly atrocious almost completely killed the show 'til Season 3 (both volumes) brought sanity and some state of stability back to the show. Season 4 (both volumes) started a whole new direction that came together a bit in the end but they never really got a chance to finish up that idea. It would have been nice for NBC to give them 10 more eps to wrap it together. Giving them that kind of focus towards a set ending probably would have made for good TV. Besides, it's not like they have anything else that's gonna be any better
 #146430  by Eric
 Sun May 16, 2010 12:08 pm
Wat, how is Season 1 not the best season in your eyes? :p
 #146437  by Zeus
 Sun May 16, 2010 4:38 pm
Eric wrote:Wat, how is Season 1 not the best season in your eyes? :p
Because it felt like they had enough story for 14 eps but had to stretch it to 22. A lot of filler-feeling eps in the second half, kinda like the second half of season 3 of Battlestar. And the ending was inevitable with nothing really special about it. It was a letdown.
 #146438  by RentCavalier
 Sun May 16, 2010 7:17 pm
Meh, never got into this show when it started. Seems like I made the right choice. Honestly, wasn't this just like X-Men with angsty teenagers?
 #146439  by Shrinweck
 Mon May 17, 2010 4:13 am
RentCavalier wrote:Meh, never got into this show when it started. Seems like I made the right choice. Honestly, wasn't this just like X-Men with angsty teenagers?
That's basically what X-Men is, too.
 #146441  by SineSwiper
 Mon May 17, 2010 9:21 am
X-Men was more "public" about the whole mutants thing than Heroes was. That level of secrecy made it more interesting. Plus, there was never really a "leader" in Heroes. There was Peter and Mohinder, but they were not leaders of any group. Nothing was clear cut of "this group against this villian; let's go get into our Blackbird and defeat they dastardly plan".
 #146444  by Eric
 Mon May 17, 2010 11:50 am
Heroes was cool because it was basically a bunch of normal people discovering they had super powers and then using them for the greater good, except for the one guy who was the villain, and who's power drove him insane for the most part.

After the 1st season they all basically became douchebags with super powers, it became X-men lite, and the storytelling was absolutely terrible.

Matt Parkman is the lamest person ever. "Uhhhh, I have the power to control people, qq, I hate my life."

Nathan was a backstabbing traitor with no sense of loyalty.

I don't know why the fuck Peter became so emo, maybe he was inspired by Emo Parker in Spider-man 3 Image

Their mother was a cryptic bitch for no good reason

HRG, I just don't fucking understand. Protecting your daughter was one thing, but the repeated need for secrets just stopped making sense in season 2.

Claire made no sense, I mean, I'm not an immortal, but I don't accidentally kill myself every other day which causes people to find out I'm immortal. This girl would end up in so many situations where she should be dead for no real reason. She has the easiest power to keep secret but she somehow manages to expose it regularly by doing suicidal bullshit.

Hiro's character was overplayed. Yes, season 1, comic book nerd gets super powers, and acts like super hero, I get it. 3 Seasons of comic book quotes and nerdom and not dying due to rampant stupidity however is another thing all together.
 #146454  by Zeus
 Mon May 17, 2010 5:28 pm
Hiro and Claire were WAAAY overused, that was one of the main issues with the show. But that's what happens when you get a network imposing their will for the wrong reasons instead of letting the creators keep doing what made the show popular in the first place
 #146457  by SineSwiper
 Mon May 17, 2010 5:49 pm
I guess they could have done what Lost does: kill off a major character every three episodes (on average)
 #146459  by Zeus
 Mon May 17, 2010 8:54 pm
SineSwiper wrote:I guess they could have done what Lost does: kill off a major character every three episodes (on average)
Nothing should ever do what Lost does.....

The goal of the show was to actually rotate characters, not have any real "main" ones. But then Hiro and Claire got too popular and NBC said "they're our main characters, make it so". A couple of the writers said "umm, I don't like this, it's not what we're supposed to do" and left before the first season ended, hence the decline in the show 'til the third season when they brought them back. It was rather obvious that those two guys were the strength behind the show
 #146466  by SineSwiper
 Mon May 17, 2010 10:25 pm
Shrinweck wrote:Battlestar Gallactica killed off main characters left and right, too.
Meh, just not in the same league of Lost. Hell, even the characters that BSG killed off just end up coming back as Cylons. Only during the final season (especially the final couple of episodes) did they actually kill off real characters.