Haven't seen a topic here on board games in a while. Picked up 2 recently, Pandemic is worth mentioning, the other is just fun (Wasabi).
Pandemic is a fun, frantic co-op board game. My wife and I have lost more than we won, but it is really fun. At $35 it was steep, but definitely worth it, I think. We bought it on our anniversary and played it about 5 times that night (til 1:30am and had to get up the next day for work) a couple of times the next days, and three times last night. It is really fun. I can't wait to get a third player.
This is a $30(!) expansion, you get 3 game variants, a new strain, petri dishes to store your viruses in, 5 extra roles, and a terrorist role. I can see myself buying this in the near future.
http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgamee ... -the-brink
Pandemic is a fun, frantic co-op board game. My wife and I have lost more than we won, but it is really fun. At $35 it was steep, but definitely worth it, I think. We bought it on our anniversary and played it about 5 times that night (til 1:30am and had to get up the next day for work) a couple of times the next days, and three times last night. It is really fun. I can't wait to get a third player.
Expanded by: Pandemic: On the Brink (haven't purchased or played this yet)You are specialists at the CDC/Atlanta where you watch several virulent diseases break out simultaneously all over the world. The team mission is to prevent a world-wide pandemic outbreak, treating hotspots while researching cures for each of the four plagues before they get out of hand.
Players must plan their strategy to mesh their specialist's strengths before the diseases overwhelm the world. For example, the Operations Specialist can build research stations which are needed to find cures for the diseases. The Scientist needs only 4 cards of a particular disease to cure it instead of the normal 5. But the diseases are breaking out fast and time is running out: the team must try to stem the tide of infection in diseased areas while developing cures. If disease spreads uncontrolled, the players all lose. If they can cure all four diseases, they win.
The board shows earth with some big population centers. On each turn a player can use four actions to travel, cure, discover and build. Cards are used for this but the deck also contains Epidemics...
This is a $30(!) expansion, you get 3 game variants, a new strain, petri dishes to store your viruses in, 5 extra roles, and a terrorist role. I can see myself buying this in the near future.
http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgamee ... -the-brink
WasabiThis expansion to Pandemic includes new event cards, new role cards, rules for five players, and optional game challenges to increase the difficulty, such as the 'Legendary' difficulty level, the Virulent Strain challenge, the Mutation challenge, and the Bio-Terrorist challenge. These challenges can be mixed together to make the game even harder.
Virulent Strain challenge: makes one disease become particularly deadly in unpredictable ways.
Mutation Challenge: adds a fifth (purple) disease that behaves differently than the original four.
Bio-Terrorist Challenge: pits one player against the others!
You may also play with 5 players and play on Legendary level!
Other components include petri dishes to store your diseases and pawns.
http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/33154/wasabiWasabi! is a light and fast game where you compete against other players to assemble your quota of unique sushi recipes in a rapidly dwindling space. Players draw a variety of delicious ingredients into their hand from the pantry and play them one at a time onto the board, building off of each other's previously-placed ingredients in the attempt to complete recipes of varying difficulty.
Completing a recipe earns you your choice of special actions from the kitchen to perform later (Chop!, Stack!, Switch!, Spicy!, and the dreaded Wasabi!) that will help you in your efforts or disrupt your opponents' carefully arranged creations-in-progress.
Completing a recipe with style will earn you bonus points, but you might not always have the time to set up such stylish maneuvers... balancing speed with technique will be crucial if you plan to win the game!
Victory comes as soon as the board fills up with ingredients. Points for completed recipes plus bonuses are tabulated, and the winner is the player with the most points. An extremely skilled player might score an instant victory by completing their quota of recipes before the board fills up.
I stole fizzy lifting drinks. :(