See, you're under the misconception that all religions are created equal, and thus, we should honor them all. This may be true under the US Constitution, but not in reality.
Scientology is a cult invented by a sci-fi writer. People are asked to give out thousands of dollars to even get to OT III, where they learn their creationist theory. During that time, they are brainwashed by auditing. And I don't use the word "brainwashed" lightly. They are asked to do repetitive tasks over and over again, while brain response is measured. This is a form of conditioning to train obedience. They need to go through a lot of phases of this before they get to OT III because the story is so fucking crazy, that anybody who would first hear about it before joining wouldn't bother with the whole cult. Some people don't make it.
Some people have committed suicide because of this cult. Some people have given them their life savings in the name of this cult. Some people have followed their dangerous ideas about medicine and died because of it. Scientology is a cult. It follows most of the warning signs of a cult. More info here: To declare Scientology as a religion is to be ignorant of the facts. It's not an opinion; it's a fact.
And Mormonism has a similarly outlandish creationist story, written by a con artist, and they also force their members to give money to the church. Any normal religion doesn't force its member to donate to the church.