I've noticed a lot of story elements in anything that has a story seem to be very dependent on throwing unexpected stuff as the sole reason to drive the story forward. I was talking to some friends over the plot of some random TV shows and it's always like: "Yeah soandso gets betrayed here" or "Something totally unexpected happens." In the Chinese manga community there's a saying if your story gets stale just add (unexpected) blood and now you got drama. Is this a trend or just poor story telling? You know Captain Ahab wasn't going to live in Moby Dick but him dying to Moby Dick was still meaningful. Anyone could've picked up Thrawn was going to get betrayed by the Noghri in the Thrawn Trilogy and that doesn't make his death any less impactful.
Sometimes I get the feeling that whoever is writing whatever stuff I'm reading is just trying to surprise me, and yet if that's the only goal of the author it actually makes the stuff very unsurprising. You pretty much just have to guess the least likely outcome and that'll always be right. Not everything needs to be 100% predictable but plot twist for the sake of only plot twist serves no purpose to advance the story.
Sometimes I get the feeling that whoever is writing whatever stuff I'm reading is just trying to surprise me, and yet if that's the only goal of the author it actually makes the stuff very unsurprising. You pretty much just have to guess the least likely outcome and that'll always be right. Not everything needs to be 100% predictable but plot twist for the sake of only plot twist serves no purpose to advance the story.