SineSwiper wrote:Why? That's just stupid. Are we talking about fan celebrations now?
No, player celebrations. I was exaggerating, but not by much.
This is Goddell's NFL. People are almost praying for the "hellish" days of Tagliabue with the shit this guy's pullin' off. He's trying to sanitize the game so much, trying to distance himself from the whole "warriors in a battle" image, to ensure no one is offended in any way that he's affecting the product on a field too damned much. It's not just this celebration crap, which has gone at least one step too far. It's also the huge fines for accidentally staring hard at a quarterback (I'm exaggerating, but those $10k+ fines for barely touching a QB are horrible), the suspensions for "misconduct detrimental to the league" (like Rothleisberger getting 4 games when the charges against him were dropped), and the enormous fines for players just talking out or even posting on Twitter during a game.
I'm no Twitter fan (people who post there should be called Twits; and you have Twitted, no one Tweets) but shouldn't the leagues be OK with players posting, even during a game? People always want "interactive TV", there's nothing more interactive than your player posting his thoughts on the spot. They should find ways to exploit it, not eliminating it. Instead they're trying to appease the networks who pay obscene amounts of money from missing out on "their story". Coaches? Yeah, they should try to get rid of it. They want their players focused. But the league? No way, not their business to keep the players in line. Sounds contradictory, but it's not. Coaches coach the game, the league should be promoting their league and teams. Goddell doesn't even know that line exists.