I remember when you brought that up years ago, being beaten down. Probably the same sort of deal if it was random. Getting beaten up has a serious effect on people.
Sorry, I have to go on a rant after reading the comments on the site (linking this to the larger issue of gang banger culture):
It's really unfortunate that this sort of shit happens, the bravado, and with this story that's 4 lives destroyed, one life ended, and I don't want to even speculate the those who now have a lifetime of tears to shed. Bad culture is the reason for this, I doubt the intention was manslaughter (although the chargers are murder); but this sort of thing shouldn't be happening at all; it's not the natural way that things were ever supposed to be - it's culture made in America. I see the comments being big "gotta get tougher on crime," racist comments like "I disagree with you on one point - It's not the American culture -- it's the African-American culture." etc... Those were the sorts of sentiments that created this sort of culture in the first place - now I am not saying that people shouldn't be punished for the crimes, but the sort of lack of responsibility that other Americans seem to think they deserve is incorrect - it was the nation that created this situation; and as a nation it should be fixed. As an outsider, I look in, that's what I see in certain areas.
Think of things in these respects: in 32 years of North Ireland history (69 to 2001) 3200 people were killed from the violence - the UN was brought in, all sorts of diplomacy and International attention... South Central Los Angeles has none of that, same sort of situation, except over 15,000 killed in a 20 year period during the 80's and 90's (in South Central alone); that's complete bullshit if you ask me - the situation in South Central should have had much greater attention internationally and nationally - there should have been billions poured in to fix it.Instead it is looked at as just the black hearted ghetto that should be ignored... Historically, after the Industrial boom post WW2, the companies pulled out, this created huge amounts of poverty in South Central, racism in society was prevalent in the day, companies weren't coming in. Tough on Crime? The cops randomly beat the crap out of young black males; just because they had the authority to do so. Think of the psychological effect this sort of stuff has on the culture of the people; the situation is just like this one on CNN, except it is not just ordinary guys randomly beating them, these are the authorities themselves! What are they going to grow up to do? What happens with all the blacks returning home from Vietnam with no further opportunities, and no money to escape? They militarize, they defend themselves. That is how the militant block gangs formed in the 60's, 70's, and 80's; the Pirus, the Crips, etc... It's not like peaceful methods weren't attempted, but what happened to the Black Panther Party leaders? What happened to King? What happened to Malcolm X? These were huge movements, and one by one the leaders were all gunned down. This isn't just a black problem that needs to be punished, beaten into respect (that doesn't work, you don't stop bullying by beating them up, taking their fathers away, etc...) this is an American problem that needs to be fixed in all cities where it exists. It's 2010, we're past racism now; but not the effects of it, those are still very real today. The wealthiest nation in the world should be able to handle all of its poverty issues. It won't be fast, but it should be done. 700 billion was given to banks in 2008, would that have not been enough to fix the nation's poverty? Create job opportunities, productivity in areas where none existed before?
Just my belief, end the nation's poverty, and the violent culture - which we all despise - will decrease drastically. Educate people on the situation, this should be taught in schools without any way glorifying violence - it's forever a part of American history, and should not be ignored.
That all said, that was a very short article by CNN. I suppose that is true for articles on CNN. Brief statements, etc....
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