The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Scott Pilgrim: The Movie, The Game, The Comics, The Movie

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #150035  by SineSwiper
 Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:37 am
Yes, in that order. It seems really strange to run through them in that order, but it's interesting in a way. While I was in the hospital (more on that in another thread), I had some time to read the books. Then I re-watched the movie just now.

I remember thinking that the movie totally kicked ass, so at least it stands out alone without needing the comics as reference material. I played the game and got into other stuff that wasn't in the movie (because it was based on the book). I think the game was more confusing in plot than the movie, but a video game like that would have even less time for plot, anyway.

However, it seems like both of them are really accurate, ummm, and not, at the same time. As I was reading the books, I would laugh at the references in the movie or game that were in the books. Some comparisons:

The Movie
Just about most of the lines in the movie were from the book, even if they weren't in the same order or from different people. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was like that, too. (That was another one I watched first before reading.) It ends up working out, and though you wish you could watch a six hour movie (probably more) to have all of the parts in there, you still get the sense that they are keeping faithful to the material that they can use. Hence, it's still "accurate", even when it's not. (Hell, even H2G2 seemed to have a somewhat different story with the books, Infocom game, TV series, and movie, but it still worked out well.)

Book 1 was basically the first third of the movie. Sure, it was a slow pace, but everything was funny and it gave you some history of the characters. By the time the first two Exs come into frame, the pacing gets almost too fast. After all, the relationship lasted months in the book, and they're forced to change that to a manner of days. It works, but it seemed a bit jarring the second time I saw it. But then a fight scene comes up with some cool music, and I realize that this movie is still AWESOME!

Though, one thing I do like that the movie did right was the final battle. Book 6 was a mess. I was expecting answers, maybe even in a more serious tone, and I got half-baked answers. Sure, half-baked is the tone of the books, but I guess I just didn't get it completely. The movie's battle seemed to cut out some of that confusion and got it down to the core with fucking awesome battles. The whole boss battle/lives concept really worked better than how the book worked.

The Video Game
Again, can't say too much for the plot for the video game, but it's like the movie tackled than while this game tackled many of the video game (and other) references. I mean the whole River City Ransom thing was in the book multiple times, and they just make a game out of that concept. Every reference they could afford to put in there was in there, from the price of the video rental fees to the exact design of Robot-01 (including the "Joins the Party" bit) to the Twin Dragon achievement (which is an actual achievement). The game also tackled the final battle a slight bit more like the book, though in a strange way. Plus, it's an awesome game, anyway.

The Book
(Maybe not a comparison, but still some review of them.)

First, just to get it out of the way, black and white sucks. I know the guy busts his ass making the thing, but I really had a hard time figure out who was who, when you have the same eyes, different hairstyles changing for the characters, and no color. Especially Ramona, since she would have different outfits and hair, etc. Others like, Scott and Kim could be identified by characteristics.

Okay, on to plot...
Spoiler: show
Like I said earlier, Book 6 was a mess. Everybody changes, moves out, and he's just playing video games for 4 months? And then he's back after he fights/meets/merges some Nega Scott for a few pages. It seemed like metaphors that didn't work out properly. The "glow" was another thing. Just exactly what did it do? That wasn't explained well. I know the comic is supposed to be half-baked, fast and loose. However, when you get that invested in all of the characters with Books 1-5, and then shit goes south, you'd expect the author to grow up and get more serious in the last book. That didn't happen.

Maybe it's a metaphor for the whole relationship angle, since all of them were a mess, from every direction. But, that metaphor should be part of the story, not the direction of how the book was written.

Also, how does she just disappear? Yeah, I know subspace isn't real, either, but I figured they would give some sort of weak excuse for that.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading the books, and after watching the movie for a second time, I can still say that it's a kickass movie, one of my favorites.
 #150073  by SineSwiper
 Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:15 pm
Duh. Especially with hair like that.
 #150158  by Imakeholesinu
 Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:27 am
Yeah, her eyes are what makes her attractive I think. Big round doe eyes. Also that kind of condesending bitchy deeper voice.

Ok, I'm officially creepy now.