The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • 49 year old Spanish Woman claims claims Sun as her property

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #150253  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:49 am

No more free sunlight. The Sun has been privatized and the owner, a 49-year-old Spanish woman, claims she has registered the star as her property at a notary.

Angeles Duran, who lives in the Spanish region of Galicia, only announced the news to the online edition of El Mundo daily on Friday, AFP reports, although she took the step back in September. The idea crossed her mind after reading about an American man who had registered his ownership of the Moon and the Solar system.

Under international law no country may claim ownership of a planet or a star, but there are no legal obstacles for individuals – a fact Duran, who says she is “no stupid” and has good knowledge of law, is perfectly aware of.

Of course any other person could have claimed ownership. She realizes that in today’s society it is ideas that matter. No one had the idea before, or at least, did not push for it, so first come, first served. And the serving she wants is tax revenue for using the Sun.

Does she intend to charge her fellow Spanish citizens a fee, or the global population? Well, Duran has no exact plan yet. The woman, though, is not as selfish as you may at first think. She intends to spend the money on pensions, research and ending world hunger – leaving just ten per cent of the cash for herself.
 #150257  by Shrinweck
 Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:39 pm
Man the property taxes on an entire star must be pretty insane. I'd imagine she'd owe the guy who has the solar system pretty big.

Wait maybe that doesn't work.... Just 10% for herself? How is she going to get the start up funds for a global "IRS" type service? heh

Who do I call if the service is down for an extended period of time due to clouds or nuclear war?
 #150276  by Zeus
 Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:02 pm
The real question is: WHO would she pay her Sun taxes to? Is it considered foreign property taxable in Spain? Do any tax laws reach outside out atmosphere?

And Shrin, maybe you could lodge a complaint with the Spanish government over harm done to your skin next time you get a sunburn. Maybe individuals can sue her in Spanish court based on sun damage to their property for forceful delivery of an unwanted service?

And the guy who owns the moon, can people who's properties are damaged by tides sue him?