Don wrote:So far the games converted from P2P to F2P pretty much all rely on you not knowing enough about the game to think you can somehow play the game without paying money and still get the same stuff as those who do.
If it was possible to have an enjoyable gaming experience without paying then the company that makes the game sure won't be in the business for very long.
And yet I've never touched on either of your 'points'...? The crowd that wants to play the whole game for free can go grind their life away. Fine by me. Their job is fulfilled by proving the game is indeed "free to play" as an option and inflating the server population at lower levels.
That's not what we are talking about though. The whole "points" system is in place to offer players the ability to buy content on their own budget/playtime and choose the content they want. It is there to be a payment ALTERNATIVE to monthly subscription. Where we run into issues is when the very core/basics of the game are not only "for sale" to the points player, but failure to purchase these will inevitably lead to a poor game experience or downright gimping of the toon. And these basics are terribly OVERPRICED.
That's not an OPTIONAL purchase, that is a scenario that traps unsuspecting players. And it smacks of greed.
Where I am especially annoyed is the trait locks. These are central to the power and uniqueness behind a given build in lotro. Unlike, say, having Warden as a locked class, this is something that should NOT be a store option...because then we end up with two types of players in game -- gimped and not.
DDO does not do this. Everything for sale there is optional == additional classes, quest packs, races, cosmetic options, some less rare or even common consumables, etc. At no point is the player paying via Points at a disadvantage to the subscriber.