The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

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  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
 #148514  by kali o.
 Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:03 am
Played through Mafia 2.

Not worth the money, highly disappointed. 10 hours tops to finish, the story jumps between formulaic and silly and there is nothing to do outside the main plot (despite the illusion of a sandbox). Worst of all, this sequel takes the WORST aspect of the original (the driving) and builds the game around it. I kid you not, 80% of this game is driving from point A to point B.

According to the game, being in the mob involves interacting with shallow sociopathic idiots and driving around doing menial shit all day...that might be more realistic than the usual portrayal, but it makes for lousy entertainment. :'(
 #148539  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:08 am
Starcraft and Dragon Quest 9 (currently my longest played game ever; I didn't think it would get to this point, but I just keep going thanks to the new post-game Story quests; unlockable through online updates).

I would love to see DS remakes of Earthbound and Terranigma.
 #148566  by Oracle
 Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:26 pm
Now playing earthbound on my samsung galaxy s phone :)
 #149131  by SineSwiper
 Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:28 pm
Got bored with StarCraft 2. (I don't know why, honestly.) Winding down Crackdown 2, and almost finished with SC: Conviction. Probably going to play the Fallout 3 DLC sometime in the future, and or Dead Rising 2.

Patiently awaiting Vanquish and Fallout: New Vegas.
 #149143  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:39 am
Well, thanks to the increasing troubles between Muslims and bumpkins in the US, it is unlikely Terranigma will EVER be re-released in the West (considering that the major enemy in the game is essentially a fictional version of Ayatollah Khomeini).

I am finding it very difficult to pick up Starcraft 2 again, now that I have finished the campaign, and have bought Civilization 5 - which is WAY more my type of game.

I am also playing through the Dragon Quest 9 post-game quests as they unlock (one new chapter every week).

I bought the latest Professor Layton game as well - but probably won't play it any time before my Fall vacation.
 #149153  by Don
 Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:22 pm
Julius Seeker wrote:Well, thanks to the increasing troubles between Muslims and bumpkins in the US, it is unlikely Terranigma will EVER be re-released in the West (considering that the major enemy in the game is essentially a fictional version of Ayatollah Khomeini).
I assume you're referring to Beruga, and he always struck me more like a mad scientist. Yes he obviously has a very strong religious background too but in the world of Terranigma it's pretty clear that the Gods make their presence known so there's nothing wrong with an evil scientist teaming up with an ancient dark God.

Edit: Never mind, I saw the connection after I wrote what I typed out when I realized Iran was going for nukes too.
 #149942  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:55 am
Minecraft - A very interesting title; essentially you mine stone, chop wood, refine all sorts of stuff (IE. sand > Glass, rock > stone slabs, etc..) and build structures out of it; whether you want a sim city sized house, a sprawling castle, the Starship Enterprise, or even the entire city of Midgar; it is possible. Now if only you could spawn people to populate the world.

Final Fantasy 7 - picked this one up, I am on disk 2 currently exploring the Northern Glacier. I DO in fact feel that a remake of this game with some feature additions would be something of a correct step forward for Square.

Final Fantasy 6 - Giving up on a remake coming any time soon, I picked this one up for the first time in over 3 years (or whenever the GBA release came). Just as excellent as always, I would love to see a nice remake, with additions. Very few games so perfectly pull off a scenario where the world comes to an end, and then rises up to challenge the maker of the Apocalypse. The final battle is like so ething out of a Vatican fresco of the renaisance era.

Suikoden 1 - figured I'd play the first two games again. This time around though, I am using an FAQ, I want to get everything!

Dragon Quest 9 - Spent most of the week buying the Royal/Imperial weapons and armour that were available. I have yet to find the map with the three remaining legacy bosses that can be acquired without completing dl quests. I am filthy rich through my Gold Armour factory. I have completed over 80 side quests (less than some who have played less than me, but still nice progress; it's been a while since I have played the Brigadoom restoration scenarios, but am certainly interested to see how this all goes).

Civ 5 - played with the new updates, I tried Deity and got my ass kicked due to falling too far in the tech race and spending too much gold fighting Egyptians away from my Southern borders.

Final Fantasy 1 and Mystic Quest round off my list. In FF1 I made a couple of attempts at the Earth dungeon, but had to flee due to a lack of many supplies, but my next attempt should be more successful. Mystic Quest, I have reached the Winter location... This game brings back the childhood memories.
 #150194  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:17 am
Now you can add Suikoden Tierkreis to the list, I just picked it up this morning =)
 #150297  by Shrinweck
 Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:36 am
Started FF13 again during Thanksgiving break and got past where I was before in Pulse (God I forgot how fucking annoying Fang and Sazh's ediolons were even though my knowledge of paradigms is better than before). I got to Duhaka and apparently that boss requires hours of grinding or a superhuman grasp of the fighting system. I was hoping the fact that I could fight my way to him would be enough. I'm probably going to put off playing it any more until after finals.

It's funny that it computes play time during the cutscenes. I cut down my play time with skipping cutscenes, knowing where to go and how to do things by like six hours, to where I got to before.
 #150418  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:57 am
I also recently tried to pick up FF13 again..... I couldn't play it. In fact, Final Fantasy 1 had me more interested in a replay (currently playing that and am at Gurgu Volcano).

Suikoden Tierkreis I am still playing (had a very heavy few weeks of work, so I am only now playing it again).

Wii Fit took up most of my time in recent weeks as it is the only method I can tolerate right now for staying in shape.

Dragon Quest 9, I hit 266 hours; the collection aspect of this game is as addictive as Suikoden 1 (which I am also replaying with the goal of collecting all 108 stars).
 #150551  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:34 am
Somehow I got down to playing Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, a game developed specifically for Americans:

* No Random Battles
* Auto-equipping system
* Usable actions outside of turn-based battle (you can swing an axe to destroy trees)
* More upbeat music
* Looks more gritty

Actually, despite how much more simple this one is (it's even more simple than the other American aimed FF game, FF13), it is fairly addictive to play. I just recently passed the volcano where the third of four fiends is located; it was VERY VERY long, it took me over an hour and a half to clear.... Now that may not seem like much, but when it took me only 4-5 hours to get there.... The whole Fireburg region of the game was over half of the game to date. I am now entering Windia.

Four allies:
Kaeli - she is a girl with an axe.... who is friend of the forest. She is my current party member going into Windia, but she was also the first to join my party at the beginning of the game. While she was one of the 14 people who lived in the village at the bottom of the hill my farm was on, and my age, I had never met her before.
Tristam - a fighter who helped me kill the fiend of Earth, and then later rejoined me briefly for one part on the path to Windia. He has never been in my party for a long period of time.
Reuben - In my memory from my childhood, this character and Tristam were one and the same.... Actually they're both different, and Reuben is really more or less a better version of Tristam. He was my party member all through the Fireburg sequence, making him the secondary character I used the most.
Phoebe - Accompanied me through the Water area, the person who I used second most. She is the party member who was most useful due to her magic abilities which seem to outperform Kaeli's. If I remember correctly, Phoebe is the party member for the final dungeon as well.

Overall, I am only playing this game for nostalgia purposes. It has its charm, and was MUCH easier to get back into than Phantasy Star 2 was. I might give Seventh Saga a go at some point, but I have a feeling that it may be similar to the Phantasy Star games... Seventh Saga and Phantasy Star 2 were at a time two of my top five favourite RPGs.... how that changed....
 #150576  by SineSwiper
 Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:25 am
Julius Seeker wrote:Actually, despite how much more simple this one is (it's even more simple than the other American aimed FF game, FF13)
Oh, stop hating. The two games were about 20 years apart, so there's absolutely no comparison. FF:MQ was basically some insulting "Americans are too stupid to play a normal RPG, so let's create some way simple version". Though, I'd admit that FF:MQ did have its appeal, at least based on what little I remember from playing it 12+ years ago.
Julius Seeker wrote:Overall, I am only playing this game for nostalgia purposes. It has its charm, and was MUCH easier to get back into than Phantasy Star 2 was. I might give Seventh Saga a go at some point, but I have a feeling that it may be similar to the Phantasy Star games... Seventh Saga and Phantasy Star 2 were at a time two of my top five favourite RPGs.... how that changed....
Man, FF:MQ and Seventh Saga shouldn't even be mentioned in the same post. Just complete polar opposites of each other.
 #150577  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:41 am
I actually enjoyed FF13. I even enjoyed the characters that people seemed to hate. I was just commenting on how simple the game felt compared to other FF games.

Actually, one thing about Mystic Quest is that the normal battles are actually more difficult than those in just about all other FF games - in that I have actually been killed about a dozen times or more. The boss battles are also more difficult. Mystic Quest has a retry option though; the player can also save everywhere, which makes things WAY easier. It also has an auto-battleoption for companion characters, they will always go for the most effective method of eliminating an enemy though, which means magic is normally long gone before boss battles (not that it has really been much of a problem).

I have reached Windia now after playing a little more; it is a more interesting location than any of the others.... For instance, there are 5 houses in the town =P. Mostly, the story is a little better here than in the other locations.

Seventh Saga? I am going to go out and say it right now. As much as people disliked this game, I actually liked it a lot in its time. I don't recall it being as difficult as people said either; I remember it being around Phantasy Star 2 level.... Although, that is what I fear, because I find Phantasy Star 2 almost unplayable now.
 #151525  by KluYa
 Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:53 pm
MQ is extremely easy and that's even without abusing white magic versus monsters like Life and Exit. Fun game though. I used to challenge my 2 buddies to see who could do the best speed run at this. Had the Ice Pyramid clear about 22 minutes in and the Lava Dome done at maybe 50ish minutes in. The music to the final dungeon is one of those songs that stay with you for your lifespan no matter what - sort of like the Inspector Gadget opening theme, or this.
 #151554  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:00 pm
• Dragon Quest 6 is occupying all of my time; finally convinced me to put DQ9 to bed after 280 hours (about 150 multiplayer) - I probably will not get close to that in any RPG ever again, particularly considering that I have only played 2 others for more than 60 hours.
 #151709  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:12 pm
I played FlyFF back ~4-5 years ago. What I recall of the game was rushing to enemy spawn locations and trying to kill them quickly before others did. I forget why I quit. It seemed like a fun game with a very interesting easy-on-the-eyes art style. I don't think I ever got out of the initial area of the game, although my memories are very hazy.

Myself, I am playing DQ6 and Pokemon White; and I have Ghost Trick (game by the Ace Attorney creator) waiting on the side for when I have the time.
 #151718  by MentalMillenium
 Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:54 pm
Julius Seeker wrote:I played FlyFF back ~4-5 years ago. What I recall of the game was rushing to enemy spawn locations and trying to kill them quickly before others did. I forget why I quit. It seemed like a fun game with a very interesting easy-on-the-eyes art style. I don't think I ever got out of the initial area of the game, although my memories are very hazy.
It is AWESOME. It has captured my heart in exactly that way that World of Warcraft failed to. :)

If you feel like coming back and giving it a new try, I'll load you up with cool items and whatnot!
 #151727  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:33 am
I might at some point, I do also recall enjoying it a lot more than World of Warcraft for whatever reason. Although I find it difficult to find time to play these games, I would probably only be able to do it on certain weekend mornings in the early part; which is my typical slot for non-story based single player games (like Civ 5)
 #151730  by MentalMillenium
 Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:18 pm
I'm down. I set my own hours these days and can work around your schedule. And honestly it would REALLY help me to have someone on there to kick it with who's good at videogames.

The only issue I've had at all with Flyff is that as a freemium game (with the attendant differences in power between those who pay and those who don't) there is a lil' bit of a street urchin problem. The beggars in that game remind me of a Third World country. And the rest of the kids are wonderful but can't play that well.

I happen to be one of those who's decided to support the dev team with $10 a month or so in freemium purchases (I had originally wanted to be one of those who just plays for free and yet acquires more power than the pay players, and was on the road to that, but then realized that if no one pays for the game, the game will eventually go out of business), so I am rich as hell in that game and can powerlevel you to a sweet spot real fast. Just let me know, man!
 #151731  by MentalMillenium
 Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:18 pm
Honestly, the level curve in Flyff makes WoW look like a cakewalk. One of the reasons I love this game is that it's a challenge and a commitment both.
 #151733  by Zeus
 Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:21 pm
Finally, I can play other games again. I've finished all of the Score Attacks and Trials on all the levels in Pac-Man Championship Edition DX. Been waaay too addicted to this one for the last week or so. Namco really outdid themselves with this one. It's an amazing update to one of the best downloadable games out there. Absolutely phenomenal game. My overall ranking on the leaderboards = 1413 out of a little over 183k.

Been playin' a lot of Tomb Raider Underworld recently. Near the end of the Mexico level for those who've played it. It's not a perfect game, not with the sometimes annoying camera, useless enemies and combat system, and sometimes redundant paths. But it's a gorgeous game, has solid cutscenes, and is designed well enough that they never, ever need to give you a hint as to what to do next. You just take a look around and you can figure it out 99% of the time. Only one spot we actually had to use a FAQ in the approx. 7 hours we've put into it so far. It's worth going through it once and at under $10 used (I got mine for $5), it's worth the price and your time. I've finished both Uncharted games and although this one certainly doesn't have the storyline or cutscenes of those games, it's probably as strong from a gameplay point of view. Combat not so much but certainly superior with its puzzles and exploration and that's a big part of these games.

Also been playin' Infamous. Yes, I know, 3 years later but better late than never. I have to admit, I'm not particularly fond of this game. It tries hard to be GTA but is missing so many elements of what makes GTA a good game. For starters, it punishes the fuck out of you if you explore. I don't always wanna do side missions so I can "free up an area". Why? Side missions are derivative crap. Go kill a bunch of guys, here's a useless x reason why. Exploring is a huge part of sandbox games and this one makes you pay for even thinking about it. When it's not the enemies annoying you, you get pissed off at the wonky detection and general "glide" feeling you have controlling the guy. Also, the storyline is pretty 'meh' so far (slight spoiler: we just beat goop bitch). I hardly know why I'm even doing what I'm doing and I'm getting to the point where I don't care. Do I really wanna know what FBI bitch is up to or where her hubby is? Not really. Do I really care if the ex likes me? No. There's also no real variation to the combat. You hit people with lightning in 3 or 4 different ways (but mostly only 2), that's it. Pretty dull. I wanna finish it but I'm having a hard time getting back into it (Pac-Man didn't help). Hopefully soon I can get back to it but I certainly am not caring about the impeding release of the sequel.
 #151760  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:47 am
I'll download the game at some point today. I am not sure if I'll make it this weekend since I have a document to finish up for Monday morning.

I'll check in for a bit maybe to set my character and such.

Any particular steps in the setup you'd like to me to do?
 #151918  by MentalMillenium
 Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:33 am
Julius Seeker wrote:I'll download the game at some point today. I am not sure if I'll make it this weekend since I have a document to finish up for Monday morning.

I'll check in for a bit maybe to set my character and such.

Any particular steps in the setup you'd like to me to do?
NO! Just tell me what time you want to play so I can pimp out your new character and get us rolling! :D
 #152954  by Alec
 Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:40 pm
Played through Duke Nukem Forever and thought it was excellent (but there's a different thread for that).

Playing through Alice: Madness Returns and I highly recommend it for fans of the original (which it comes with). Game is loooooong, prepared to dedicate 20+ hours if you're a completionist.

Played an early build of I Am Alive and I have to say, it's amazing. It's Silent Hill+Assassin's Creed+Fallout. It'll be hitting XBLA and PSN later this year.

Going to Start F.E.A.R. 3 today, very excited for that.
 #153082  by Julius Seeker
 Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:54 am
Just Dance 2, Michael Jackson, Wii Fit - fun way to keep fit. I have actually pushed the envelope with these ones and have been toning up nicely. Plus the Just Dance games are the best party games I have ever played, by far.

Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D

It is funny to play all of these advanced games like LA Noire, Uncharted 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and even newer Zelda games in the series like Twilight Princess.... and see how they just all feel utterly inferior to a game that's 13 years old now. Playing Ocarina of Time 3D is like playing Ocarina of Time again for the first time, it's not only nice to see the greater detail, and the new Hyrule rendered in living 3D... But just that the game does everything flawlessly on a gameplay perspective. I am actually finding myself moving through the game more slowly this time around, making sure to pick up all the Gold Scullutas, talk to everyone, and do everything I can as I come across it. I do think this era of gaming was the best overall, the late-90's - while things have gotten MUCH prettier, many new games have been losing focus on the full picture. RPGs (on console at least, there have been plenty of great handheld ones) and adventure games often seem stripped down from good features, and loaded up with lots of features meant to have the character grind and fetch towards a much fluffier experience... RPGs alone have more fighting in them now than they did 10-18 years ago, this is why I generally play more RPGs from the 90's now than I do newer ones.

FF13's goal was to eliminate unnecessary towns and side quests... But I loved that stuff ...and replace it with more graphical brilliance and fighting! FF13 as a result is a lesser game than its predecessors, and the first FF game since the NES era where the current Dragon Quest title is clearly better.

Anyway, Ocarina of Time 3D serves to re-affirm that my love of the original and my memories of its experience as the best experience from a game in terms of a balance of fun and satisfaction, remain true on this day 13 years later; and I am happy to be playing it again.
 #153201  by Oracle
 Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:55 am
Playing through Duke Nukem Forever.

Beat Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 (plus expansions) right before the wedding. Moved on to Neverwinter Nights, but just can't get in to it. Definitely a severe drop off between BG2:ToB and NWN.

Still planning on finishing my Suikoden kick some day. I'm about 10 hours into Suikoden 4, but that's where I've been for the past 3 or 4 months. After that I will play Tactics (thankfully it's short) and then on to one of my favourites, #5.

Started up my Mass Effect 2 insano-difficulty campaign after I suckered myself into $25 worth of DLC. It's not THAT hard, just have to be really patient and be willing to accept dying because you pressed the wrong button for a SPLIT second and stood up and actually took a bit of fire.

Uhm... yea, that's what I'm playing.
 #153203  by Shrinweck
 Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:26 pm
Neverwinter Nights was okay. The story had its moments but compared to BG2 at a 10 NWN is like a 4. Have you played Planescape Torment? It's kind of the closest you'll get to gameplay, story, and character development that's comparable to Baldur's Gate. Honestly I like it more.

My problem with the Mass Effect 2 difficulties is that I don't have the patience to kill enemies with that many hit points. I couldn't even play through the entire tutorial.
 #153205  by Oracle
 Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:31 pm
I downloaded planescape torment with the Baldur's Gate package I got (I have all the CDs for BG and BG2, but I downloaded a package that has all the mods and widescreen capabilities built in). I think I'll stop NWN for now I try Planescape Torment first.

Gotta be an adept in ME2 on the hardest difficulty, with party members that can use ... Shock? Whatever the ability is that rapes biotic shields. Unfortunately that means I have to use Miranada a lot...
 #153207  by Shrinweck
 Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:58 pm
I think you might mean warp? I dunno, but for my biotic playthrough I had warp on a single target maxed and had Miranda and Thane with me with single target warp maxed as well and we just tore shit up. Overload, warp, and incinerate are insanely useful compared to the other skills. Apparently in 3 you're going to have your same skills maxed like they are at the end of 2 and leveling is just going to give you the chance to evolve them to specialize further.
 #153208  by Oracle
 Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:06 pm
Overload is what I meant. Drops the biotic barriers fast. On Shepard I use maxed warp most of the time, mixed in with singularity and push/pull depending on what type of fight I'm in.

I'm pretty early on in the game on this difficulty, and the only characters I have recruited so far are Garus, Zaeed, and Jack.
 #153574  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:57 pm
Weekend games:
Little King Story - Revisiting this game, and I am starting with a fresh play. I remember enjoying this a lot, and I am really enjoying it again.
Civilization 5 - Obviously I talk a bit about this one. It is at a point where I somewhat enjoy it, but it still needs more content and features, which do keep on coming.

Handheld Games:
Ocarina of Time 3D - main handheld game at the moment
Radiant Historia - Just finishing it up
Pokemon White

Weekday Games:
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 6
Animal Crossing City Folk - Addictive as hell game.
 #153650  by Alec
 Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:45 am
Julius Seeker wrote:Radiant Historia
Just finished this last night. Phenomenal game.
 #154031  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:59 pm
Currently playing: Zelda Ocarina of Time Master Quest 3D, Legend of Zelda Link to the Past, Legend of Zelda, and Adventure of Link.... Yes, all 4 of them in progress and I did play all of them today =P

Zelda 1 and 2 lend themselves for good shorter session plays; Zelda 3 is good for 15-20 minute sessions; and Ocarina of Time good for the meatier 30+ minute sessions (although due to it being on 3DS, it is a trivial thing to quit playing at any time). Zelda 1 and 2 on 3DS also benefit from having the new save-anywhere feature.
 #154835  by SineSwiper
 Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:56 am
Time spent coding map generators/creators for Terraria: somewhere in the range of 150+ hours
Time spent actually playing Terraria: 7 hours
 #154971  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:16 pm
I have been spending most time playing through RPGs on 3DS (halfway through a replay of Dragon Quest 4), as well as playing through Ocarina of Time's Master Quest on 3DS.

I have been largely focused on Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny and Paper Mario Wii, and not much else besides playthroughs of old PSX and SNES RPGs here and there.

I also got back into Minecraft, this time playing exclusively multiplayer on a server with about a dozen of my co-workers. I have been working on building a giant sky castle built in Asian style with some more Gothic/European additions. It actually is turning out fairly interesting =)
 #155106  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:37 pm
Now Playing:

Zelda: Skyward Sword
Minecraft: Release Edition
Super Mario Land 3D
 #155631  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:26 pm
1. Mario Kart 7 - playing this one the most mainly due to local multiplayer and one of the communities for people from my town.
2. Minecraft - Currently constructing a floating city about a kilometer away from the main city on the server (hooked up to it via posh railroad). Probably won't be complete for a few months knowing my rate of play (probably ~2-3 hours a week)
3. Final Fantasy 13-2 (just started)
4. Skyward Sword (not even half way yet)
5. Mass Effect 2 (getting around to it, I will probably finish Zelda and FF13-2 first).
6. Fire Emblem - Sealed Stones (Free game for early 3DS users)
7. Earthbound - (My 29th play through this game.... Something like that at least. I am currently in Summers, this is my evening wind-down game).
8. The Old Republic - I really squandered my play period, I think I have 2 weeks left (out of 60 days). Mostly Minecraft's fault!
 #155633  by Shrinweck
 Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:51 pm
I'm planning on another go around in Mass Effect 2 before 3 gets released next month so I have a character that's fresh in my mind that has been through all the DLC. I think it has been the better part of a year since I've played through it so I likely won't have every single encounter memorized like a ton of my other play throughs.
 #155641  by Alec
 Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:52 am
Started Resident Evil: Revelations yesterday, playing with the Circle Pad Pro. Shit is *hot*.

Also, finished Corpse Party the other day. It scratched an itch I'd been having since Heavy Rain. Corpse Party is truly amazing.
 #155642  by Flip
 Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:15 am
I finally finished Bastion and I think i've done pretty much everything in Skyrim... Now i'm in the Diablo 3 beta and messing around with it, but it isnt all that fun without the multi-player aspect. In fact, i'd go as far to say that Skyrim has ruined me from enjoying Diablo. With the sheer amount of stuff in Skyrim, my uncontrollable twitch for finding random badass loot is satisfied FAR more in Skyrim than Diablo 3. And really, the loot is what its all about. Well, that and hardcore mode. I cant wait for multiplayer hardcore mode in D3, then it will be fun again.
 #155643  by Julius Seeker
 Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:52 am
I also got Resident Evil Revelations. Although I have yet to play it.

I forgot to mention Bejeweled Blitz. Easy to miss because I literally just play 2 one minute games in the morning to get me going. If I play it's on iOS or with a tablet controller on PC - I find both control methods to be better than a mouse.
 #155666  by Zeus
 Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:25 am
Bovine, time for you to step up and beat my score on some of the Marvel boards in Pinball FX 2. I'm beating you pretty soundly on all 5 boards I own. Start with the Wolverine one :-)
 #155676  by Blotus
 Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:11 pm
I watched and played some of Joe Danger on PSN tonight. It was pretty wicked. It's basically Excitebike re-imagined with rad tricks. Only thing I saw that was shit about was that apparently you have to exit out of your custom-built tracks to edit anything in them (like delete an obstacle).
 #155677  by Blotus
 Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:13 pm
I watched and played some of Joe Danger on PSN tonight. It was pretty wicked. It's basically Excitebike re-imagined with mad tricks. Only thing I saw that was shit about was that apparently (not certain) you have to exit out of your custom-built tracks to edit anything in them (like delete an obstacle), then load it up again.
 #155678  by Blotus
 Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:13 pm
I watched and played some of Joe Danger on PSN tonight. It was pretty wicked. It's basically Excitebike re-imagined with mad tricks. Only thing I saw that was shit about was that apparently (not certain) you have to exit out of your custom-built tracks to edit anything in them (like delete an obstacle), then load it up again.
 #155679  by Blotus
 Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:13 pm
I watched and played some of Joe Danger on PSN tonight. It was pretty wicked. It's basically Excitebike re-imagined with mad tricks. Only thing I saw that was shit about was that apparently (not certain) you have to exit out of your custom-built tracks to edit anything in them (like delete an obstacle), then load it up again.
 #155680  by Blotus
 Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:15 pm
I watched and played some of Joe Danger on PSN tonight. It was pretty wicked. It's basically Excitebike re-imagined with mad tricks. Only thing I saw that was shit about was that apparently (not certain) you have to exit out of your custom-built tracks to edit anything in them (like delete an obstacle), then load it up again.
 #155681  by Blotus
 Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:25 pm
I watched and played some of Joe Danger on PSN tonight. It was pretty wicked. It's basically Excitebike re-imagined with mad tricks. Only thing I saw that was shit about was that apparently (not certain) you have to exit out of your custom-built tracks to edit anything in them (like delete an obstacle), then load it up again.
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