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  • 3DS first impressions

  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
 #151909  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:36 pm
* First look, it is a little crazy, almost hard to believe what you are looking at. The screen seems more like an open window than anything.
* 3D images are sharper than when it is set to 2D. It is difficult to explain, but the 3D makes things seem much less cluttered than it otherwise would.
* The 3D at max setting is a little too much; for example, when there is a circle, the depth is significantly more than the width so it almost looks like an oval. I have the setting set to about medium, and that seems like the correct depth.
* 3D photos are cool =)
* The touchscreen is A LOT better than the original DS, you don't need a stylus, you can select from the keyboard using your fingers fairly easily.
* Super Street Fighter 4 is all I have played right now in terms of full games.
 #151910  by Eric
 Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:52 pm
Premature purchase imo, nothing really worth getting.
 #151913  by M'k'n'zy
 Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:53 pm
I picked one up as well and I am LOVING this thing. The AR card game is a blast. I picked up Bust a Move, Nintendogs, Super Street Fighter IV, and Samurai Warriors. I haven't played Samurai Warriors yet but I was amazed at how much 3d was used in Bust a Move. It shocked me. I am LOVING this thing.
 #151914  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:32 pm
@Eric - Sure there is, I am really enjoying Steel Diver, Super Street Fighter 4, the AR games, and the pre-installed games and software from the net. Not to mention Zelda's only 3 months off.

Anyway, one of the features in the game involves a pedometer when the device is closed. Every X number of steps the user gains a coin. These coins can be spent in various games, one of those being currently available in the Mii Palace, essentially you're a King, and you can hire warriors, or gather them up via Street Pass; Any one in proximity will trade Mii data, you can add the Mii's collected to your army. With your army, you essentially go and battle with attacks and magic against enemies. You can unlock various clothing items for your Miis in this particular game. Fight until our army is depleted, and then the next day they're recovered and you can continue on the adventure. There is a little story that goes along with it too.

Steel Diver has three modes of play, a strategic mode which places your fleet against an enemy fleet (AI or human) with a number of maps to choose from. There is also a campaign mode which reminds me a lot of Star Trek and controlling a Star Ship... Only it is a submarine. There is also a periscope mode (also periscope mini-levels in the main campaign) which I recommend playing in a spinny office chair since the user can use the gyroscope, which is more fun than the slider, and very intuitive. On the touch screen are the controls which involve dials, a steering wheel, levers, and buttons for various weapons. This would be a fairly good setup for a Star Trek game, hopefully this is done for when the next movie arives. Graphically, this one is nicer in 3D than Street Fighter.

Super Street Fighter 4 probably doesn't need much description. Some of the differences would be more buttons to work with as a result of the touch screen which can be used as 4 additional face buttons for a total of 8. Anime cutscenes are present for each character (there's a ton).

Audio in both games is superior to anything I hears before on DS. There has definitely been a big audio improvement as well as graphical.

As for which game is better; Street Fighter is more active and exciting; but Steel diver is more suspenseful, strategic, and easier to sink a few hours into at a time. Street Fighter is more of a 15-40 minute game.

There are also AR games. These games utilize the 3D cameras, and you'll have a view of your surroundings, and also some objects added by the software. Essentially place a card down on a flat surface, point the camera at it, and watch on the screen as life springs up on your desk/table/Floor. They use the gyroscope as well, and the user will be able to aim various weapons at the objects, IE, a crossbow against a dragon; you can fight head on, or lean around the side or go above an fire at the sections of his body. I do know that there will be some AR software that will cause enemies larger than people to appear. These are a fairly cool addition, 6 free cards come with the system. These games are actually surprisingly high quality and loads of fun; I was a little surprised, it was a lot better than what I was expecting.

On top of the Street Pass connectivity which occurs in sleep mode, the system updates in when a connection is available. There are little treats downloaded during these updates. The first one I got was a 4 minute 3D video demonstration.

One last thing for now; once you have played in 3D, it is very very difficult to play the games in non-3D, or other games for that matter.
 #151919  by bovine
 Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:37 am
3DS has one of the worst launch lineups in the history of forever.

Waiting with great anticipation for the mailman to bring it to me, though.
 #151921  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:22 am
bovine wrote:3DS has one of the worst launch lineups in the history of forever.

Waiting with great anticipation for the mailman to bring it to me, though.
I very very VERY much disagree. Having got each of Nintendo's handhelds at launch; Gameboy, GBA, DS, and 3DS. This is the most satisfied I have been with a Nintendo launch lineup. My least favourite was the GBA, easily.
 #151922  by Julius Seeker
 Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:41 am
Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:How's the battery life in actual use?
It's supposed to be 3-6 hours. I haven't tested it myself. I am not sure what settings/games this refers to, since there are multiple light settings, the top brightness being significantly brighter than the lowest, WiFi on/off (which made a huge difference in DS Lite, but not so much in DSi XL), and there is also a power-saving mode which seems to alter the tint, although I am not exactly sure what this does to save power.

One more thing, the blue 3DS models are not actually blue; they're more like a dark aqua green/blue to turquoise.
 #151926  by M'k'n'zy
 Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:23 pm
Yeah I got the blue one and its like a metalic aqua, it looks awesome. I sat down and played Samurai Warriors last night for about 2 hours straight with full 3d and my battery was only down one bar, so I would say about 6 hours sounds right
 #151927  by Eric
 Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:15 pm
Julius Seeker wrote:
bovine wrote:3DS has one of the worst launch lineups in the history of forever.

Waiting with great anticipation for the mailman to bring it to me, though.
I very very VERY much disagree. Having got each of Nintendo's handhelds at launch; Gameboy, GBA, DS, and 3DS. This is the most satisfied I have been with a Nintendo launch lineup. My least favourite was the GBA, easily.
Err the Gameboy Advance had Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, I could stop there tbh, but it also had Super Mario Advance, F-Zero: Maximum Velocity, and Super Dodge Ball Advance, and ChuChu Rocket(Sleeper awesome game!), all of which have 80+ ratings on metacritic. ... s/3ds/date

Now you compare it to the 3DS launch line-up, and the only one above 80 is Street Fighter IV, which quite frankly is an inferior port of game you paid $40 for when you could have gotten it for $20 on the PS3 or X-Box 360 at this point. ... +4&x=0&y=0

I stand by my stance that the 3DS launch line-up does not make me want to run out of the door and nab it, but I'm not surprised you enjoy a new Nintendo system, to each his own. :)
 #151928  by M'k'n'zy
 Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:21 pm
Honestly I am really enjoying it as well. And I bought it not just for some of the games that are out at launch, but for some of the games that are going to be outwithin the first 3-6 months that you know the system will still be hard to find for.
 #151929  by Zeus
 Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:06 pm
The sole reason I can think of as to why Professor Layton was delayed 'til Sept is that they wanna give us #4 first since we haven't gotten it yet. That was the only game I really wanted at launch
 #151932  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:20 am
Err, I wouldn't call the 3DS version inferior. The game is almost the same, with the added features of 3D and portability, which means I can play the game anywhere I wish. If this version of the game came out first, it would have scored higher. Similar to the Wii version of RE4 scoring lower than the Gamecube one; despite graphical enhancements, added content, and far superior IR controls.

PS, online in this game is excellent quality; I am a little surprised at the lack of lag; and also the quick speeds (something like 3-5 seconds) that they find opponents in your rank level. I'm also a little disappointed in the Japanese players, they kind of suck at Street Fighter =P. The best player I fought was some guy who went by the name Johan (probably Euro), who I faced 5 times for a total of 3/5 wins, my only two losses so far.

Anyway, Face Raiders is an surprisingly fun game. It essentially turns your house into a videogame field, you can take 3D pictures or 2D pictures and they will be altered to become 3D; set facial positionings, and then you fight them. It is kind of entertaining and bizarre to see Larry David teaming up with Adolf Hitler and Gandhi and destroying my home =P They'll break walls, smash your TV, throw pieces of your house at you. The user has to shoot them. Different stages have more advanced fighting techniques, such as shooting one object into the enemy boss; characters will attack in different patterns, etc... There are bonuses and such the user can pick up along the way. This one is even more fun than the AR games I have tried so far.
 #151949  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:20 pm
I have walked 15,397 steps today, and 47,229 total. Only Street passed 5 people so far. They can help with the Mii Plaza games.

and fun with AR cards
 #152027  by Julius Seeker
 Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:09 am
Super Street Fighter 4 vs Steel Diver

Steel Diver

Without a doubt, Steel Diver is the more impressive title in 3D; it is like staring into a little aquarium, only sometimes there happens to be large waterfalls, volcanoes, and lots and lots of living creatures. The periscope mode is also a lot of fun; there is no visual experience like a game during a storm, everything looks so lifelike.

The Campaign isn't very long; but there is a great degree of difficulty in it if the user is unable to keep track of multiple acceleration controls, as well as a steering wheel, and weapons. Buttons can be used, but it is much better to use the touchscreen dials, buttons, and levers. As I have previously stated, it makes me want to play a mech game, or a Star Trek title; as expanded controls like these will work very well in those types of games. This mode is about as close to an adventure title as is available until May 7th when Kid Icarus launches; a little over a month. Oh, and yes there are giant sea monsters and super sized enemy sea vessels to take care of.

Periscope Mode utilizes the gyroscopic technology, but only in a periscope type range; it is not like Face Raiders where the user has a full spherical play field. There is also a dial on the touchscreen, but the precision of the periscope, and the addition of an office chair, Motion controls are the only way to go with this. As I said above, Storm setting is the most impressive level here. The Submarine vs Submarine location reminds me A HELL off a lot of Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country, in the battle between Kirk's Enterprise, Sulu's Excelsior, and Chang's cloaked Bird of Prey which can fire weapons undetected - perhaps my favourite scene of all of the Star Trek movies, including the latest. The reason why I make this comparison is because some of the subs are far enough out that the user will have to rely on sonar in order to locate them, gauge their speed, and land a torpedo - all while they're firing at you. It is very satisfying to see that explosion in the depths, in the distance. This mode is the shortest.

The third mode is a strategic battle mode with several different maps. I have only competed on map 1, and I can already say that this is the longest mode available in the game. Essentially you have to protect your supply ships with an escort fleet, and your own submarine if you wish to use it that way; more likely you'll be playing the role of Captain Nemo in amongst the enemy fleet. Escort ships can use depth charges, but are at a fairly large disadvantage, since the sub can attack them, and deal out heavy damage (4 torpedos to fire per turn, with 1-2 to sink most ships; whereas ships can only use 1 depth charge with about a 33% chance of hitting and doing some damage).

Super Street Fighter 4

I have played through campaign with several characters. I have been finding the game to be MUCH more balanced than Alpha 3 was; which was the last Street Fighter game I played. The D-pad on the 3DS is much better than the SNES, VC, and PSX D-pad; and in combination with the touch screen buttons, I have no problems pulling off any move in the game. It is very easy to chain moves together (ie. medium/light punch to Tiger shot; medium kick to Tiger Upercut,etc...). For the first time ever, I don't feel that cheap Guile strategies are as effective as they used to be - at least with Sagat, I still have trouble when using Ken. As in Alpha 3 and Super Street Fighter 2, I am probably not going to venture much into the expanded cast (everyone outside of the Turbo roster, which are the originals + Balrog, Vega, Sagat, and Bison). I did try Akuma, he is now no stronger than other fighters - in Alpha 3, he was clearly superior.

The RPG battle mode is fairly cool too. When passing someone who has Super Street Fighter 4 data on their 3DS, the team you have set up will battle against the opponent's team; and the results of the battle can be viewed later. Your characters will level up as they fight.

I have fought 150 online battles so far; essentially you can go from the home screen of the 3DS, and be in an online battle in under 30 seconds - it is a very quick process unlike Super Smash Brothers Brawl for example. Online overall is vastly improved over Wii software - although it might be just that Capcom is really good, because Monster Hunter Tri is easily Wii's best multiplayer title - and better than any recent PC game I have bought (including Starcraft 2 and Civ 5).

Graphically, it is difficult to play the game in 2D after playing in 3D. While the game does not benefit as much as Steel Diver from the 3D (3D water is just too cool looking), it does look very lifelike (not in terms of detail as they are anime characters, but rather they look like they're not on a screen, but living anime characters fighting). When playing old DS games, they feel like they are missing something without the 3D.

Which game do I like better?

Steel Diver has the bigger "wow" factor, and has a lot of interesting stuff, but ultimately, it is one of the most complexly controlled titles available on any system right now; it will not have the mass appeal that Street Fighter 4 has. It is more of a niche title, similar to the original Radar Mission on Gameboy. If you liked Radar Mission or Star Trek on the original Gameboy, then Steel Diver is a must have - otherwise Super Street Fighter 4. Super Street Fighter 4 is a fighter, and therefore more repetitive, everything you do is essentially a battle - but you can grow more skilled, and there are HUGE obstacles to overcome in the game, harder difficulty levels; and, of course, top tier human players. Ultimately, I think for myself, I will probably not play Steel Diver anytime soon after this first month; but I can see myself playing Super Street Fighter 4 for the next 3 months at least.
 #152066  by M'k'n'zy
 Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:21 pm
Wow I wouldn't have even thought to pick that game up until I saw that. I'ma have to check it out.
 #152073  by Zeus
 Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:16 pm
Yes, the software lineup sucked. I didn't even bother picking up a 3DS game

But the hardware itself is awesome. It's pretty much a heavy DSLite with some minor changes and an analog stick. The menu system is excellent, the 3D is really neat, and the built-in software will keep you occupied for hours. The first time you place Face Raiders you'll be shocked at how much fun a simple little freebie title is.

But I have one very large quibble with the hardware: why the fuck are we getting only 0.3 megapixel cameras? You take the 3D pic and it's really neat. But it's pretty grainy even in excellent light. Makes you yearn for an astounding 1.3 megapixel camera, which can't cost that much more. If they did that, the 3D pictures would really be a huge selling point for non-gamers. Instead you just end up with a neat little toy that you put away after you've shown it to a few people. As much vision as Nintendo has with their hardware (Sine, spare us the biased and unfounded retort to that comment), they can also be so amazingly short-sighted as to only scratch the potential of what they have to fit into a pre-conceived business model.
 #152122  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:33 am
2 million 3DS units and 2.1 million pieces of software sold so far, including 915,000 last week. Not bad at all for a system launched in late March rather than around Christmas =P

It had a record breaking North American launch week which ended up at 672,000, in comparison:
PS3 - 159,000
Wii - 529,000
PSP - 470,000
PS2 - 454,000
Xbox 360 - 351,000
DS - 546,000
GBA - 580,000

There haven't been any standout sellers (like Zelda TP on the Wii which had a 75% attach rate in the launch window). The top selling 3DS games total are:
1. Nintendogs and Cats at 317K,
2. Professor Layton at 253K,
3. Super Street Fighter 4 at 244K.
The lowest selling game by far is Steel Diver with 22,000 units - one of the games I got =P

With the looks of it, despite only being an updated port, I would guess that Super Street Fighter 4 has a very good shot at becoming the top selling version of the game. The PS3 version is the top selling with an aligned opening week of 288K, where the 3DS version hit 190K - the 3DS version is almost guaranteed to trend down at a slower pace due to many potential purchasers not even having a 3DS yet.
 #152223  by SineSwiper
 Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:41 pm
 #152229  by bovine
 Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:04 am
That's what a 3ds picure looks like in .gif form. Since it is just two pictures, those are the two pictures that it took.