So, recently it looks like Verizon changed their pricing options for data on smartphones. It used to be you could pay $30 a month for unlimited, but now $30 only gets you 2 GB of data. 5 GB and 10 GB plans are available at $50 and $80, respectively. These charges are on top of your talk plan, of which the cheapest is a $59.99 450 min talk/unlimited text. After tax and fees that are expensive and unavoidable, my cell phone is close to $100 a month. I really wish i could get a cheaper talk plan, i only use like 200 minutes a month at best, its really more like 100-150 minutes.
Its funny how the cycles have gone from limits on everything, from minutes to data, to unlimited (as companies tried to compete with one another), to now they all have caps again. ATT&T did this same thing last year. I think all things in life should be a la carte. Just like i only want a handful of cable channel from DirecTV, all i really want in a cell phone plan is 100 minutes, unlimited texting, and unlimited data. All this should be like $50 a month.
Its funny how the cycles have gone from limits on everything, from minutes to data, to unlimited (as companies tried to compete with one another), to now they all have caps again. ATT&T did this same thing last year. I think all things in life should be a la carte. Just like i only want a handful of cable channel from DirecTV, all i really want in a cell phone plan is 100 minutes, unlimited texting, and unlimited data. All this should be like $50 a month.