It looks like Deus Ex and BioShock had a baby which is sweet but then again, Syndicate was awesome as an RTS game. That is what made the franchise. FPSing every title from my child hood only confirms the fact that the video game industry is doing exactly what the movie industry is doing with films because they can't/won't come up with an original title or give an existing title the remake it deserves. Syndicate was great when it came out. Syndicate Wars was an excellent follow-up once the advent of 3D technology came about.
I would love to play a modern top down game that took advantage of the hardware we have today and honestly a re-make of Syndicate Wars on the hardware platforms of today would look 1) awesome, 2) bring a sense of nostalgic gaming back, 3) Would have been epic for multiplayer, 4) Would have been very well received by the gaming community in that form.
But no, EA has to dumb shit down for the trolls and troglidites and EA's gaming model is now the following:
Is it a shooter? If yes, remake, if no move onto next question.
Can it be made into a shooter? If yes, remake as shooter, if no do not make this game.
sports title
Has there been a football/Hockey/basketball/Tiger Woods/NCAA game released by us yet this year? If yes wait till next year, if no Why the fuck not?
EA used to make awesome games. Now they cookie cutter everything into two or three genre's and that's it.
"An old man dies, a young girl lives, fair trade." - Bruce Willis from Sin City.