Dictate? No. But if you provide people with enough value, they will buy your game new a lot more often. Won't work with every game but keep making quality and people keep buying. It was no coincidence that NSMB and Mario Kart DS sold for 5 years straight (in the top 20) or that Skyrim still's sellin' pretty solid or Monster Hunter is unstoppable in Japan.
What the developers ain't lookin' at is how many new games WON'T be sold without the ability of people to trade/sell/transfer their used games. There's only so much money going around for most people, they'll just buy less games if they can't use their old ones to subsidize their gaming habits in some way. That's the cold, hard truth and it ain't an insignificant amount, either. It's not coincidence that Best Buy and Target have gotten into the used game business. Not only profit but volume is what drove them into it
I was there on that fateful day, were you?