Shrinweck wrote:I'd hardly equate shelling out for DLC to fucking for cash on the side of the road for crack money.
I would equate paying a game developer for the full ending of a retail game purchased in good faith "getting ass raped". I don't see how anyone could not, to be honest. That is sleazier than Ubisoft's DLC milking of consumers...which is impressive in a sad way.
And what plot holes?
Are you serious? Maybe, I dunno, Anderson magically showing up on the Citadel, TIM showing up out of nowhere, the magic light elevator, the Architect...I mean god child being a part of the Citadel despite the plot line of ME1, the actual mechanics behind the choices/outcomes, SPACE WIZARDRY, your squad mates magically teleporting to the Normandy, Joker inexplicably flying away from the bubble travelling at a higher FTL speed and still reaching some random eden planet, established fact that destroying a relay would be the equivilent of a know what, I don't even want to go on here -- you can't be serious.
If anything they had to piece it together through carefully paying attention and actually reading the provided codex entries. Comparing this to the fiasco of the Matrix is just silly. I found the actual dialog in the finale very satisfying.
Well, I am glad that you found the absurd contrivance that is the ME ending to be full of satisfying dialog. I did not. It did not make sense in the context of the trilogy or Shepard's established personality or existing canon. The Matrix was a perfectly constructed masterpiece in comparison.
Dialog, mods, blah blah
Hey man, if you think the game has gotten more complex (or hell, stayed the same) since ME1, more power to you. Pass it to your left please. I don't even want to address this, or the issue of ammo/etc, because frankly, I am still absolutely floored by the previous comment.
Also more choices for how to play the game is the exact opposite of dumbed down, even if some of those options literally dumb the game down.
I choose to believe you are just messing with me to keep my brain from imploding.
Take issue with the ending all you want. I wouldn't necessarily call it weak but the worst ending ever? You're complaining for the sake of complaining here. I don't know why you keep calling it an FPS. I know what you're saying but you are literally playing from a third person perspective. There's another term for this isn't there? I said earlier in the thread that if Bioware wanted to make Gears of War they should keep it out of Mass Effect. For the most part they did.
If you want to call it a Gears of War clone or a cover shooter, be my guest. No sense being argumentative just for the sake of being argumentative though. I find it hilarious you are trying to sell the idea Bioware "kept gears of war" gameplay out of ME when it has the same cover system, me-too in close melee, directional arrows, objective markers and online play.
The last three games they've released have been flawed but basically even the best RPGs ever released have all been flawed. It's a tough genre. This may not have been as satisfying as I was hoping but in that games are supposed to eat up time, even DA2 claimed well over 100 hours of my time. They're flawed and DA2 had some inexcusable shortcuts, but they're still great games.
You and I have vastly different interpretations of what is great.
If you really thought this was a shit game then by definition you wouldn't have had the motivation to finish it. Considering Mass Effect 2 didn't even feel like it was part of the same series as the original, I think they did a decent job of tying it all together in the third iteration.
Don't tell me what I think. And I've played plenty of shit games just to get to the end - if you want to argue I am a masochist or just a dedicated time waster, be my guest. Maybe. Doesn't make ME3 any less shitty.
Alec wrote:You can get the secret ending without ever touching multiplayer. I carried over a 100% ME1->ME2 save and completed 100% of the ME3 single player content and ended up with a 6000~ EMS. The multiplayer is actually pretty fun though, if you're playing with people you know. And I don't recall any portion ever being an FPS, heh.
With that said, I didn't mind the ending.
Again with the FPS =/= Shooter semantics. It was 6am when I wrote that, I haven't slept, and I used FPS offhand because I brought up CoD. also, yeah, if you took the time to carry over your saves, probably (I wasn't). If you are just working off ME3, there is not enough to get the ending as far as I know. So you need to do the multiplayer. It's worth noting that all your effort to boost assets has no tangible outcome besides a 10-20 second teaser at the tail end of one of the endings. It's not like you actually see the payoff in the context of the actual final battle. Another major letdown.
As for the ending, you seem to be in the minority, but it's all subjective. I'd love to hear you elaborate on what exactly you liked about it...I can't think of a single redeeming quality. I wasn't even all that fond of Mass Effect, I can't imagine how actual fans are swallowing the current ending.
PS - I've edited this 5+ times and still find spelling/grammar errors. So cut me slack on my writing for this post.