The CE was cut-off from pre-orders at EB back in November or December, they haven't been available to get for a while there. If you want one, you'll probably have to go to Best Buy or Target relatively early.
And the CE comes with a HELLUVA lot more than some garbage DLC (it's all cosmetic or useless or for games I'll never play) that I will be selling INSTANTLY. Here's the full list:
Diablo 3 Collector's Edition Contents:
208 Page Diablo 3 Art Book
24 Track Diablo 3 Soundtrack CD
Diablo 3 DVD Documentary
4 GB USB Thumbdrive shaped like a Soulstone w/ Diablo 3 Skull Base
Diablo 3 Full PC Game
Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction Expansion (On the Soulstone Thumbdrive)
And the useless DLC garbage
Diablo 3 In Game Cosmetic Bonuses: Glowing Angel Wings, Armor Dye, In Game Banner
WoW Companion Pet Code: Fetish Shaman
Starcraft 2 Unit Decals and Battlenet Portraits
This comes with more than the Skyrim CE and costs $50 less. Heck, they give you the full Diablo 2 on the USB drive for cryin' out loud! Comparatively speaking, that's actually quite a bit of extras for the additional cost.
It looks like it actually may be worth the extra $40, especially if some Ebay moron pays me $20 or more for the useless DLC crap. And if you don't think idiots pay A LOT for useless DLC you haven't looked. I often recover well over 50% of what I paid for a game by selling the useless DLC that comes with it, regularly getting more than what I paid. Especially if I buy a CE/LE/SE version. Ain't no one ever bitched about free, brand-new, big-name, AAA video games.
As much as I despise the value conjured up by the publishers for the useless digital "bonuses" they package in with games and charge you real money for (the CE/SE/LE versions), there are a ton of idiots who will seriously overpay for that crap. Basically, if you never have any intention of using the DLC you get with your game, toss it up on Ebay. And make that decision right away, it's usually worth more in the first few weeks (unless the game has real staying power). You'd be shocked how much you'll get for it. Ebay is chock-full of idiots with too much money and far too little brains.
EDIT: Holy shit, they really are limited this CE. Look what people are asking for it a month before it comes out (MSRP = $100)
Amazon: ... dition=new
Ebay: ... ames_Games
And one of those Ebay auctions has actual bids of $112.50 with 2 days + left. Wow