Anyone interested? I understand that for most it'll be a secondary clan. But ain't nothin' wrong with gettin' more Diablo 3 time in....
I was there on that fateful day, were you?
I probably would not have picked it up day one if it wasn't included in the World of Warcraft annual pass.Oracle wrote:Aren't you all glad you got it on day 1?!
Times like this makes me think tying the game to a server was a pretty bad idea.Oracle wrote:Grr...
Single-player phone-home bullshit....
Already done. Am I supposed to get stuff added to my inventory?Eric wrote:Err, just add the CE key to your account.
Make a new character. If you added the CE to a Starter edition that first character will not get the items. I had to make a character put them in my stash and delete him in order to get the items on my Barbarian. (made it before I added my collectors edition key)Zeus wrote:Already done. Am I supposed to get stuff added to my inventory?Eric wrote:Err, just add the CE key to your account.
Dyes have unlimited uses (at least the CE ones do)Shellie wrote:It was all in my inv. I have the angel wings and the dyes. Are the dyes reusable anyone know?
Sure I figured that out but it's not like I get to control what random mods show up on items.Eric wrote:Stack Vitality, then your primary dps stat for whatever that may be. There are no dps races in this game until Inferno
I can't tell you how many people I've run into that have half the hp I have and rage quit when they run into certain enemies that gib them. You should not be getting gibbed by anyone or anything.
Edit: Except Arcane/lockdown combinations they're....pretty bad.