This is easily the worst E3 I can remember. Right off the bat it was Nintendo's to lose. Sony and Microshaft had nothing and everyone knew it (we knew about everything relevant beforehand). Nintendo had a new system and the stage all to themselves. What do they do? Come out and tell everyone "Um, yeah, here's some news, but we're not gonna reveal all the news you really want until later". As of right now, here is the info we DON'T know:
- launch price of the system
- launch date of the system
- games coming out at launch
- accessories coming out at launch
- a lot of the games currently in development that will come out before March 2013 (you honestly think Madden and NHL ain't coming out at launch? And Treyarch has released every single one of their CoDs on launch day on the Wii)
How fucking retarded is that? I cannot stress enough how stupid they were this year. For a company who usually has an excellent showing at E3 and is often the best at the show (not the conferences), it was pathetic. As usual, Nintendo completely blew it when it comes to PR. It's even worse this year because the door was so wide open for them and they were too chicken-shit to even approach the doorway.
I was there on that fateful day, were you?