I've been going through this game at a relatively slow pace; probably playing a 3-4 hour session usually once a week on Saturday or Sunday. I am close to the 12 hour mark, and if it is 33 hours, I hopefully should finish it by Assassin's Creed 3.
Compared to Xenoblade - I find the battle system more fun overall - although the world of Xenoblade is way better. Last Story I find has stronger characters.
The game has sold 120,000 copies in North America, which is quite a bit better than I thought it would do; but still quite a bit short of Xenoblade which has sold 315,000 copies in North America; and Xenoblade has been selling a solid ~4000 copies per week for the last 3 months or so (I can see it surpassing half a million here - 1 million world wide); whereas Last Story sold 2000 last week and is selling at a declining rate (and may not sell much more than it already has, probably not much more than 450,000 worldwide).
Bottom line is that it is VERY refreshing to play progressive RPGs on home console that don't sell-out the genre like most other RPGs have done on home console this generation.
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