Eric wrote:It was an actual debate. Biden went in, Ryan responded, they argued, it was great.
It was what I wanted from Obama/Romney, but Obama was like "I gotta read soemthin down here..."
There were several of things going wrong with Obama in that debate:
- Jim Lehrer was pant-on-head retarded and spineless to boot. No sense of time restrictions. No follow up questions. And the questions that were asked weren't very good. He kept asking questions like "What's the difference between you two on this subject?" That's just going to incite talking points, not off-the-cuff thinking.
- Romney was planning on being aggressive from the beginning. Obama wasn't expecting this. Neither was Jim, who got steamrolled like a part-time football ref.
- Obama was wanting to play cool, calm, collected as a dignified president. This didn't work, especially since Romney was being the opposite.
- Obama didn't challenge what Romney said. This is absolutely critical in elections. (Case in point: Kerry 2004.)
All of that was fixed in this VP debate. The moderator was 50x better. Better questions were asked, including a badly needed chunk of foreign policy. Follow-up questions were asked, including "Can you be more specific?" (A major, major problem with the RMoney/RAyn ticket.) And of course, Biden was prepared to rip Ryan a new asshole, unlike what he couldn't do with Palin. And Biden can't stand listening to bullshit, practically gnashing at the teeth to respond.