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  • Supreme Court to Hear Two Challenges to Gay Marriage

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #159082  by Eric
 Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:13 am
Defense Of Marriage Act will almost certainly be defeated in my opinion. It's too analogous to previous laws that were also overturned.

This will most likely be one of the biggest cases of our time. If the Supreme Court decides bans are unconstitutional, that means the thirty-some states that have an amendment in their state constitutions banning same-sex marriage will have them stricken.
And the best part is there will be glorious tears for me to feed on from the retarded bigots who thinks gay people don't deserve rights because god told them so! :love:
 #159086  by Shrinweck
 Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:13 pm
Yeah and hopefully this is just a first step towards completely equal treatment. Seeing Romney look a homosexual veteran in the eye and tell him he believed that his significant other should not get spousal veteran benefits was one of the moments when I went from being somewhat indifferent about the possibility of him winning to actually wanting him to lose.

Dug up the video
 #159088  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:52 pm
Funny thing about bringing God into this. It's funny how the passage often quoted is from a 2300+ year old text filled with other rules that no other Christian considers following? Such as playing multiple crops in the same field (we know that mono-culture is actually bad for the soil, and also that in certain crops it is bad for bee populations), an outline of the proper way to sacrifice a bull to please God the best, and that people should not where cloth of two different threads? If these passages in Leviticus are explicit, then mostly all of those judging have sinned far more than the homosexuals, and if they are metaphorical, (as many Jews and Christians have believed dating back to over 2000 years ago) then they are judging based on contextual meaning they do not understand.

One thing mentioned in just about every book of the new testament bible is that no one should judge a person using the idea of sin as a basis. Also mentioned throughout the bible is that people should be treated equally no matter their status, and that those of privileged status will have a harder time truly understanding God. The other major theme is forgiveness.

So what makes these judgmental unforgiving right wing fundamentalists the authority to judge others based on sin? Not the Christian bible. They don't listen to God or Jesus, they are what Jesus labels as "hypocrites."