Killzone 4 is running 1080p 30FPS, grrr, world needs more shooters running @ 60FPS, hopefully Battlefield 4 is 1080/60, or at least 720/60 in MP.
To answer your question Zeus, there's no real reason to early adopt just yet.
Unless there's a 1st party/exclusive game coming out @ launch you desperately want(Think Mario 64), and from what I've seen there's no official day 1 launch day list for the PS4 yet, or the next Xbox, and obviously the Wii U is hurting for some exclusive/1st party system sellers.
The reason you'll ultimately end up purchasing a new system is because the games stop coming for the current ones, but yeah, there's nothing that makes me want to run out and preorder a PS4/Nextbox just yet.....unless they're like "Infamous: Second Son PS4 bundle on launch day!" and then I'll be all over that. ;p