The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • Do Spider-man writers hate Peter Parker?

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #159290  by SineSwiper
 Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:27 am
Heard about that. Even had death threats against the writer when the story was leaked.

I think the key challenge is the number 700 in the comic. You can't possibly have a character last this long without telling just about every single story there is to tell. Short-lived comic series are where it's at. Tell some stories (or one story) over the course of a few years and then END IT.
 #159291  by Don
 Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:39 am
I can't think of any manga that is over 500 chapters that remotely makes any sense.

I mean it might work if your world is like Dragonball where you're just beating a bunch of guys with another 0 added to their power level compared to the guy before but even Dragonball didn't come close to 500 chapters before the author himself got tired of writing it. The only way I can see such longevity possible is if you started with something with equivalent of Xenogear's worldview (hundreds of hundreds of pages of just info on what makes up the world). It won't necessarily be good but that's the kind of planning you'd need but I doubt anyone's going to start writing something and assume they'll be continuing the same thing for the next 10 or 20 years.
 #159292  by Shrinweck
 Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:48 am
The writer right now is powerfully bad and I would say ASM has been basically unreadable since a little after The Civil War.

The story resets and reboots fairly consistently. It isn't just 700 issues of continuous material. They're going to undo this with something sooner or later. Just like they do every time something worth reading happens. The exploration of Parker's neverending do-goodery even as the world constantly shits all over him should be an important idea that's explored once in a while.
 #159304  by Shrinweck
 Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:51 am
I really quite enjoyed Avenging Spider-Mans take on the events of Amazing, but that's not surprising because it's probably the best Spider-Man book going right now.

My guess is that eventually Parker's memories are going to
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flood into Otto's to the point where there's no discernible difference to Peter Parker any more other than maybe Octavius' intelligence.
Going to take this opportunity to hopefully get back into the franchise since this is the best thing that they've done since they took
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MJ away from Peter and the writing went to hell
 #159412  by Shrinweck
 Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:14 pm
Shrinweck wrote:My guess is that eventually Parker's memories are going to
Spoiler: show
flood into Otto's to the point where there's no discernible difference to Peter Parker any more other than maybe Octavius' intelligence.
First issue of Superior Spider-Man basically proves me right. Damn these books may be worth reading after all if I can get over how sleazy Octavius is.
 #163153  by Shrinweck
 Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:30 pm
I can't believe the writers have still kept this story going. It's even more unbelievable that it's actually quite good. Amazing Spider-man hadn't been worth reading for quite a long time before this change came around. It's really quite interesting watching Octavius go about Peter's life. It was really damned disturbing seeing him attempt to date Mary Jane but that didn't work out for obvious reasons. He's definitely more successful at being Peter Parker/Spider-man than Parker ever was. It's interesting seeing Octavius succeed at being just a really great hero while basically pretending to be heroic. The art has also improved. Parker's demeanor is now consistently different, the eyes just aren't Peter's any more, with a kind of crazed look in them constantly.

I loved how they took my prediction for the story, Parker bleeding into Octavius until there was no discernible difference, and nipped that in the bud, with Octavius realizing this was happening and stopping it (although there's enough of Peter left for him not to go rampaging about). In fact, the latest story seems to be what's left of Peter fleeing to Octavius' mind and getting tainted. I'm excited for what's on the horizon for the real Peter Parker for when he does get control back. Peter is going to have a LOT of shit to deal with when he gets back. But, damn, they can take their time. This shit is good.

If becoming Parker made Octavius more heroic, it stands to reason that Peter embracing a more villainous side will just be an equally great read.
 #163157  by Shrinweck
 Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:18 pm
Honestly I lost interest briefly but I'm back into it now. Dunno If I'm interested enough to get into the spin-offs (Superior Foes, Superior Team-up).

Edit: I also love the premise that Peter was always scared of hurting people so Octavius' Spider-man is basically stronger, faster, and smarter.
 #163180  by Eric
 Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:41 pm
rofl yeah, I just came here to post that. :P

Looks like Doc Ock Spidey Arc is finally done after 30 issues.

Superior Spider-man #31. This is the final volume in the Superior Spider-Man series. After which, it will be followed up by the relaunch of the Amazing Spider-Man series.
 #163183  by Shrinweck
 Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:40 pm
That's too bad. That great fucking line about Parker being the superior Spider-Man and then they throw the name into the garbage. Oh, well, even if it goes back to the quality of the old Amazing books I'll probably read the next ~50 just for the sake of the aftermath. I think the interesting part about Doc's memory wipe is that it included all his memories while he was in Parker's body. It does kind of throw out my theory about Parker being tainted but I'm going to guess there's still going to be some residual Doc in there.

I haven't been this excited to read Marvel since the Civil War event.
 #163360  by Shrinweck
 Tue May 06, 2014 9:14 pm
Hmmm so that conclusion issue to Superior kind of cooled my jets but this first issue of the revamped Amazing Spider-Man was pretty fun. Made me laugh once and grin a few times. All you can really ask for in a comic. Guess I'm back in for the time being.

It'll be interesting to see what direction they go with Otto's girlfriend.
 #165358  by Shrinweck
 Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:00 pm
Spider-verse had some interesting stuff in it but just wasn't that great. It was cool to see Octavius dealing with the idea that he loses and I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing other people react to him yelling "THE DIE IS CAST" as his catchphrase. Spider-Gwen is probably the best thing to come out of the Spider-verse event and I'm still not sure if that's ever going to go anywhere interesting. VERY cool idea, but can it support an entire series? They're going to need some more there then MJ being a total diva and the interplay with her father to make an interesting character worth keeping around. A fucking + costume design though.

On a sidenote, as much as I like Spider-man being with MJ.. Anna-Marie is more interesting as a friend to Parker then MJ ever was as an ex-girlfriend, girlfriend, fiance, or wife.

They also just need to deal with this ongoing Black Cat rivalry. She's a cool character but I just... don't care. It needs to go somewhere - there's just 0 anticipation going here.