The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Marvel Puzzle Quest

  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
 #163319  by Don
 Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:35 am
You get a loaned hero for PvP and there are plenty of guys running with the loaned hero around in PvP. My HT was doing basically nothing in the tournament because all his ability is way weaker than the rest of the team so he sort of just stands there and look pretty.

For PvE the newest guy is usually in half of the character required mission.

You don't necessarily need every new character unless you have a lot of spare HP to burn.

The community scaling is getting up there for everyone so missions are starting to be hard for everyone. Unlike previous events you only miss out about 1K points if you miss the last 2 hours of a bracket end instead of around 1/3 of the total points.

If you're struggling with nodes, don't fight anything with Daken in it unless necessary. He's way stronger than anyone else. Focus on fighting the nodes with no villians to get a decent number of points without dying too much.
 #163320  by M'k'n'zy
 Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:49 am
I'll see what I can do but with every new event I am more and more tempted to go into the sandbox. Just to take the pressure off if nothing else.
 #163347  by M'k'n'zy
 Fri May 02, 2014 12:22 pm
So I'm starting to get built up. My Panther is at 120 now and I got my last Punisher cover. I am thinking to build to a Panther/Punisher/Spidy team, but I can't get a yellow Spidy cover to save my life. If I could get one it would make things so much easier, but to date all I have gotten is one blue cover and one purple cover. However in testing in the Army of One PVP event, using OBW in the 3rd slot, it's been a fairly devistating combo. I build up, drop Panthers Yellow, then his Black, then follow it up on a target with Punishers Red, as rarely do I encounter an enemy with more than 40% life left after eating Rage of the Panther. Seems to be a good combo.
 #163348  by Don
 Fri May 02, 2014 12:28 pm
Spiderman needs a good amount of covers to be useful. You're probably better off with OBW until you can get Spiderman to around level 100 with 5 in blue.

The Punisher and Black Panther are solid characters, though you'll have problem with lazy Thor if you start seeing him regularly though there's no real good way to deal with him other than having your own Thor.
 #163349  by M'k'n'zy
 Fri May 02, 2014 12:32 pm
Yeah I know I need to max out his covers to make him usefull, unfortunatly I just can't ever seem to GET any. Kinda annoying.

Right now my strategy for Lazy Thor is to make purple and green my priority colors with blue and black secondary. Match green to keep him from green, match purple to steal green with OBW, then black for Rage and blue for healing.
 #163351  by Don
 Fri May 02, 2014 6:38 pm
Thor is more about denying yellow, though since your team doesn't have much use for yellow compared to green, you don't have much of a choice here. Thunder Strike is what makes Thor powerful since it hits hard and it usually leads to an immediate Call the Storm. In fact what makes Thor overpowered beyond his insane stats is that you got to match a color that is pretty much useless for a team without Thor so that makes defense very difficult.
 #163355  by kali o.
 Sat May 03, 2014 7:07 pm
I tried reading this whole thread, knowing nothing about the game, and at least 80% of the shit you guys say is jibberish...which means it's probably complicated (a good thing). Maybe I'll give it a shot.

I am so bored, gaming-wise...
 #163356  by Shrinweck
 Sat May 03, 2014 7:32 pm
It's a nice little time waster, but I would never have gotten into it if I wasn't so addled with food poisoning for a week that playing anything else I was into at the time was overwhelming to my senses. These days I probably only put an hour or two a week into it.

I'd recommend turning off the music and sound and having a podcast or music going on in the background.
 #163357  by M'k'n'zy
 Sat May 03, 2014 7:46 pm
My team can use yellow as at this point the strike tiles that panther puts down are close to 150 power which is hard to complain about.

Kali I really enjoy it but it can be a real time sink if you let it be. It's a fun take on the match three concept
 #163362  by Don
 Fri May 09, 2014 1:52 pm
Saw a thread about how the PC guys can't compete because it's clearly possible to hide in a bathroom for 5 hours with a power source while you don't have access to a computer which is what you need to do to compete for #1 in the totally insane brackets, which is the exact opposite of the threads a few months ago about how mobile users can't compete against PC users because it takes less time for a PC user to finish a game (due to PCs being more powerful) so you can't catch them on a shield break before they win their game and shield up again (which is indeed true, though it's a very rare occurence).

People just love to complain about the stupid things.
 #163363  by Shrinweck
 Sat May 10, 2014 12:02 am
Got #1 in that Top Gun tournament. Lazy top four ripe for the ninja'ing. First #1 since Dec 30th lol
 #163364  by M'k'n'zy
 Sat May 10, 2014 12:21 am
Nice. I was at work for the finish so I was only in 166 at the end. Finished just shy of 600 points but top ten were all over 1100.

Also I've now maxed my panther! I have my first 141!
 #163365  by Shrinweck
 Sat May 10, 2014 1:06 am
1100?? Wow your ladder was much more competitive than mine. I got #1 at 796. Grats on maxing your first three star.. The two patch covers I got let me get my max level to 53 which'll be the highest three star I have.
 #163366  by Don
 Sat May 10, 2014 11:56 am
I don't see too many scores above 1100 except from the guys doing shield hopping unless it's an event with a coveted reward (like Falcon). I heard the bracket now also depends on your roster in some way, as in it is now impossible to get into the same bracket as guys who are way stronger than you because someone claimed to tried to join at the same time with two accounts of vastly different rsoter strength, though I'm not sure how valid that is.
 #163367  by M'k'n'zy
 Sun May 11, 2014 7:01 am
Hey Shin, if you are interested, the alliance I joined, Pa La Pinga has openings. We have fourteen now, and it's a pretty laid back group, all they ask is that you play every day. If you want to join just search and sign up, make sure you check the private alliance box when you search.
 #163369  by Don
 Mon May 12, 2014 2:22 am
Right now the PvP might as well be spend 100 HP for a 50 point increase in your rating though I guess it makes D3 more money and that helps keep the game going, and it's not like being #1 is really that big of a deal because IW/Wolverine are just nice to have stuff. It almost feels like they've some algorithm to quarantine the P2W guys because I never see those guys anymore on my matchup list, and most of them aren't even very good. I remember one of the top P2W guys run Black Panther + The Hood which is strictly inferior to Thor + The Hood and that guy sure has every character maxed out, but he likes Black Panther for whatever reason, and to be sure as long as you got money for the shields it also hardly matters what team you're running when you can't lose points. I wonder if they'll offer Nick Fury as prizes for #1. If I was D3 I wouldn't do that since PvP is kind of a joke and even with the amount people spend on shields, they're still spending less than 2500 to get #1 usually and since you're dealing with guys who spent at least 500 HP per event on shields, you might as well not offer a cheaper way to get Nick Fury below 2500 per cover because those guys certainly can afford to pay.

The new heroic Oscorp event is pretty hard and the weaker rubberband makes it harder to snipe for positions. The last few PvE events have been relatively grind intensive though I think that makes more sense than doing 5 missions on the last 2 hours and somehow get catapulted to top 10.
 #163379  by Don
 Mon May 12, 2014 11:58 pm
Oh yeah, how is everyone doing in the season 1? I'm sitting at #9 in my bracket.
 #163380  by Don
 Tue May 13, 2014 3:08 am
I'm not sure what to make of this game's community and I'm having a hard time coming up with even the right word to describe them. Every other day I see a whole mess of whining about people who had no choice but to keep on winning PvP events due to factors beyond their control and ask for forgiveness. I guess you can call it hypocrisy, but it's like who are you kidding here? If you played this game in any reasonable depth you'll know that winning a PvP event takes a ton of time and there's nothing accidental about it. Top 25 is about the limit of what you can possibly do on accident and that requires a completely decked out roster (141X3, and 141 on the featured character). There's also the guys complaining about how they're punished for being too good in PvE that's never come close to top 10 in any PvE event. It's like no seriously being too good at PvE is a good thing. It means you finish within top 5 of every event and often top 2 without breaking a sweat. It's good to be too good at PvE.

I know they say Texas Hold 'Em is successful because the average player thinks he's above average. It seems like in MPQ the average player think he's #1 in the world. I realize the rubberbanding gives you the illusion that you're awesome at this game, but it's really hard for me to see anyone with even a minimal amount of common sense wouldn't eventually realizes that placing well in this game is very, very hard. I think my lowest PvE finish is #3 since Thick as Thieves, and as awesome as that sounds, you can still feel quite hopeless when you draw two other crazies in your bracket since #3 is just the biggest loser in this game for PvE.
 #163381  by Shrinweck
 Tue May 13, 2014 3:38 am
I only started putting effort into season one last week :(. I managed to get top 1000 (950ish I think) today. The only real goal I have is to get to 5000 points for the heroic recruitment token 10 pack progression reward. I'm at ~4k last time I checked so it should be doable. I'll probably get a couple hundred more points out of that no-reward SHIELD training ladder they put up at the beginning of season one and then the next two tournaments should have me covered for the rest of the points I need.
 #163382  by Don
 Tue May 13, 2014 4:07 am
Should be pretty easy to rack up at least 1000 points in SHIELD training since it's very easy to find someone like 500 points higher than you for 50 points, and no way that guy's going to retaliate you.

I'm saving the heroic tokens to open them when Nick Fury is available in the tokens, which hopefully happens after season 1, though since I have no use for pretty much any hero besides the most recent ones (Falcon + HT, and now Daken) I can afford to let them sit for a while if it takes longer.
 #163383  by Shrinweck
 Tue May 13, 2014 4:20 am
I only find people worth like 20-30 points and a lot of the time they have teams that could potentially rival mine. But no one ever seems to retaliate against me in that mode. I maybe lose 20 points a day. At this point I'm around ~1800 total points in that mode, so getting another 1000 at 20-30 points a pop just seems overly monotonous. I can pick up about 800 points per season PvP tournament so I'll just make up the difference there.

I get much fewer retaliations now that I've maxed Ares out. He can definitely mess you up if you let him get too many green or yellow. A lot of the time I just save up my green for the entire match and after downing their second guy I just use onslaught with 15+ green and one hit their last guy.. who is probably Thor 90% of the time. I've been seeing a lot of Daken lately which makes getting green for onslaught tricky at times. I probably have to use her heal 4-5 times sometimes when I have to prioritize someone before Daken. Very annoying.
 #163392  by Shrinweck
 Wed May 14, 2014 12:03 pm
Another #1 in the bag in my easy Loki tournament bracket. Had a 107 point lead in the last 2 minutes and lost 50 of it... Glad I decided not to be content with a 10 point lead.

It's within the realm of possibility I could break into the top 500 for season one but the reward difference between 1000 and 500 isn't something I'm going to go all out for.

Edit: Haha none of the people who threw up shields when they thought they were safe in the #1 and top 5 positions got the position they wanted. This makes me happy :D
 #163393  by Don
 Wed May 14, 2014 7:52 pm
I use shields when I don't feel like playing more. Unless you've a commanding lead for whatever you're shooting for you should expect someone to always sneak up to you at the end.
 #163394  by Shrinweck
 Thu May 15, 2014 12:07 am
Kept grinding and grinding until I hit top 15 in that Oscorp event... I misread the rewards and thought I had to get top 15 for the two Daken's lol

So about an hour of grinding for 500 more isotope. Fuck fuck fuck.
 #163395  by Don
 Thu May 15, 2014 12:58 am
That's at least better than reading it wrong and missing the reward, but yeah I noticed a lot of people try way too hard and burn themselves out.

I saw on the official board that they now try to separate the veterans with other veterans and newbies with other newbies. It's not a guarantee thing but the PvP brackets will favor putting you against guys who are similar to you in roster strength. For PvE that usually doesn't matter since the enemies already scale based on your level.
 #163396  by Shrinweck
 Thu May 15, 2014 2:33 am
Hit my 5k season one goal. Middling luck with that ten pack.. got a Doctor Doom and Daredevil cover.

It looks like my recent high rankings have matched me with a harder tournament group. I'm also getting matched up with people who have three stars a lot more often. I guess if I do badly it isn't too big of a deal. I have no intention of building up a Ragnarok.
 #163398  by Don
 Thu May 15, 2014 2:42 am
There's a pretty big difference between a level 100 3* and a level 141 3* so it's hard to say if you're matched up with particularly hard opponents just because they've 3*s.

The recent batch of events seem to involve relatively weak heroes as featured character, so it's hard to do well in them assuming you don't have enough iso 8 to build up relatively weak characters. I got hammered pretty hard compared to usual. Currently sitting at 10.6K for season at #12 now. Can probably hit top 10, but won't make any special effort to try to reach it.
 #163399  by M'k'n'zy
 Thu May 15, 2014 9:00 am
I'm sitting in the mid 700s for season 1 right now hoping to push a bit higher. My PVP brackets have been insane lately, all of the top ten have been at 1100 or higher for the last few ones I entered. I had crap for luck with my heroic 10 pack progression reward. One IM40 cover and a bunch of 2* characters I already have max covers for or Bullseye, who I am not keeping.
 #163401  by Don
 Fri May 16, 2014 6:59 pm
I'm seeing a lot of people complaining about how matching up against guys with max roster when you have a maxed roster is unfair, because apparently you are supposed to get guys who have 50 levels less than you to actually win.

This reminds me of a scene in Hikaru no Go where Sai was telling Hikaru about how he never lost went he went first and back in his days there was no penalty for going first, and Hikaru is like "Don't you think that's unfair?" and Sai is like "That's crazy talk!"
 #163402  by Shrinweck
 Fri May 16, 2014 11:43 pm
I'm really getting boned in this harder bracket. For some reason the game is listing me as attack-able by people with teams with maxed out three stars even though my highest three star is 66. Very annoying. I clawed my way to 900 points (safely in the top 25) and threw up a shield. It took me nearly an hour to go from 800 to 900 because I was getting attacked so much, a good 50% of the time by teams I could never, ever beat without resorting to wasting boosts and even then I'd have to be extremely lucky.

Number one guy in my bracket is at 1293 and somehow already has a level 125 three star Daken with all the covers AND ten maxed three stars to boot. So, yeah, fuck this noise. They need to do some more tweaking with these match ups. I can't compete with these people. Let the people putting hundreds of dollars into the game circle jerk in their own brackets.
 #163403  by Don
 Sat May 17, 2014 1:15 am
Once you hit around 900 the matchup restrictions loosen considerably simply because there aren't that many people available. That said I don't remember seeing people with 2 85s ever show up, so I'm guessing you got hit by guys who are constantly tanking. I found the matchmaker in this game to be pretty decent but there's a lot of people purposely losing to get easier opponents because they're too afraid to actually fight someone who is as strong as they are.

That said 900 is normally a pretty solid score. Right now the scores seem way up because everyone's probably trying to get some last minute points for the season 1 ending.
 #163404  by Shrinweck
 Sat May 17, 2014 1:27 am
I guess that could be the case. Don't get me wrong I'm quite happy with getting to 900 but it took a lot more effort than 800-850 ever did. I've never gotten the 50HP progression reward for hitting 900 before, so it's nice to hit that milestone. I'm going to have to try to go all out int his Fatal Attraction Daken tournament. The three star Thor is someone I'm interested in building, although even if I get both covers that'll only bring me up to three. Quite a ways to go. I hope The Hood or Punisher are up to become rewards soon. I'm glad I got three star iron man to 66 and all but I have no interest in building that character even though a well placed unibeam can be a lifesaver from time to time.

Also I've started reading Hikaru no Go again after your post lol. Unlike so much other manga, every time I reread Hikaru no Go I think I like it more.

I wish I'd been more mindful of how useful three star spider-man is.. I've probably thrown out 4-6 covers at this point.

Edit: I'm waiting until 4-5AM est. to enter a Fatal Attractions bracket. If I'm semi-permanently stuck in a bracket with three star users that's one thing, but in the past my easy brackets were ones I was joining during odd non-peak hours.
 #163405  by M'k'n'zy
 Sat May 17, 2014 1:39 am
I'm jealous of your spidy covers, to date in almost 120 days played I've only gotten two. I want him so badly that one I get that last cover so I unlock his last power I may just max his covers with hero points. I just have no luck with him.
 #163406  by Don
 Sat May 17, 2014 1:45 am
The bracket you're in is going to be weighted toward your roster (weaker roster more likely to be in a bracket with weak roster). However your matchup list is not dependent on this. In your matchup list it's based on your roster but there's considerable flexibilty once you're in the 900 range simply due to a lack of available opponents. Losses are weighted very heavily since they're not supposed to happen very often, and there are people with maxed roster that just purposely lose so that they get matched up with weaker players later. Now, since you do lose a big chunk of points in the 900 range for losing (and if you got someone with say 1100 you really should be trying to beat them instead of lose on purpose for 15) it's not clear if this really gives you a better placement, but there sure are plenty of people that swear by such a strategy. Also, there are people who will be purposely losing in the 300-500 range where you only lose about half or less of what you should've lost, and then those guys will match up against your team as they climb to the 700 range since the game decided they must suck even though they're of course perfectly capable of destroying your team with their maxed roster.

Making progress past the 900 mark is quite difficult. After all, at 1100 you get a 3* cover. If you don't have a very strong roster, you'd need to use shields to make any meaningful progress. I can get to 1100 without shields on events I have a dominant roster (featured hero is also the one I have maxed), but otherwise hitting 1100 or even 1000 is very hit & miss. The guys with the 1300+ score pumps a ton of money into shields. What they basically do is they shield, win a game or two using max boosts, and then shield again so their score almost never drops (unless someone happen to beat them at exactly the time they unshielded, which is going to be very short because they use max boosts in the time they're not shielded). The amount you spend doing this in HP can easily exceed the cost to upgrade whatever cover you're winning. Currently there is unusual amount of activity (the server is very unresponsive at times due to this) so keeping a high score is very difficult. I was seeing stuff like 15 out of top 20 shielded with more than 8 hours to go on some events.

For Fatal Attraction, it looks like a lot of people are putting a lot of money on Daken. I'm seeing quite a few Daken with 3 covers in one color and there are at least 2 maxed Daken already just from players exchanging feedback.
 #163407  by Don
 Sat May 17, 2014 1:46 am
M'k'n'zy wrote:I'm jealous of your spidy covers, to date in almost 120 days played I've only gotten two. I want him so badly that one I get that last cover so I unlock his last power I may just max his covers with hero points. I just have no luck with him.
He's going to be nerfed sometime next week and there's a rather large hysteria over that. It looks like he'd still be a solid wimp-out option, sort of like the 'heal like crazy' JRPG strategy, but he'd be no longer effective at deterring aggression, nor will he be enough to allow you to beat teams you've no business of winning.
 #163408  by M'k'n'zy
 Sat May 17, 2014 1:48 am
Don wrote:
M'k'n'zy wrote:I'm jealous of your spidy covers, to date in almost 120 days played I've only gotten two. I want him so badly that one I get that last cover so I unlock his last power I may just max his covers with hero points. I just have no luck with him.
He's going to be nerfed sometime next week and there's a rather large hysteria over that. It looks like he'd still be a solid wimp-out option, sort of like the 'heal like crazy' JRPG strategy, but he'd be no longer effective at deterring aggression, nor will he be enough to allow you to beat teams you've no business of winning.
Would you recommend I go with falcon then to compliment my panther/punisher team color wise? Or would you recommend another character all together?
 #163409  by Shrinweck
 Sat May 17, 2014 1:53 am
You need to bring along someone capable of healing don't you? Whenever I'm in an event where I can't use OBW, I'm extremely limited by my reliance on medkits for healing. This is fine in PvE events because I'm not losing points to retaliations and attackers, but I can't even imagine not having a healer in tournaments.
 #163413  by Don
 Sat May 17, 2014 3:10 am
M'k'n'zy wrote: Would you recommend I go with falcon then to compliment my panther/punisher team color wise? Or would you recommend another character all together?
For PvP you can only have two characters and Panther/Punisher is a pretty solid team so unless you got Falcon with 5 yellow I wouldn't be shaking up your team (assuming those guys are well covered already). For PvE you can certainly mix Falcon in for certain nodes given his ability to shut down special tiles, but you'd need 4 in blue to remove countdown tiles.
 #163414  by Don
 Sat May 17, 2014 3:19 am
Shrinweck wrote:You need to bring along someone capable of healing don't you? Whenever I'm in an event where I can't use OBW, I'm extremely limited by my reliance on medkits for healing. This is fine in PvE events because I'm not losing points to retaliations and attackers, but I can't even imagine not having a healer in tournaments.
But virtually every PvP event you can use OBW anyway.

Usually if you have one of (The Hood/Magneto (classic)/OBW/Spiderman) + one good character + feature it's enough to play for a pretty long time. The least resilient team out of this combo would be The Hood + someone that isn't Black Panther (because Black Panther can tank all of The Hood's colors). Usually this team will require a health pack on The Hood every 2 to 3 games, but you should be able to get a solid 10 games going and that'd be a good time to take a break anyway. Unless you're doing the Spiderman stunlock method, this game is complicated enough that you really don't want to be playing while you're exhausted, especially once you run into characters like lazy Thor that can mess you up in a hurry if you did something horrendously stupid. You can always use boosts if you're trying to push for a certain rating.

I haven't used a healer in PvP or PvE for a very long time. Granted Magneto can near infinite at will, but even for say Heroic Oscorp where none of the above characters are available I was able to finish #3 without being worried about health packs outside of the final refresh, which is always pretty hectic because you're trying to beat all the super hard missions to try to get a leg up on opposition. In the DA only tournament my team was Daken/Moonstone/Ares, which is decent but hardly anything special and didn't have much problem hitting 900 either and I didn't go to prologue to heal either. Healing is only necessary if you're trying to push for a particularly high progression reward, though it's not clear to me if healing is any more useful than simply having a better offense team that can win fast. When you try to push for 1100 or 1300, usually what matters the most is how quickly you can win some games in the momentary lull when everyone somehow isn't attacking you, because in the long run everyone's going to hit someone with a rating of 1000 let alone 1200 so you really can't expect to outlast your competitors like that.
 #163415  by Shrinweck
 Sat May 17, 2014 4:58 am
Bracket I got into for fatal attraction is much more my speed. The current top ten is primarily people in my position with a bunch of maxed two stars, working on 50ish three stars. A couple people have level 95ish Hulks but he isn't very scary alone and not powered up.
 #163428  by Shrinweck
 Mon May 19, 2014 3:22 pm
Man The Sentry is the new character? Fuck I want to max him out baaaad. And three stars? That's bullshit. The fucking dude has the power of a billion million quadrillion exploding suns. Three fucking stars. And a Dark Avenger? Have they even READ his books?
 #163429  by Don
 Mon May 19, 2014 7:08 pm
The most powerful characters in the game are pretty much all ***. This game actually does a pretty good job of preventing issues where you need to spend crazy amount of money to stand a chance. Invisible Woman and Wolverine aren't even competitive characters at the high end (though IW is probably usable, if you happen to have half a million iso 8 sitting around to level her up). Nick Fury is likely to be a competitive 4 *, but even then it doesn't look like he will be dominate. Top tier, sure, but he's extremely vulnerable against Falcon (who stops his purple power for free).
 #163430  by Don
 Tue May 20, 2014 3:59 am
Seems like half of my alliance guys are quitting because it's apparently too competitive even though we usually place well within top 100 while missing at least one guy in every event. Supposedly a lot people are burned out from trying to do well in seasons 1 so they can sell 20 heroic tokens back immediately after opening them (anyone who is competitive for top 20 pretty much already has every worthwhile hero in the game, if not all maxed covered). I don't even get what people are getting burned out on, because if you can't get 3 covers of whatever new hero with a maxed roster you have some serious problems (or you're not playing the game at all). It seems to me with the recent changes that made the game less P2W people are shocked to find that their P2W maxed roster no longer allows you a guaranteed top 5 finish in PvP or PvE and since it can't be the player that's the problem, you got to blame it on something else.

I mean, I know most F2P games put some pretty nasty consequences if you don't keep spending (like lose all your stuff) so you might get trapped into playing more. But MPQ? If someone handed you a maxed roster, you can definitely play pretty darn casually for a while. You basically only have to paid attention to events that hand out new characters while coasting on the rest.
 #163432  by M'k'n'zy
 Tue May 20, 2014 8:57 am
The problem I run into is the time the events end, it's always just after I get off work at night, in which case I either have to sit in the car in the parking lot for an hour to finish or just miss the last 8 hours of the event, or in the morning when I am at my day job. It's very frustrating sometimes, especially because I don't have max covers for most three stars yet. I did the best I could on the event rewarding Daken, but I don't know what I did wrong. I finished top 10/25 on every section, and one I even finished top 5, yet overall I was still only in the top 150. Don't understand how people were almost double my score so that was frustrating. I risked a 10 pack once this new event started and lucked into a single Daken blue cover.

I can understand the frustration though, when you constantly have things running like they do, it can be hard for me to keep up. I openly considered going to the sandbox for that very reason remember?
 #163433  by Don
 Tue May 20, 2014 12:00 pm
For the PvE events, keep in mind that the bracket size for the main event is usually 1000 while the sub brackets are 200. So if you finished #20 in a sub bracket, on average that's equal to #100 overall, and could be considerably lower if you're in a relatively weak sub bracket.

The ending time for the events does kind of suck, but it's always 9PM PST or 9AM PST and I'm not sure if there's a way they can do it to not have the problem. Rubberband makes the last refresh extra important, but even without it, it's hard to see a player competitive while missing the last chance to get points. In the Daken event the sub brackets actually end at an unknown time (it ends when the points quota are up) and we see the same issue when people complain they can't catch the sub event finish.

The fact is that people are pretty darn competitive in this game, but I'm talking about guys who already have most if not all the desireable covers and can easily manage a score to keep up to date on all the new covers. For me it's very easy to finish top 50 with the roster I have available. The only reason I compete for #1 is because I want the #1, but apparently a lot of people get really angry when they spent a ton of time and money and don't get that #1 that didn't offer anything they need. The people with double your score just play way more than you can imagine (because I'm one of them). They are likely beat missions you're not even attempting, and repeatedly. You can imagine every tier of overall PvE to be like a Super Saiyan tier. When you try to go one tier above you found out everyone is 10 times as strong as you and there are still 3 Super Saiyan transformation to go!
 #163463  by Shrinweck
 Tue May 27, 2014 3:52 am
I may be done with this game. I don't think I can PvP any more. It's now matching me up like 99% of the time against people with maxed out three star team members even though I still only have two stars. I'm getting my ass handed to me constantly and even the ones I do win end up with me using 2-3 of my medkits.
 #163464  by M'k'n'zy
 Tue May 27, 2014 8:58 am
I'm a little better equiped to face 141's than you are, but I was having a really rough time with Heavy Metal. I kept running into level 212 IM40s against my level 50ish, a 85, and a 141, and they would almost always have another maxed 141 along with them. Not having as big an issue this time because of the fact that not a lot of people out there have maxed Daken's yet, but it's still rough.

I will say this Shrin, from what I understand if you don't do so hot in a couple of PVP's it will lower your bracket, so maybe it should get better.
 #163468  by Shrinweck
 Tue May 27, 2014 4:11 pm
Games shouldn't punish you for doing well.. I was starting to enjoy the challenge of my old match ups but this just isn't fun. I was about to give them $20-$40, too, but wow fuck that.

Edit: I'm having some better luck now.. the AI was getting a run of lucky cascades last night.. I'm still not very happy with my match ups.
 #163471  by Don
 Tue May 27, 2014 9:14 pm
You can simply lose some games on purpose. Losing apparently counts a lot against your matchups, and you can just use the loaner + 2 really low level guys since it won't replace the team opponents see until you win. Some people say you can just lose a bunch of games in the SHIELD training and that works too but I've never tried it.

In Heavy Metal everyone has IM40 maxed for some inexplicable reason. By the way, the game is probably pairing you up against 141s that suck, as opposed to thinking you're that awesome. People lose a lot on purpose all the time to try to find cupcakes.

By losing I mean just retreating immediatey. This gets you 4 losses per 2 people in the PvP event or 4 losses per 3 people in the training simulator. You obviously want to do it in the event that you don't have a terribly high score. Even something 300 is still okay to lose though, because it's pretty easy to earn those points back up and you only lose like 50% or less of the expected value.