Pleasantly surprised to see support here for ending the hate.
I think it's a complex issue, however. I despise the fucking thing and everything it stands for, but I worry about the precedent being set for the government to decide what is and is not protected free speech - though I'm happy to see its removal being discussed on a voluntary basis. (And don't get me wrong, I cannot stand the Confederate flag, and will and have freely exercised my own right to free speech at length to tell people who fly it exactly what I think about it and people who fly it.)
To me, the best outcome would be getting the symbol shamed and taken down everywhere without setting a precedent that it be taken down by legal force.
If it ends up being legally mandated that it be taken down, you end up with a situation where it will be illegal to display the Confederate flag, and yet still legal to pass out flyers with Nazi symbology in America (this has actually happened - if anyone wonders why neo-Nazi groups are so prevalent to this day, due to the First Amendment you cannot actually imprison someone passing out the stuff unless it also contains exhortations to commit violence or break the law). That would cause certain sectors of the South to radicalize even beyond where they are now.
I personally think the right way to approach this is that everyone who opposes it registers vocal support for taking it down voluntarily and shaming the Hell out of people who continue to ignore the legacy of slavery it stood for, and boycotting companies that continue to make Confederate flag-themed products if necessary.
I also think it's more important to attack the hate behind it than I think it is to go after the symbol itself - not saying taking down against the Confederate flag isn't worthwhile, but is taking it down going to actually stop people like this? This is the worst example of some letters sent recently to the Huffington Post and some of their black columnists. Attacking some of the generational ignorance and poverty that produces people like this is important too. If someone had taken this person in hand as a child before he grew up to be an impoverished, racist Southern-conservative asshole, and taught him that black lives matter, Julia Craven wouldn't have had to get this letter. ... 40334.html
“I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong."
--Frederick Douglass