The Other Worlds Shrine

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  • So... Donald Trump running for US President!

  • Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
Your favorite band sucks, and you have terrible taste in movies.
 #166244  by kali o.
 Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:12 am
ManaMan wrote:If Trump becomes President, there will be hell toupee.

Stole that from a Facebook friend.
I admit...I chuckled.

I watched 30 secs of that video...had to stop. It was the xenophobic ranting of a madman. I trust the US isnt foolish enough to put that guy in power... it would be the end of your country.
 #166270  by Replay
 Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:21 pm
After Neil Young puts the screws to his unauthorized and unpaid song theft he can go with this one for his campaign :D

I fully endorse Trump running for President (which is not the same as endorsing him for President), because we all need some humor in politics lately

 #166271  by Replay
 Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:22 pm
ManaMan wrote:If Trump becomes President, there will be hell toupee.

Stole that from a Facebook friend.
 #166313  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:27 am
NBC fires Donald Trump.
TORONTO — NBC announced Monday it will no longer be working with Donald Trump.

“Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump,” read a statement from the network.

NBC said the annual Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants — co-owned by Trump — will no longer air on the network.

“At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values.”

The network is holding on to Celebrity Apprentice, but without Trump.

An online petition calling for NBC to dump Trump had more than 200,000 signatures. It was posted after Trump, who announced he is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, lashed out at Mexicans for bringing drugs and crime to the U.S. ... paign=2015
 #166326  by Eric
 Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:49 pm
He is in 2nd place behind Jeb Bush for the GOP nomination.

He needs to step up his racism/bigotry imo, clearly it's resonating with the voters. -_-
 #166404  by Replay
 Sun Jul 12, 2015 11:28 pm
He's leading the GOP polls now. Could legit be him to get the nomination - though I doubt it, the Rockefellers really run the party and they know his attitudes on Latinos are pure poison; it has been the Latino vote to lose the GOP the last two elections.

My guess is he'll be this year's Ron Paul. He'll give fiery speeches and appeal to a wide range of bigots; then in the first primary vote the Rockefellers will quietly nullify all his votes and simply declare the vote count to have gone to Jeb or another Rockefeller-approved nominee.
 #166409  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:08 am
You should route for Donald to win on the Republican side if you're a Democrat. If he does win, it's almost a guaranteed clean sweep for Democrats. It will be one of the largest majority governments in history. Right now he is leading the polls because he dominates the racist moron vote, and there are 20 other contestants still left on the show.

The Republican party does not have their shit together. That's why they are going to lose no matter what, but if Trump wins their little show, they'll lose harder.
 #166410  by Replay
 Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:28 am
Seeker, a Democratic victory for Hillary is not de facto a desirable commodity any more than a Trump victory for the GOP would be. :(

They're both insane. They both lie with abandon. They both are loyal to Wall Street and they both have financial frauds to beat the band in their past.

Trump's false bankruptcy declarations are about a wash with Whitewater, to me. Everyone considered the Whitewater allegations just an attempt to take down the Clintons - it got conflated with Lewinsky-blowjob madness so everyone thought it was bullshit - but it wasn't, in fact. There were people there who got hurt just as badly by the Clintons as the people Trump stiffed via "bankruptcy" did.

Yes, one can make an argument that the Democrats "have their shit together" more than the GOP does; in some ways that just makes Hillary a scarier prospect to me. She's brilliant, competent - but not ethical. It's a recipe for the same kind of quiet platitudes towards Main Street designed to hide pro-Gitmo, pro-war, pro-Wall Street, tip-the-tables casino capitalism we've been getting.
 #166411  by Replay
 Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:33 am
Everyone thinks that because Bill Clinton was considered a "good President" in his day that Hillary will be the same - but time has revealed many more cracks in the Clinton legacy than just all the philandering. In particular the 1998 repeal of Glass-Steagal, wherein Clinton signed a bill written by three Republican senators that repealed all effective protections Main Street had against investment-bank profiteering and white collar crime makes one have to question whether or not Clinton was actually a good President in the long run - or just a popular President who got tossed the ultimate slow pitch of any American historical period.

Yes, he was handed a country in good running shape and left office with a country in reasonably good running shape - if one ignores the percolating dotcom bubble that popped the year after he left office - but the bar needs to be higher than that, and Hillary is not going to be tossed the same kind of Presidential softball if she takes office. We're in a fifteen-year-old set of wars, the longest in America's history - the country is suffering vicious racism as a result of the wars - and the economy still is actually pretty shit down here if you take the major corporations out of the picture.

Is Hillary going to sell out to the GOP in the same way if she takes power? It's a crucial period and an important election. And I don't see it going well for America if ANYONE more loyal to Wall Street than the American people takes power; that applies to Hillary as fully as it ever did to Trump or the GOP.
 #166414  by Eric
 Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:56 pm
Businessman Donald Trump leads a new Republican presidential nationwide poll released Tuesday, marking the first time he's held the top spot since announcing his candidacy.

Trump secured 17% support, according to the Suffolk University/USA Today survey. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush garnered 14%, while the rest of the 2016 field remained in single digits: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, the newest entrant to the race, was at 8%; Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at 6%; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 5%; Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at 4%; and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at 3%.

All other Republican hopefuls received less than 2% of the vote -- and about one-third of GOP voters -- 30% -- remain undecided about who they will back.

The poll's marrgin of error is plus or minus 5.25 percentage points.
 #166415  by Replay
 Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:14 am
Honestly, as big as a clown as Trump is - and I'm not saying you all don't have merit with that one - I'll tell you why he actually does beat the rest of the Republican field:
"I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States." --Donald Trump, 2007
"Bush has been so bad, maybe the worst president in the history of this country. He has been so incompetent, so bad, so evil, that I don’t think any Republican could have won." --Trump, 2008
"You mean George Bush sends our soldiers into combat, they are severely wounded, and then he wants $120,000 to make a boring speech to them?" --Trump, 2015
(On Jeb) "The last thing we need is another Bush." --Trump, 2015
Find me one other person in that field who will call a spade a spade and admit George W. Bush was an evil man and a bad President.
 #166416  by Shrinweck
 Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:14 am
Eric wrote:
Businessman Donald Trump leads a new Republican presidential nationwide poll released Tuesday, marking the first time he's held the top spot since announcing his candidacy.

Trump secured 17% support, according to the Suffolk University/USA Today survey. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush garnered 14%, while the rest of the 2016 field remained in single digits: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, the newest entrant to the race, was at 8%; Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at 6%; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 5%; Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at 4%; and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at 3%.

All other Republican hopefuls received less than 2% of the vote -- and about one-third of GOP voters -- 30% -- remain undecided about who they will back.

The poll's marrgin of error is plus or minus 5.25 percentage points.
He's the most famous out of the running right now. He's getting up in polls simply because people know who he is. Bush is number two because he's running on his brother's name and that makes him famous as well. Scott Walker is third because he just announced and he's running on both initial fervor and "Oh, hey, I remember that name."

The vocal assholes are running shit right now and it's basically meaningless. Remember that Michelle Bachman, Rick Santorum, AND Herman Cain ALL lead the polls at one time or another in their own way and there was never a chance in hell any of those three were going to get close. Say you don't want to live in this world any more when the assholes who actually get nominated start speaking. THAT'S when you get to be scared. Right now it's just a crazy contest and whoever's name is being said the most by news wins the polls.

But, yeah, Trump is also getting the "We're sick of the standard Republicans and want something new" conservatives, but I can't see that lasting once he actually has to dive into an actual campaign that's more than crazy talk.
 #166418  by Replay
 Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:17 pm
As I see it, Trump has 2 problems:

1) Like most modern Republicans, he is fucking unable to admit it when he fucks up. Even Bill O' Reilly, when O'Reilly asked Trump about his campaign slogan - "Make America Great Again", one word off Reagan's "Let's Make America Great Again" - seemed almost disgusted when Trump went "No, no, it's not the see...ehhh...Reagan's campaign slogan had 'let's' in it, so that's a word different."

If Trump really understood his base he would have just said "Damn right it's Reagan's campaign slogan come again, because Reagan was the last successful Republican President."

2) I actually don't think Trump is an evil person, nor even a racist; he's indicated that he wants to try to gain the Latino vote and that his effort to call out illegal immigrants is part of a larger effort to contain the narcotraficantes - and that's what his beef with El Chapo is about.

The same can't be said about his base. Ever since Nixon the GOP has been courting this incredibly backwards population of rural, lower-middle-class conservatives who have been obliterated by NAFTA and are about one step away from the KKK at any given time. And that's going to prevent a lot of independents from voting for him; and there's no way he'll pick up the disaffected liberal base - the Chris Hedges contingent, for lack of a better word, upset with Obama's refusal to put Wall Street and Defense in check.
 #166457  by Replay
 Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:16 am
Okay, Trump officially has more than two problems now.

Wayne Barrett's research on Trump accuses Trump of the following:

--Former mob boss Tony Salerno was a partner and builder on Trump hotels (this is supported by Salerno's 1988 trial records)
--Another partner, Tevfik Arif, prosecuted for trafficking underage girls after a dramatic helicopter raid on a yacht off the Turkish coast

"While I was reporting that book in 1990, I was muscled out of Trump Castle and handcuffed overnight to a wall at the Atlantic City jail." --Wayne Barrett ... ident.html
 #166497  by Julius Seeker
 Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:49 am
This week on survivor...

Donald Trump now leads the pack with 24% of the vote, JEB (Since his name is an acronym, is it really necessary to call him Jeb Bush?) is second place with 13%, all others below 8%.

This is after his verbal attacks on veterans and schoolyard insults on the other candidates; even implying John McCain was not a war hero, but a poor soldier for getting captured. Who will be the first to be eliminated?

On the plus side, with all the crazy guys like Donald Trump, Jeb, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz being the most likely candidates, the possibility for Bernie Sanders winning the Presidency is automatic if he wins against Hillary.
 #166500  by Replay
 Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:12 am
The polls say something interesting:

If it's Sanders against any of the GOP candidates, polls predict Sanders wins.

If it's Hillary against any of the GOP candidates, it's an open election.

Yet Hillary is outpolling Sanders among Dems by at least 2 to 1, or so the polls say.

This either implies that polls are being fixed in some way or that the Democrats are picking in-party popularity over pure common sense. I don't think the Dem party bosses actually love Sanders' desire to clobber Wall Street. Remember that Hillary gets $400k+ paydays for Wall Street speaking gigs.

Oh, and Seek - as far as Trump saying crazy shit, I've been sampling his constituency on message boards. They LOVE him saying the stupidest shit alive, it's part of that particular zeitgeist. Trump's "he's a loser" in the campaign is the campaign equivalent of "you're fired" on the Apprentice - people are eating it up. His core audience is made up of people who hate the establishment and hate minorities both, which is a pretty big voting block in America, sad to say, to this day.