The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Greeks Rioting In Athens Over Austerity

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #166553  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:14 am

I called THAT at the beginning of this conversation - back when I predicted you'd say a bunch of stupid, potentially criminal shit, then pretend you were joking to cover it all up. Typical Kali M.O.
Last edited by Replay on Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #166554  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:15 am
Last edited by Replay on Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #166555  by kali o.
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:26 am
Sounds like you got it all figured out, and your legal file is successfully enlarged. Better hope I dont redact everything :)

Back on topic, Greece *was* supposed to be on its way out, but somehow, someone threw a wrench in that plan (so ya, I suppose I am not privy to every plan, so not a "top dog"). Its odd because Germany was supposed to ensure their exit. No one profits with Greece staying in the Euro at this fact, now money is lost. IMF will do its best to direct things back on track...but it is Euro interests causing this mess right now.

Does that change anything for investment? Not really, in fact prices may drop further as people try to remove funds while the € is still in play. Expect a longer hold time on property though and increased regional instability.
 #166556  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:43 am
That's a little better - but not the information I'm interested in, specifically. I'm much more interested in your statement that "most of the Shrine doesn't have to work anymore".

Hard to do without, say - a million in the bank? Apiece? That provides a nice middle-class income of $50k a year from investment income as a rule.

How about it, Shrine? Is he telling the truth? Did Kali make you all rich somehow to the tune of seven figures or so, when Oracle says he doesn't even know Kali's name?

Given that "most of the Shrine" as it stands given the sub-1-dozen readership this place has left is 5-10 people, that sounds like...well, one of your tall tales, Kal.

But hey, if you want me to pretend to throw a fit and get all upset so YOU can get what you think you want, just let me know on that.
Spoiler: show
Not beyond the capabilities of the Order - sure, it's of werewolves, whatever you want - but certainly more than I'd think they'd spend on this place.
Last edited by Replay on Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #166559  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:51 am
I find the most amusing thing about all of this to be your overall contingent's decision to have Varoufakis tried for "terrorism" as soon as he relinquished the powers of his office - though you're not high enough up to have been involved in that one, of course.
 #166561  by kali o.
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:59 am
Not a single person on tOWS has ever seen my face (truth) and even if they had, no one would admit it. The only name any of them has is a throwaway holding and brokerage. And it is actually 3-4 million a far, which is the right place for a steady income on high yield investments like private lending. For less, I would have to give them access to preferred trading...but sadly, even I am not allowed to provide that to outsiders.

I pretend to be know Oracle said I gave him a UO account at least...that would have my name. Yet you cant see that total deniabilty is in play here...sheesh, lol.

Anyway, when I have time, I will redact any info if needed. I could have brought you along with the fucked up bro. You are out.
 #166562  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:16 pm
I like this assumption that I wanted to be in. :)

You are not the first person to have offered me (or, in this case, said I was excluded from but implied that I could have been in had I just sucked up to him) corrupt wealth. I don't like my money to come soaked in other people's pain and hardship. Requires a lot of washing, and in all honesty the stain never comes off. That's something you really could never understand, Kali.

It is still a far step from "a UO account" to "I drenched an entire Internet forum in $25m of corrupt wealth", however. If you really have bestowed millions on everyone here simply for fawning over your personality, you are...well, I actually wouldn't be that surprised. A bizarre financial decision to be sure; but hey, now that it's been wrested from the hands of poor and renovicted's your money. :)
 #166563  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:18 pm
So it was Oracle who was playing it coy when he said he didn't know you from Adam, eh? You seem to be training a crop of little werewolves here very well.
 #166564  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:26 pm
Well - I'll tell you all about what information here I wanted/needed, contingent on Oracle or somebody else verifying your story.

That is because knowing you, the choices of "Kali dropped millions on the heads of anyone who would fawn over him" and "Kali has a longstanding joke with the forum to pretend he made them a bunch of money to try to get Replay's goat" seem roughly equivalent; so I hope you don't mind extending the terms of our little verbal contract to that.

Again, doesn't add up to me - Oracle seemed genuinely distressed about his friend's father's financial hardships and chances of becoming homeless. That's not an attitude people with three to four million in a brokerage account tend to take; even if it's all supposed to be very hush-hush.

So either you are lying, or he is - or possibly, he is so financially un-adept that he just relies on you for everything and doesn't know how to purchase Greek real estate outside of your connections.

In any case information given to deceive in either case isn't valid quid.

If we are to be civilized...well, the line "We are men of action, lies do not become us" is one I have always enjoyed. Surely you'll agree with that.
 #166565  by kali o.
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:35 pm
I find a few things funny - that you assume I gave money away (I profited. I simply empowered others with opportunities), that you think 25+ million is a lot of money ( and that you think people.just buy their friends family property.

No wonder you are confused.

Anyway, I caveat this all by explicitly stating, yet again, I am *never* serious...

Or am I? :D

Total deniability! [redacted]
 #166569  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:46 pm
kali o. wrote:I find a few things funny - that you assume I gave money away (I profited. I simply empowered others with opportunities), that you think 25+ million is a lot of money ( and that you think people.just buy their friends family property.

No wonder you are confused.
*eyeroll* Right, because rich and generous and compassionate people never invest in a property in a crisis, then let someone else in hardship live there. It's not done often; but it's done for family and close friends from time to time - applies to the situation here.

Maybe *you* haven't been around the kind of money that actually allows people to "just buy their friends' family property"? Or you're just not very compassionate with what you do have, even if you claim to have so much of it.
kali o. wrote:Anyway, I caveat this all by explicitly stating, yet again, I am *never* serious...

Or am I? :D

Total deniability! [redacted]
By all means continue to put in your plausible deniability needs. You have never done anything else.
Last edited by Replay on Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #166570  by kali o.
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:52 pm really have no idea who I am. Anything you think you know is because I exploited a dangerous flaw in your capacity. You think only what I want you think. I am manipulating you. Its not nice (what I am doing) but reasoning with you has failed.

I will repeat: Nothing in this thread I have said, including Greece, has been honest.

Yes, total deniability.
 #166572  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:14 pm
Whatever you say. I'm out of your multimillion-dollar investment pool that seems to magically require little to no entry capital, but it was all just a dream.

You run with that one.
Last edited by Replay on Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #166573  by kali o.
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:33 pm
You have no idea how investment really works. You seem to take your info from movies.

So here is an education...

Lets say I buy out dubious 2nd mortgages in the correct (or soon to be correct) zoning. I foreclose at the earliest opportunity, allow a holding company of mine to purchase and pay off the first in line financing on title. I likely take a small hit on the 2nd but its meaningless. My company then sells the properties to friends, for below market value but enough to recoup my costs (say 100k). Then my friends combine lots and use my other companies for a construction loan, dev, city consultation and trades, all at a discount and deferred. 12 months later, a muli family development is complete, my friends walk away with 20x their initial investment and I walk away with more. Not bad for a favor and hardly any risk.

Stop pretending to know stuff.
 #166576  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:44 pm
Oh, Lord. I know all about how renoviction-based real estate works, Kali.

You make the mistake of thinking that because I don't engage in them or approve of them, I don't understand them. I don't like them - for reasons of your "I foreclose at the earliest opportunity" type. You have been helping cause the homelessness crisis I have spent years of my life angrily speaking out against.

It is quite frankly not your ability to perform the style of renoviction-based real estate deals in question that I question in this - and yes, if you're working over a period of years, on speculative real estate, without due process on the evictions and with connections of the kind your employers have - yes, you can make 20,000% returns.

Your employers are rolling in dough. I'd imagine they've done it many times.

No - it's the notion that a bunch of people here at the Shrine all actually showed up to the table with $100k - then decided to entrust it to a shell holding company on the basis of an Internet friendship, sight-unseen - and suddenly everyone here who got involved came out with $2 million. It's hard for me to imagine many people here actually having that much to throw in an Internet investment in the first place, much less to entrust it to someone whose face they've never seen. But truth is stranger than fiction; it could have happened. Certainly people here seem to worship you enough that they'd override the usual common sense about handing over six figures of actually worked-for savings to a realtor from the Internet without a face.
 #166577  by Replay
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:53 pm
You seem to think I "know nothing" because I'm more used to analyzing the fund side of the picture than I am the real estate side. It was never your ability to bestow magical gifts of million-dollar insider deals that I questioned. Yes, I came up with the usual way hedge funds do it instead of real estate companies - because my expertise is financial macro in economics, not real estate micro. Still the same effect. You run over a few people and break a few minor rules, you make enough that nobody important cares about it (and anyone you've hurt doesn't have the financial power to be a threat) - then you quietly achieve impossible returns.

It's the ability of the rest of the community here to follow through on it that stretched credibility then, and still does now.
 #166578  by kali o.
 Fri Jul 31, 2015 5:36 pm are having trouble with the scenario because it only exists in your head (and movies).

First, renoviction is a term coined to evict tenants despite tenancy laws, in order to raise rent legally. Nothing to do with anything here. What happened in that example is lot assembly and development.

Second, no one here made a deal with "Kali O Inc", lol. Real estate deals involve agents, money in trust/escrow and lawyers. You are so out of your element here, it isnt funny.

Of course, all moot as I have told yoi 4 times, EVERYTHING I tell you is me lying.
 #166593  by Replay
 Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:23 am
kali o. wrote:First, renoviction is a term coined to evict tenants despite tenancy laws, in order to raise rent legally. Nothing to do with anything here. What happened in that example is lot assembly and development.
Yes, right. :) That's why you mentioned that the lot assembly and development happens right after you take the first opportunity to evict.

It's of course all legal...for the present. As was redlining. As were a lot of other things that hurt a lot of people very badly and made a lot of money for the bankers and realtors in question, once upon a time.

Within ten to twenty years, I'll bet that renovictions will be seen the same way as redlining: as a shameful remnant of a classist, xenophobic, profiteering ideology in real estate. You'll already have made your money and scuttled off to something else...but the people you've hurt will still be poor.

You well know that what you do isn't moral; you just don't care.
kali o. wrote:You are so out of your element here, it isnt funny.
You're a legend in your own mind, Kal. Tell us all more about how you've considered buying an island, and made millions for everyone here.
Last edited by Replay on Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #166594  by kali o.
 Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:39 am
Replay wrote: Yes, right. :) That's why you mentioned that the lot assembly and development happens right after you take the first opportunity to evict.
Eviction is typically referring to a tenant. You are trying to apply it, incorrectly, to a foreclosure process - which at best is based on a loose misunderstanding and connection to "displacement" (the previous owner must vacate). Once again, the term renoviction has NOTHING to do with a foreclosure, lot assembly or development.

Stop making yourself look silly.

Now, as for you getting what you wanted from this thread/PMs...glad to be of service and good for you. Gonna repeat it for a fifth time? ;)
 #166596  by Replay
 Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:01 pm
kali o. wrote:
Replay wrote: Yes, right. :) That's why you mentioned that the lot assembly and development happens right after you take the first opportunity to evict.
Eviction is typically referring to a tenant. You are trying to apply it, incorrectly, to a foreclosure process - which at best is based on a loose misunderstanding and connection to "displacement" (the previous owner must vacate). Once again, the term renoviction has NOTHING to do with a foreclosure, lot assembly or development.

Stop making yourself look silly.
To whom? No one else is still reading this.
Last edited by Replay on Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #166597  by Replay
 Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:04 pm
kali o. wrote:Of course, all moot as I have told yoi[sic] 4 times, EVERYTHING I tell you is me lying.
I used to own a garter snake. Cutest little creature. It would sit in its little house - and pop out its head and watch the world around it, looking for little fish in its water pool to eat.

When scared or frightened it would zip back into its hole at an astonishing speed.
Last edited by Replay on Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #166599  by Replay
 Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:29 pm
*shrug* I'm going to get back to printing out some screenshots of this thread. Have a good day, Kal.
 #166613  by Replay
 Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:04 am
Last edited by Replay on Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.