The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Personal Info Debate...and freemasons!

  • Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
Somehow, we still tolerate each other. Eventually this will be the only forum left.
 #166601  by Replay
 Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:50 pm
Last edited by kali o. on Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total. Reason: removed personal info as requested.
 #166603  by Shrinweck
 Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:23 pm
Edit: Thanks for removing.

Edit 2: Sorry I just wasn't comfortable with the thought of not posting here for 5 years and then having someone posting my name and professional information completely in the open. Even if it's publicly available, it doesn't mean it needs to be announced. Just didn't like the idea of a friends information posted like that.
Last edited by Shrinweck on Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
 #166605  by kali o.
 Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:14 pm
Shrinweck wrote:Edit: Thanks for removing.

Edit 2: Sorry I just wasn't comfortable with the thought of not posting here for 5 years and then having someone posting my name and professional information completely in the open. Even if it's publicly available, it doesn't mean it needs to be announced. Just didn't like the idea of a friends information posted like that.
No need to explain - it wasnt appropriate.
 #166606  by Replay
 Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:06 pm
Oh, Lord, kids. You had no issues with my personal information being posted here, as I recall.
 #166607  by Replay
 Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:09 pm
The information I posted is a matter of public record, made available to everyone by his choice. I didn't particularly think anyone here would abuse it; but hey - I'm all down for it being inappropriate to post personal info here. In fact I tried to push for that several years ago.

That means it has to be a blanket rule. Kali and Sine don't get to go post mine every time there's a fight.
 #166608  by kali o.
 Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:44 am
Don't be disingenuous.

- It was a different scope of info (incorrect to boot).
- You were here when it was posted.
- You were given the option to have it removed, but chose not to, apparently preferring to leave it for something to complain about.
- No one posts your info when there's a "fight".
 #166653  by Replay
 Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:16 pm
kali o. wrote: - You were given the option to have it removed, but chose not to, apparently preferring to leave it for something to complain about.
When did that happen? Please show me where I was ever given an option to have anything here removed.

I have asked this community several times to take down my personal information - as well as the thread in which a half dozen people here went off on me, falsely claiming that I was going to "blow something up" simply out of disrespect. That one actually goes past the boundaries of legitimate discussion into libel, dangerous to me and my career...if this site had an active membership of more than a dozen people anymore, I would have actually taken action.

None of it has been taken down yet.

But I don't want to pollute this thread further with I'll just wish Dyne a welcome back. You want to talk about this, let's do it somewhere else. :)
 #166654  by kali o.
 Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:00 pm
Oh don't worry. Dyne will check back in 6 years and forget he posted this.

So...for context, see: ... ed#p104674

Private message (26 Jan 2007 04:17 am)
kali o. wrote: Your personal info isn't linked, it's a pay-to-use site (which is silly because it's publically available for free at any Federal Records building). If it really bothers you that much, I'll clip the link out of Sine's post, if you ask me too.
Your reply (26 Jan 2007 04:21 am)
Nev wrote:fuck your arrogant face

Also, to be clear, you posted both your name and your proximity to Sherman Oaks (Tekken) plenty of times before, so nothing was new info. (Andrew Seidman/27/Sherman Oaks)

In any case, don't play fast and loose with history, the internet never forgets :D

As for the libel, just be aware (in my case at least), it is nothing of the sort. I believe you are very sick and could be a potential danger, to yourself or others. I do actually want you to get help...and I think it is pretty lame how little support western society provides for mental illness. I almost wish I stuck with my education so I could be proactive in that area.
 #166657  by Replay
 Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:55 pm
kali o. wrote:Also, to be clear, you posted both your name and your proximity to Sherman Oaks (Tekken) plenty of times before, so nothing was new info. (Andrew Seidman/27/Sherman Oaks)

In any case, don't play fast and loose with history, the internet never forgets :D
*eyeroll* How the hell am I supposed to review private messages sent eight years ago in an account I no longer have access to?

Convenient for you, isn't it?

Clearly you actually care about removing it all from the public record...since you just posted it again. Don't think I don't understand how deliberate that is; just another tactic in your long history of manipulation here. I asked Brendan SEVERAL times after all of this went down to delete various posts; he wouldn't give me the time of day.

It kills me that you two have this site only because of my generosity in the first place - and you continue to treat me the way you do. What's your point with it all? To remind people I was furious with you? Why shouldn't I have been angry?

You manipulated that entire situation with dishonesty and you know it; I've asked you to address the lies as well, and gotten nothing - specifically, painting me as a "fag-basher" when you knew then, and know now, that I was the one here who originally asked people to stop being homophobic and using gay-bashing slurs.

You then got yourself elected moderator here and enshrined the very slur I was trying to get taken down on the front page of this site, where it exists to this day.

I have screenshots of that too, just in case you decide to scrub it from the record and claim you never did it. As you said - the Internet never forgets, right?

Quite frankly, if the minor posts bothered me that much I would have already taken action. That being said, I don't love all of this - especially when you know my name because out of the goodness of my heart I shared my personal details with the community I founded, and repeat it every time you throw a tantrum - and I don't know yours.

Indeed nobody seems to but people you've can't decide whether or not you've already shared eviction profits with here - or if you're "just joking" about that too.

The post I care about, which you know well, and want taken down is the one in which multiple members of the community here said I would "blow something up" one day. You have essentially implied with your last sentence that you believe this is fully defensible free speech, regardless of the danger it represents to my own reputation.

If I ever want the Internet to "forget" I can just go to GoDaddy and take them my laundry list of complaints, noting that Brendan has completely stonewalled me whenever I've asked him to address it - IP piracy-related posts, personal information posts like the one you just made, again - and your recent "joke" about "having me killed".

Don't think that doesn't stay on my mind every time you assassinate my character or threaten worse, or hide psychopathy behind a series of "jokes" here.
kali o. wrote:As for the libel, just be aware (in my case at least), it is nothing of the sort. I believe you are very sick and could be a potential danger, to yourself or others. I do actually want you to get help...and I think it is pretty lame how little support western society provides for mental illness. I almost wish I stuck with my education so I could be proactive in that area.
There's a little caveat there you might want to be aware of - your "thinking it" doesn't make it valid or defensible in a legal sense. Seeing as how I haven't "blown anything up" in the five years since it was posted, and never will, I think you lose on that one, Kal. And you're not used to losing at anything, are you? But let's go with the idea that free speech is still at the core of North American ideology for a moment.

You don't know me and have never met me.

No one here has; though everyone is quite ready to use this site - which, much as I hate to remind everyone here, I did found, once upon a time - to judge me, or indeed to hate me.

You believe many things about me; I correspondingly believe that you are mentally unwell and an unbelievable danger to our world - a Freemason who hides his connections to wealth and power, who is willing to lie to get what he wants, who bribes others to befriend him or take his side, who engages in real estate hostile takeovers while evicting hundreds (thousands?) for his own profit, and who openly admits to a joy in manipulating the world.

I don't think you can feel things normal people feel. I believe you are unbelievably mentally ill, as well as literally verging on the psychopathic when you, yourself, lose your temper - again, as evidenced by the recent "joke" in which you said you could "have me killed". Will that disappear from the record if you decide it was a bad call after all?

I think you see most people you meet as most sociopaths do - as objects to be used - and I believe you think I'm "dangerous" because nobody else ever calls you out on the way you use manipulation, facelessness, and cruelty to manipulate and abuse those you dislike or don't care about.

But I'm a civilized person at heart as well...and I believe an end to our feud would be of benefit to this entire

Do you know I actually thought about giving you a chance again at civility, after that entire other thread? I'm still willing to...if you explain why you painted me as the homophobe here eight years ago in order to further manipulate public anger here against me; if you explain why you recently tried to claim I had no role in founding this community - in short, if you explain why you've been waging a persistent campaign here for a long time. What made you decide to lie about me and manipulate me that day? Do you simply have a pathological need to "win" so badly that an entire community must enshrine a slur on its opening page?

Doesn't that just make everyone here lose instead?
Last edited by Replay on Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 #166658  by Replay
 Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:55 pm
Do you see me the way you see the renters in apartments that Hudson Pacific Properties, your own employer, purchases - as a former tenant to be evicted for your own gain when it's convenient for you?

Like you - I wish I'd been more proactive in developing my own talents, so I could understand better why you are the way you are. I wish I could understand why you don't care who gets hurt on your way to the top; and why you have a joy in manipulation. Maybe you're not the terrible person I think you are; maybe I'm wrong about that.

But you're not likely to hear it from me unless you admit that you're wrong about me too.

Answer some of these questions in a way that makes sense to me and I'll be happy to leave you alone or work things out.

If not - we both have other options, don't we?
 #166659  by Replay
 Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:56 pm
Sorry walked back into a bit of a minefield.

There's a longstanding drama going on here; essentially my frustrations with Brendan and "Kali" over the way they continue to run the site I founded and gave to them keep bubbling over.
 #166661  by Replay
 Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:56 pm
Really, Kali - since people do keep coming back...

You decide - with Sine - what kind of a site you are running here.

Either it is the site it was founded as - meant to be a good place to be, where people could speak freely, have open discussions about gaming and life, and be treated with kindness...

...or it is a realtor/hedge funder's backyard playground, a little private dimension that shuns the light, where you can push real estate deals on land seized from the poor on others at bargain prices - a place where you can and do still say "homo" on the front of the page and claim Michael Richards wasn't a racist, yet accuse others of homophobia and racism in accusations of convenience out of spite - a place where you can "joke" about having me killed and say you can say anything you want, and yet accuse others of being a danger to society when that suits your needs too.

I don't think you were joking about your little joke at all. I made this place so people could have better lives, be happy, and speak freely about issues that interested them. If that's not what this is for me the civility of letting me know.
 #166663  by kali o.
 Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:02 pm
I just took a screenshot of all of that...I WILL SUE YOU FOR LIBEL!!


Lol. Am I doing that right? Mental illness is no excuse for missing the hypocrisy but if you were just hoping to get a reaction outta me, realize what it means when I don't care :)

It was *you* who once again made a random thread all about *you* (something you do a lot). I was simply clarifying your personal distortion of victimization (something you also do alot). That is why I linked you to the thread and found the PM. Reality does not conform to your is it reality that is wrong or your recollection? Its a shame you dont remember that PM response though - it was the most awesome and funny PM you ever sent!

For clarity, I would not delete a thread/post on your request. Nor will I go back to purge things you no longer like. The offer way back then was a one time deal, since you were making an issue of it at the time and threatened to leave. Obviously, we were all not fully aware of your illness, so it was reasonable to reach out and compromise.

I have no beef with you, for the record. I think you are awesome and hope you are healthy again one day. Seriously.
 #166666  by Replay
 Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:17 am
kali o. wrote:I just took a screenshot of all of that...I WILL SUE YOU FOR LIBEL!!


Lol. Am I doing that right? Mental illness is no excuse for missing the hypocrisy but if you were just hoping to get a reaction outta me, realize what it means when I don't care :)
You make your living evicting people, which you are proud of. I know a good many people who would consider you to be sicker and worse for society than I promise that I could ever be.

For what it's worth - I did think about your backhanded "you're out" comment, about all the money you say I could have made being part of your special-friends club. I really did think of all the good I could have done with such power; including the power to help the many homeless people I meet on the streets - many, even most young, many abandoned, many kicked out of homes - one girl working, and still homeless because she wasn't paid enough to live. In the end - even had I tried, I don't think I could have lived with myself to do so...I couldn't put up with the steamroll-the-weak tactics at the hedge fund I worked at either. I don't like the money I make to come from other people's hardship.

Maybe that makes me even more "mentally ill" in society's eyes, these days. I wish society wasn't that way, frankly.
kali o. wrote:IIt was *you* who once again made a random thread all about *you* (something you do a lot). I was simply clarifying your personal distortion of victimization (something you also do alot).
If you'd left it alone I would have as well. All I did was post two public pages Kupek himself had seen to make public - meaning nothing untoward or inappropriate at all, just the chance to put people in touch with someone they might have considered a friend. I promise I won't make that mistake again!
kali o. wrote:For clarity, I would not delete a thread/post on your request. Nor will I go back to purge things you no longer like. The offer way back then was a one time deal, since you were making an issue of it at the time and threatened to leave. Obviously, we were all not fully aware of your illness, so it was reasonable to reach out and compromise.
And now it isn't? Now I'm not even worthy of the same respect level you gave me eight years ago, despite my own many attempts to reconcile with the community here? You'll just leave up the most hateful shit alive said about me for an eternity because you're now "fully aware of my illness"?

Quite an odd position, that - particularly for someone who claims to have studied psychiatry. I wonder what part of you thinks allowing the kind of vicious, untrue things said about me on the thread I'm talking about to persist is good for the mind.

If that's the way you'd treat psychiatric patients, it's a good thing you abandoned your studies. I haven't met one psychiatrist who would think it is therapeutic to put the abuse on me that this community put on me there.
kali o. wrote:I have no beef with you, for the record. I think you are awesome and hope you are healthy again one day. Seriously.
Really - what would that entail to you? :)

I have no idea how to change myself to become "healthy" in the eyes of a community with a front page that has for eight years proudly made a girls-wrestling-in-Jello joke and a homophobic football joke - a community that still thinks pirating content others work hard on without paying for it is some sort of noble deed - a community that you claim may or may not have dived headfirst into real estate speculation in Greece, after all that country is suffering right now, with you, after your "let's speculate a sinking ship" against "those miserable Greeks" pitch. It feels like I say anything about everyone in the world needing to be less bad to each other, to support less war, to be less greedy, to make a living making things again, instead of taking - that's "crazy" to some of you.

But okay, I'm openminded - tell me what I have to do to be "sane" to you again.

I should be nice and pleasant at all times - never make a peep or cry at injustices I see taking place here and elsewhere, or the people being hurt in the process of any of it? Is that it?

Tell me what I have to do.
 #166667  by Replay
 Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:40 am
I'm quite sure part of it will be "don't be so critical of everyone here". Fine, I'm down for that.

I'd like the favor to be returned in kind if so, however. A lot of incredibly hateful stuff has been said about me here over the years since 2008 without any regard to whether or not it's true; much of the time I don't feel I'm considered worthy of basic human rights or respect to many of you any more.
 #166668  by kali o.
 Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:07 am
Limited quotes/replies:
Replay wrote:All I did was post two public pages Kupek himself had seen to make public - meaning nothing untoward or inappropriate at all, just the chance to put people in touch with someone they might have considered a friend. I promise I won't make that mistake again!
No one suspected you had any malice. One person thought it wasn't appropriate, I agreed and that was that (until you, as usual, came back to make it more than it was and all about *you*).
Replay wrote:But okay, I'm openminded - tell me what I have to do to be "sane" to you again.
Understand and *believe* anything you think you know about me is wrong, caused by me intentionally manipulating you recently (only recently) via obvious faults in your thinking process. Originally, this manipulation was intended to be "revealed" to you after to highlight your issues. But I quickly saw it wouldn't matter once you believed whatever I led you to believe...I was just digging you deeper and that isn't funny, it's just mean.

Beyond that, talk more with folks in real life (NOT ONLINE) about some of your ideas. Get their perspective. Talk to a doctor. Stop taking things personally, as well, things are rarely actually all about *you*.
Replay wrote:I should be nice and pleasant at all times - never make a peep or cry at injustices I see taking place here and elsewhere, or the people being hurt in the process of any of it?

No injustices here, though I understand *you* see it everywhere. All you will actually find here is just old friends chatting, having a laugh and occasionally remembering to talk about videogames. Your place in that is up to you...if you choose to be the resident drama queen, I am personally OK with that and accept you in that role.

Now, that said, would you like to:
a) Consider what I said
b) Ignore it all
c) Have a debate as to whether Kupek's contact info at work was appropriate
d) none of the above
e) all of the above---wait, what
 #166673  by Replay
 Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:55 pm
kali o. wrote:Understand and *believe* anything you think you know about me is wrong, caused by me intentionally manipulating you recently (only recently) via obvious faults in your thinking process. Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:07 am
I'd imagine a great deal of what everyone knows here about you is wrong, Kali. :) It isn't in your nature to allow people here or anywhere to actually know who you are. As you, yourself, said...
kali o. wrote:You must know no one of consequence if you are unaware total deniability is the modus operandi at all times and at all levels. Tsk tsk ;) Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:10 am
 #166675  by Replay
 Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:30 pm

I'm tired of the beef. That much I am not joking about.

Let's find a way to coexist without locking horns every other fucking week.
 #166681  by kali o.
 Sun Aug 16, 2015 3:03 am
No bull. Time for us to stop being cattle and send our issues to pasture.

*waits for Bovine to show up in this thread*

Err..sorry for the tangent. I had cow on the brain...that was weird. Where was I? Oh ya, you chose "b", fair enough. To be fair, I am never fighting you. I do engage you...there is a difference. I wish our interactions were more amusing to kind of feels a little played out at this point.

Let's work on being more entertaining, at least. Civility is fine too, but that requires some changes I do not think you (or I) are ready to make.
 #166686  by Oracle
 Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:51 pm
kali o. wrote:I do engage you...there is a difference. I wish our interactions were more amusing to kind of feels a little played out at this point.

No, really!? :D
 #166729  by kali o.
 Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:24 am
Well this went nowhere fun. Oh well.

Today I adopted the abandoned cat of a tenant I essentially evicted through rent hikes that exceeded their welfare. I am not heartless. In fact, that makes me a good person.

I was going to the shelter to check out cats every few weeks before anyway, so I kinda figured it was fate. It's a cute black cat, it deserves a good home.