Just a few observations, and I mean the younger millennial in particular, born about 1990-93or later. I previously thought there wasn't much of a generation gap any longer. But I am noticing some huge differences with the younger millennial generation.
1. Maturity - while the younger millennials are much better behaved in some respects, in terms of actual maturity, a lot of them haven't really grown up. A large amount of them have never had a relationship of any sort before, have never had a drink or smoked a joint, and seem to be hestitant to go out to parties or bars. I can't help but to see guys in their mid 20s as being still kind of children. I was out on my own by age 17, and I don't think anyone gen x would dream of living with their parents after 18 or 19, but a lot of younger millennials live with their parents until up to 25 (so far)
2. Childhood experience - people born later often did not go biking around everywhere. They spent almost all their time inside under their helicopter mom's watchful eye. So it's weird telling stories and hearing "you were crazy as a kid."
3. Fashion sense, almost none of the younger millennials wear proper shoes. It's cheap sneakers, ugly sandals (often with socks), and slippers. Now, it might actually be that the gen-x obsession with nice shoes is the anomaly, but the boomers had it too. But it's not limited to shoes. It's shirts and pants as well where Old Navy bargain style of the month is Millennial premium.
4. Might just be my perception or Canadian culture, but a large number of gen Xers came from broken families, lots of us with entitled fathers or mothers; something like a 60% divorce rats. with millennials, it seems many more of them had both parents - not a commentary on millennial habits so much as experience differences.
1. Maturity - while the younger millennials are much better behaved in some respects, in terms of actual maturity, a lot of them haven't really grown up. A large amount of them have never had a relationship of any sort before, have never had a drink or smoked a joint, and seem to be hestitant to go out to parties or bars. I can't help but to see guys in their mid 20s as being still kind of children. I was out on my own by age 17, and I don't think anyone gen x would dream of living with their parents after 18 or 19, but a lot of younger millennials live with their parents until up to 25 (so far)
2. Childhood experience - people born later often did not go biking around everywhere. They spent almost all their time inside under their helicopter mom's watchful eye. So it's weird telling stories and hearing "you were crazy as a kid."
3. Fashion sense, almost none of the younger millennials wear proper shoes. It's cheap sneakers, ugly sandals (often with socks), and slippers. Now, it might actually be that the gen-x obsession with nice shoes is the anomaly, but the boomers had it too. But it's not limited to shoes. It's shirts and pants as well where Old Navy bargain style of the month is Millennial premium.
4. Might just be my perception or Canadian culture, but a large number of gen Xers came from broken families, lots of us with entitled fathers or mothers; something like a 60% divorce rats. with millennials, it seems many more of them had both parents - not a commentary on millennial habits so much as experience differences.
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