<div style='font: 12pt Baskerville; text-align: left; '><i>...or we might not have gotten anything. 2D, while far from a dying format, has definitely become a niche format. Castlevania didn't prove them wrong, it was just a bump in the road. A hiccup created by a major developer with an itch to scratch. The GBA, due to its architecture, provides a home for 2D.
The PS2, Gamecube and X-Box are not 2D systems, I don't care how much RAM they have. It'd probably be much more costly to produce a 2D game on those systems than a 3D game because of how they are built. 3D has reached and has probably already gone far beyond the mass saturation point, and the systems reflect that. 2D on the major consoles will be even rarer in the next gen because of this...only really big franchises (or rather big developers with the chutzpah and moolah, like Capcom or Konami, to hold tradition higher than money) will see 2D versions beyond the PlayStation. If not for the GBA, I doubt Castlevania: CotM would have even been made...unless it was 3D.
The majority will seek 2D dollars on the GBA or GBC. It is still a business remember. 2D will go on because Nintendo wants it to, and who can blame them? They're raking it in. And by keeping the GBA primarily 2D, they get more games that will be unique on GBA in terms of visuals and play mechanics. They'll get hardcore 2D fanatics AND they'll get the nuts that have to own every version of Tony Hawk or Madden or Castlevania. By the time a new Game Boy comes out, 2D will be completely dead as it will be a completely 3D system and I doubt even Capcom will be making 2D games by then.
But will we even care by then? I doubt it. Even at this I point I think what they're doing in 3D is as beautiful and colorful and tight as 2D. And the generation after this one will be even more powerful...where the imagination of the developer is the only limit on what can be displayed. I'll embrace that future as strongly as I embraced Super Mario Bros, Sonic, Metroid and Street Fighter...because let's all admit it, none of us think about this shit when we're really into the game, do we?</i></div>
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