<div style='font: 12pt Baskerville; text-align: left; '>...<i>they didn't feel like Final Fantasy characters to me. They just looked like normal people...nothing made them stand out. I've felt the same about the few FFXI screens I've seen. It does look like a typical PC medievil RPG. The characters have always been a major draw for the Final Fantasy games (or any console RPG for that matter), and how they look plays a major role. Locke's headband, Cecil's armor, Zell's tattoo's...things that made them stand out beyond their personalities...when you think about FFIV through FFIX probably the first images that come to mind are the characters. With an online RPG, all that is kind of taken away...unique characters are replaced by generated ones using pre-determined imagery. Something that has made the series what it is will be taken away...I doubt I'll buy or even play FFXI, just like I never even considered getting Phantasy Star Online. They're simply not the same. I don't really care for MMORPG's, the only one I might ever consider playing is the Star Wars one that's coming out, but that's different (I don't know why, but it is...I must become a Jedi).
...there's probably a lot more to this argument than I've touched on here between the different styles of RPG's, but I can't really construct my thoughts on the matter at the moment. Maybe this thread will last long enough to hash out my thoughts...and who knows, maybe I'll love FFXI...maybe it will feel like a Final Fantasy game...we'll all just have to wait and see, but I'm pretty sure I'll like FFX more and hope FFXII gets things back to the same old shit that I enjoy so much...</i></div>
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