<div style='font: 12pt Baskerville; text-align: left; '>...<i><big>there is no reason for this other than to pander to the under 12 market that they already own. When are they going to get it? They don't need every godamn game they make be this sanitary kiddie looking shit. They're just guaranteeing that they finish a distant second to Sony rather than making a real push to challenge them. Hell, maybe they don't even want to take on Sony and are happy being the "lunchbox" system.
I won't be buying this Zelda if the graphics are like that, no matter how good it plays. Yes, graphics matter, they matter a lot; don't kid yourselves. It looks worse than an N64 game. It's a fucking insult and I'd be fucking embarrassed if I was seen playing it. Don't they realize that all the players that loved the original Zelda and all the sequels are now in their late teens and twenties? Don't they realize that we're the major demographic they should be trying to reach?
I'll make my point by not spending my money on their games. I seriously doubt I'll even be buying a GameCube now since Nintendo has made it pretty clear that they don't WANT someone my age to buy one. I wish Rare was a fucking free agent developer and not stuck with Nintendo...that's what really bites since they make some really great games and they understand that we've all grown up since the days we owned our NES's. Nintendo doesn't get that. Isn't Pokemon enough? That's the entire 12 year old demographic in their pocket right there! They don't need to make the other franchises fall in there, they need those franchises to grow up...next week we'll have screenshots of Samus planting flowers and getting ready for her "dream date"...they can get the under 12 female gamers with that one...
...it's just fucking frustrating sometimes when you get really excited about something and it gets flushed down the toilet. Those screens they released last year of Link and Gannon were awesome...it was just what I wanted; an expansion of the tone Ocarina of Time set. No more little Link, which was the most boring part of OoT in my opinion...but now we get this half-assed 1980's saturday morning cartoon looking shit that will do nothing for the GameCube...nothing...it won't show off it's power and it won't draw in older gamers which Nintendo needs desperately...I guess they like second place now. I was really excited about GameCube and Nintendo pulled the carpet out from under me again, just like the carts on N64...I'll probably get my GameCube about 3 or 4 years into it's cycle just like I did with N64...
...I really didn't think they could screw up this time...oh well...</big></i></div>
"My Pain is God's Love"
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