<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>The voice acting samples were pretty respectable I think. Tidus sounds pretty generic but so was his Japanese counterpart... in fact everyone has pretty generic voice actors.
I kind of like Rikku, Auron, and Wakka's VAs, which happens to be the people I like from the game. Probably going to have Tidus in the party just because he's the main character. Intend not to use Yuna not because I don't like her (well, she can't dance to save her life), but she's incredibly cheap with her summons. I mean yeah, like FF8 eventually straight melee beats out summons, but not for a good while.
Zanarkland and the boss battle theme they've at the shockwave intro is pretty darn good, but those are two of the only good tracks in the game. Enjoy the Zanarkland theme, because you're going to hear it and its 10 different variations throughout the game.</div>
I kind of like Rikku, Auron, and Wakka's VAs, which happens to be the people I like from the game. Probably going to have Tidus in the party just because he's the main character. Intend not to use Yuna not because I don't like her (well, she can't dance to save her life), but she's incredibly cheap with her summons. I mean yeah, like FF8 eventually straight melee beats out summons, but not for a good while.
Zanarkland and the boss battle theme they've at the shockwave intro is pretty darn good, but those are two of the only good tracks in the game. Enjoy the Zanarkland theme, because you're going to hear it and its 10 different variations throughout the game.</div>