<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>For those of you who have played the game, I'm currently at the Dragoon Fort inside Mount Pyre. I have 11 characters total, can't remember them all now.
Wow, really damned good so far. It started out strong and hasn't let up. One of the things that first caught my eye is not only how nice the graphics are (this is a PSX game, not a PS2, 'Box, or 'Cube game) but how they're used as well. Yes, they use pre-rendered backgrounds, but it looks like they blur them on purpose so the difference between the in-game graphics and the backgrounds is negligible. Brilliant, although sometimes irritating. Another thing is the character and personality they bring to the characters through their actions. Right in the beginning of the game, we see Serge get up and stretch before getting out of bed. We see Harle how she prances across the screen, her movements unlike any others in the game. These are little things, but it's the little things that separate the good games from the great ones.
I also like the changes to the battle system. Still haven't gotten the full impact of the field effect down (mainly because I've been given shit in the way of Elements up to this point; only a few good ones here and there), but it's a lot more interesting and strategic than the basic ATB we've seen for years. Although, the Weak, Medium, Fierce attack system is a nice change, I don't think it's much better than the standard attacks we've seen for years. After a while, the Xenogears system - which is VERY similar minus deathblows - got to be just a chore and this isn't too far behind. Really, the Weak attack is useless aside from building up the hit % for the others and the game punishes you if don't alter the pattern. It just makes it a chore to play 'cause you're constantly changing your pattern for the SOLE reason of not being punished. It does add a bit of strategy to the fighting but as Xenogears showed, it's more work than it's worth. The way the Elements are used is brilliant, though, as are the addition of a Stamina meter. It's much more of a juggling act and the battle system as a whole ends up being very good, a very nich change to the old-school systems.
One area where Chrono Cross is already among the top RPGs of all time is music. Not since Panzer Saga have I actually sat back and said "Wow, the music in basically every area in this game rules". Definetely one of the best I've ever heard. My cousin has the entire soundtrack on disc and we listen to it in his car. It sounds great even there, especially as background music to converstaion. Simply amazing.
Chrono Trigger was a brilliant game, one of the best of all time, so this game has a great deal to live up to. So far, the game has been up to the task and is shaping up to be a worthy sequel. I just hope it doesn't suffer from FF7-itis</div>
Wow, really damned good so far. It started out strong and hasn't let up. One of the things that first caught my eye is not only how nice the graphics are (this is a PSX game, not a PS2, 'Box, or 'Cube game) but how they're used as well. Yes, they use pre-rendered backgrounds, but it looks like they blur them on purpose so the difference between the in-game graphics and the backgrounds is negligible. Brilliant, although sometimes irritating. Another thing is the character and personality they bring to the characters through their actions. Right in the beginning of the game, we see Serge get up and stretch before getting out of bed. We see Harle how she prances across the screen, her movements unlike any others in the game. These are little things, but it's the little things that separate the good games from the great ones.
I also like the changes to the battle system. Still haven't gotten the full impact of the field effect down (mainly because I've been given shit in the way of Elements up to this point; only a few good ones here and there), but it's a lot more interesting and strategic than the basic ATB we've seen for years. Although, the Weak, Medium, Fierce attack system is a nice change, I don't think it's much better than the standard attacks we've seen for years. After a while, the Xenogears system - which is VERY similar minus deathblows - got to be just a chore and this isn't too far behind. Really, the Weak attack is useless aside from building up the hit % for the others and the game punishes you if don't alter the pattern. It just makes it a chore to play 'cause you're constantly changing your pattern for the SOLE reason of not being punished. It does add a bit of strategy to the fighting but as Xenogears showed, it's more work than it's worth. The way the Elements are used is brilliant, though, as are the addition of a Stamina meter. It's much more of a juggling act and the battle system as a whole ends up being very good, a very nich change to the old-school systems.
One area where Chrono Cross is already among the top RPGs of all time is music. Not since Panzer Saga have I actually sat back and said "Wow, the music in basically every area in this game rules". Definetely one of the best I've ever heard. My cousin has the entire soundtrack on disc and we listen to it in his car. It sounds great even there, especially as background music to converstaion. Simply amazing.
Chrono Trigger was a brilliant game, one of the best of all time, so this game has a great deal to live up to. So far, the game has been up to the task and is shaping up to be a worthy sequel. I just hope it doesn't suffer from FF7-itis</div>
<center> <i> <b> I apologize profusely for all of my actions over my 3+ year tenure at The Otherworlds Shrine. I now understand that I was completely wrong in all of my beliefs, opinions, and actions and that I insulted everyone and their mother with every word I spoke, intentionally or not. I know that nothing I say will ever be enough to overcome such atrocities, but I promise I will change for the better. I humbly ask for all of your help during this trying time, although I know I am not worthy at all. Thank you for your patience and understanding and I hope I can learn from all of your expertise in helping not only get back on the right path of life, but also avoid any possibility of every going back onto the wrong one </center> </i> </b>