<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>I already had Gradius 3 and 4 from a month ago (very cheap :-), and I've played that, ZoE, and MGS2 demo. Now, Gradius isn't gonna factor into this equation, but with ZoE and MGS2, I was actually a bit disappointed with the graphics. After seeing Halo, Gunvalkyrie ( a LOT like ZoE), Rogue Leader, and Resident Evil, I was just expecting the PS2 to be MUCH better graphically speaking (please note, we are speaking about graphics only here; there is no discussion regarding which system is better or which has better games, just graphics). It's basically Dreamcast level stuff. Not that the DC had bad graphics; in fact it had quite excellent graphics. But we're talking about the next generation now. What I want to know is, is it the games I've played so far? What games show off the capabilities of the system better?
Before some of you even get started, remember how I've been saying all along that the PS2 has easily the best games out there and that I actually went out and bought the system. For everyone who thinks I'm trying to pull a Seeker here, I've had the GC for 2 weeks and the PS2 for 1 day and I already own more games for the PS2.......</div>
Before some of you even get started, remember how I've been saying all along that the PS2 has easily the best games out there and that I actually went out and bought the system. For everyone who thinks I'm trying to pull a Seeker here, I've had the GC for 2 weeks and the PS2 for 1 day and I already own more games for the PS2.......</div>
I was there on that fateful day, were you?