<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>I can tell you how to do those. Basically you jump (Y), drop the bat (NOT throw it down) in midair (Z), then time a spike attack (depends on character, for instance Mario is fwd+A) so that the bat hits the bag first for damage then you spike it down to kill the momentum and add more damage. Then jump, drop bat, repeat until the time runs out.
They are HARD AS HELL and the way the FAQ writers do them is even harder - they do one combo with a fast fall after the spike (hold down during the fall), land with an L-cancel (L as soon as you hit the ground which removes your recovery time), then jump again quickly and press Z to catch the bat in midair just as it's on it's way down from bouncing off the bag the first time, then IMMEDIATELY drop it with Z again and start the combo over again. So the sequence of moves for say Mario would be Y, Z, fwd+A, down, L, Y, Z, Z, fwd+A, down, L, Y, Z, Z, fwd+A, etc and etc. If you can do it it's amazing, doing it the way I said in the first paragraph with Mario I can do three bat drops and two Capes, the Mario movie I think has five bat drops and three capes which is like 70% more damage. But each sequence is so fast it's just fucking impossible. No one could ever do those except Koreans on speed or robots programmed by Nintendo, or really good players.
I can do SOME bat drop combos with SOME of the characters, they work great, but I had to find them out myself because the FAQs are just ungodly in difficulty. The only FAQ strategy I used and cheated with was the Ice Climbers... (guilty)
It is cool as hell to get one though. You should try it.</div>