<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>Head east of Provoka through the mountains for a short time. You will see a port to the North, head towards it and pass it and keep heading North until you get to the tip of the long peninsula (about 2 screen's I think) and then just walk back and forth at the very northern peak. You will fight enemies that you won't be fighting until normally after you have defeated Kary. They are weak against Fire magic, Frost Wolves die from one hit from Fir2, all of the others from 2 or 3. The only problem is that these enemies if you don't get them in a turn or two things can become very bad. The rewards are great though, you get as much gold and experience from one battle as you would from about 20 battles fighting Ogre's and creep's around Elf village. Still, it will be absolutely impossible to defeat these enemies without fir2 spell, so fight Ogres and stuff until you have enough money to get the spell for a few of your Black mages, also stock up on tents, they'll come in very handy. VERY handy. If you are playing by emulator, save state becomes important, if not, just save by using Tents or cabins.</div>
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