<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>FF9 is what the next gen FF games SHOULD be like. It basically takes the best parts of the pre-PSX FF games (known as the "good" FF games) , adds an excellent (and classic) storyline, enhances so many of the characters of FF games of the past, and brings it all together into an excellent next gen package. I love how they made each of the summon spells into a real character, how they actually took us back to the days of the class system (still the best IMO), and really took the idea of the summoner and built a very compelling story around it. Maybe it's just me, but I really love the whole "fantasy" aspect of it. I loved the more anime and sci-fi story of Xenogears too. I guess it's nostalgia too. FF9 truly is a nice wrap-up to the traditional FF games. I can basically ignore FF7 now (haven't played FF8, but from what the vast majority say, I'm not exactly itching to play it either) and consider FF9 the true sequel to FF6. If that was the case, the series wouldn't have lost it's luster to me and there still wouldn't be a disappointing game in the series, putting it up there with Metroid, Zelda, Mario, Chrono Trigger/Cross, and Phantasy Star as the only series' without a bad game in them (I liked PS3...). Of course there are other amazing series' (Castlevania and Mega Man to name a couple), but those are the only ones I can think of that didn't have a dog in them. I regress. FF9 is the sequel FF6 should have had. Other than the ridiculous amounts of random attacks, particularly in towns and areas I'm supposed to be exploring, EPSECIALLY on disc 3, I can't find a fault in this game. I absolutely adore it. I love the Active Time Event, i think it does wonders to the storyline. I love the fact that certain, lost character classes and copycat characters are in the game, like Freya the Dragoon (I love that Jump ability), Zidane the Thief (I always liked Locke, too), and Aramant's Toss ability (Shadow is still one of the coolest FF characters ever). Of course, Cid is back (and so are the original 4 bosses from the fiirst game, from what I hear). Kuya is the frst FF (and Square) enemies that made me hate him since Kefka. Did I mention the balance is back now tha the class system is back in full force? 'Bout freakin' time. Certain areas can even get a little difficult and require some work on your part; it's been forever since i ran into and RPG like that! Also, the soundtrack is great. And like the Lunar games, this one seems to inject a little bit of heart back into the series, something only Cross has had in the PSX RPGs (other than the Lunar remakes, of course). I'm not quite finished yet (just about to enter Ispen Castle on disc 3, about 23 hours in) but it's gonna take an ending of Matrix-like proportions to degrade my opinion of this game. It's right up there with FF4 and Phantasy Star 2 in terms of all time RPGs for me and depending on how strong it ends, it might be close to CT, CC, FF6, and PDS (those are the RPGs to which I compare all others). It's really unfortunate that the random battles make exploring a real pain in the ass and turns it into a chore, even in towns. That major sore spot is what's keeping this one from being one of the top 5 of all time......</div>
I was there on that fateful day, were you?