<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>They released a Biohazard 'Cube set in Japan for cryin' out loud, since when have they accepted a third party like that? As well, Capcom has developed the last 3 Zelda gameboy games (Seasons, Ages, and Link to the Past/Four Swords). They and Konami have a joint development house (Mobile 21). They're partially funding Final Fantasy Chronicles. Speaking of that, they were able to get Square back, guess that means they're still screwing the third parties. They dropped their prices on the 'Cube royalties to basically match Sony's. Not to mention the $1.5M in advertising they're putting towards Soul Calibur here in North America.
Really, it's not a matter of NIntendo screwing the third parties anymore. It hasn't been that was since about 2000. That's just the Nintendo-bashers talking. Just because the third party games aren't doin' well in Japan (they're still doin' fine here) don't mean Nintendo's still up to their old tricks.</div>
I was there on that fateful day, were you?