<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>People who try to fight stuff that's more than 4 levels higher, especially casters. If you didn't already know, in WoW any NPCs that's more than 4 levels higher than you is, for all practical purposes, completely immune to any spells you cast on them. What irriates me is that these are the people who think they are good, and it's even worse when they ARE good. In my own guild I heard stories of 2 warlocks who managed to stare down an elite mob 5 levels higher than they are after a 3 hour standoff, and I know both of those guys are good players. They're also stupid to even think about a thing like that. The game is designed so that anything 4+ than you is meant to be unkillable by you. If you can kill one it's either because someone else did it for you, or you found some exploit. While melee don't get hurt as much (melee is reduced to about 20% as opposed to 0% in case of spellcasting) it is still extremely unlikely you'd ever be able to kill anything while doing 20% or less of your normal damage without a ridiculous amount of healing support (relative to the encounter).
I'll take any medicore no good BNet whatever on the street that can at least do normal damage to what I'm fighting than the best caster that can't possibly land any spells on what I'm fighting. I really can't imagine what illusion of grandeur can compel people to believe they're actually useful when spells literally get resisted 100% just by game mechanics.</div>
I'll take any medicore no good BNet whatever on the street that can at least do normal damage to what I'm fighting than the best caster that can't possibly land any spells on what I'm fighting. I really can't imagine what illusion of grandeur can compel people to believe they're actually useful when spells literally get resisted 100% just by game mechanics.</div>