<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>Even though she sounds drunk and sounds like she's singing about getting hammered she sucks. Now I don't know if this is hippocritical or not, but I've become, and a few other friends of mine, a huge fan of Vanessa Carlton. Why? CAUSE SHE'S FUCKING GORGEOUS! Not only that but she can sing and play the piano, hell if she were black we could call her the nicer version of Alica Keyes. So I hate one anti-britney girl and score on another. Well, I could through Michelle Branch in there too cause damn she's just as beautiful as Vanessa if not slightly less. So basically you've got two girls who are going the opposite direction as Britney then you've got Averil who sings horribly, looks like my brother's whorish girlfriend who is fucked in the head beyond comparison cause my brother has some weird way of playing with their brains, and I believe she's from canada if that makes it any worse. So, score 2 for 3 for the anti-britney's.</div>
"An old man dies, a young girl lives, fair trade." - Bruce Willis from Sin City.